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Everything posted by Bubbajbi

  1. Sorry, no pics. But I do know how to mount it. Mine was in the left side saddlebag. Remove the bottom front bolt and buy a longer one at the hardware store. Bolt the bracket to this bolt hole and run the wire through the hole on the side of the bag. I hope this is what you were talking about.
  2. Those really look good. Keep us updated on how the coating holds up. If it seems durable enough, I might just go with the BUB exhaust.
  3. Try an antique store. :rotf::rotf:
  4. Does anybody have these on their bike? If so would you please post some pictures? I would like to see what they look like on the bike before I buy some. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=7&manufacturer_ID=165&product_ID=3153&model_ID=42&query=Model_42%20chrome Thanks, Bubba
  5. You Jerk!!! Just kidding.
  6. Cool. I like the look of the antenna on the back also I just didn't want to move it every time I took the trunk on/off. Now you know the rule, Kurt: YOU HAVE TO POST PICS!!!
  7. Probably ignition switch. I have a '99 and at only 26k miles, I am already having trouble with the ignition switch. It is kind of a pain in the butt to get off.
  8. Hey Vic, I have the Zumo 550 and am VERY satisfied. It has the MP3 player, sattellite radio, and it will also store pics. It is designed to be used on a motorcycle so you will have no trouble with the touch screen if you are wearing gloves. The unit comes with two docks: one specifically for the bike and one for your car. The really convenient thing is that the car dock is easy to take with you from car to car in case you are using a rental car. The motorcycle dock locks the unit in so it is hard to steal. It is really easy to mount and is adjustable to almost any position. I have always used my Ipod for music and it was hard to change songs with gloves on. Now I just load my music on to an 2gig SD card and plug it into the GPS and it plays my music through the stereo. And it is much easier to change songs while under way with the large touchscreen display. If you want to take a look at it, let me know and maybe we could get together on a Sunday afternoon. I am considering buying my Dad one for Christmas. I hope this helps, Brent:080402gudl_prv:
  9. Thats the thing about those old GM small blocks: They will run forever! And they are bullet-proof. I bought a 72 chevelle with a 350 that had 4 flat lobes on the cam. It was the original engine and had sat for 20 years in a junkyard. I pulled apart the top end, put a new cam and intake and had the heads redone. I put on a q-jet and a set of hooker headers. That thing ran like a champ and didn't stop untill it blew a head gasket. I tore it all apart and used the same block and crank and bored it 0.030 over and put some flat top 10;1 pistons in it and a street strip Lunati cam with some Dart 202 heads and a performer 750 carb and was putting out 375 ponys. That thing is still running according to her new owner after 100k+ miles. Those were great engines.
  10. I have heard that FEDEX will do it for a reasonable price and you only drop it off and pick it up. They pack and ship it and it is waiting when you get there. A guy I work with did it and he said it was truly "no hastle" shipping.
  11. I also think that part of the problem is the misinterpretation of the word prosperity. I am by no means a fiscally rich man. I make enough money to support my family and live comfortably. However, I do consider myself prosperous. I have a beautiful wife and son who love me, a great job that allows me to be home with them 3-4 days a week, a roof over my head, and food on the table (and a loyal dog). Sure I could take a second job on my days off and make a great deal more money, but then what becomes of my relationship with my family? Our society had dictated that to be happy you need the latest car or gadget. We have replaced signifigance with success. Signifigance benefits others around you, success only benefits you. My grandfather taught that to my dad and my dad taught that to me and someday I will teach that to my children. This is not taught through words but through actions. "Live your life so that the minister does not have to lie at your funeral!"
  12. I know this is a motorcycle forum, but it is late and I just have to rant. It seems like everywhere you look today we are developing alternate ways to communicate. Talking face to face has all but disappeared. I see kids that only use their cell phones for text messaging. There are more ways to keep yourself isolated and still be a part of society. How is that possible? I talked to a kid at my church that said he had not left his house all week. He said he sat in his room and played video games, chatted online, and sent text messages to his friends. I just figured out yesterday that I can go online from my cell phone and order a pizza or even groceries and have them delivered to my house. I don't even have to get off the sofa! I was at 7-11 the other day and when I went to pay the total was $3.71. I gave the clerk $5 and then reached in my pocket and found $0.71. The clerk had already punched in the amount so when I handed him the $0.71 he looked bewildered. I had to tell to give me $2 back. That is pathetic! We rely so much on technology that a 7-11 attendant cannot make change without the help of the cash register. Now I am seeing on the news that parents want schools to serve healthier foods in cafeteria and take out the soda vending machines. But these are the same parents that didn't even flinch when the schools abolished the physical education programs. They also let their kids sit for hours on end and watch TV and play video games. Then they want to blame the schools for the kids being fat? My nephew's school started a program where the kids (elementary school age) can eat their lunch inside while playing "educational" computer games. My sister got together with some other moms and got them to shut that program down. But I fear that it may be in other schools where parents do not care. Don't get me wrong, I am all for technology. I think it is amazing that I can play a game of chess with someone half way across the world. However, I also think that just like everything in life, it must be used in moderation. Like everybody here, I have used the internet for linking up with people of same interests and email. Heck, I have even bought some Christmas presents off the internet this year. But if the internet crashed, cell phone towers fell down and my electricity went out all at the same time, I would still be able to cope with life. Yesterday, I took my son and my dog to the park and we played for hours. No video games or TV, just a tennis ball, a big grass field and a playground! We walked there so we didn't even need a car. When I was in junior high, my friends and I rode our bikes to and from school rain or shine. After school we would ride our bikes 5 miles out of the way to go ride in a nearby dry lake bed. We would ride hard untill dark and go home dirty and sweaty. We had video games but we only played those when we couldn't go outside or when we were home from school sick and had to stay inside. I was walking in my neighborhood about 3 months ago and came across an open garage with an HD electraglide in it. There was a guy knelt down next to the bike cleaning it. I aproached him and we began talking. I invited him to go on a ride with the group I ride with. He came to our ride and now him and I are calling each other every other day with "...you gotta come over and see what I bought!". What I am trying to say is that I hope that 50 years from now, our kids and grandkids are still playing outside and not just "acting it out" in a digital world. I know this is a really long rant but I think it is up to us to make a difference. I vow to take my children to the park, camping, hiking boating, and any other outdoor activities that keep them off the couch. I will keep them active and make sure that they experience real life and not virtual life. God Bless you, Bubba
  13. Post pics when you get those mounted. They look awesome!!!
  14. Sorry. Now that I am reading it, I see that it is a little vague on what I am doing. Yes, it is instructions on how to remove the trunk and to make it a quick release item. I hope this helps. I will put this in the original post so as to not confuse anyone.
  15. This is the instructions for those who want to remove the trunk from their RSV. At the end of the post is a method to make the trunk a quick release item. I hope this clears up any questions about this post. Start by taking the seats off and unplugging everything under the rear seat that plugs into the trunk. Figure 1 is the location of the bolts holding the rear seat on. Then remove the trunk from the chrome rack it sits on by removing the six bolts inside the trunk pictured in figure 2 and 3. If you don't use the CB much you can either take the whole black box located under the trunk off or unplug the antenna and stuff all the wires inside the box (I chose to keep the box on so I didn't misplace it.). I also removed the CB antenna and mount from the trunk rack. On the trunk right below the passenger backrest, there is a rectangular panel held on by four bolts shown in figure 4. I removed the panel and tucked the passenger communication cord in there so it is out of the way but can still be retrieved and plugged in for use. Leave the other two black plugs out. Those are for the speakers and when you put the trunk back on you might want to plug those back in. Remove the passenger grab handles. I took mine off completely because my wife said she didn't use them and I didn't want the hassle of putting them back on with the trunk. There is also a ground wire bolted to the trunk rack that you can remove and tuck under the back seat. The speakers will still work without it. Open both saddlebags. Unbolt the radio antenna and lay it across the open saddlebag. Now there are only four bolts holding the trunk rack on the bike. Remove those bolts and the rack should come off. Bolt the trunk back onto the rack. I went to Kragen and bought the antenna pictured in figure 5 and mounted it inside the front fairing. It works well and allowed me to remove the antenna on the trunk. Put the seats back on leaving the plugs for the speakers on the trunk out. After you get the seats installed, tuck the plugs up under the rear seat so they are easy to get to when you want to install the trunk. I am going to slot the holes on the trunk rack where it bolts to the bike. This will speed up installing and removing the trunk. I will let you know how it goes and I will get some pics up as soon as I can. If I was unclear with anything please let me know. Sorry for the length of this but I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave out any details.
  17. Thanks for the pic. I will ask the boss if I can get them for myself as a Christmas present.
  18. I went and looked at his pics and found this one. I was wondering if you knew what kind of bars he has on there? I would like a set like that. If you find out or know please let me know.
  19. There is a solitary bolt centered on the rear fender just behind the passenger seat. Does anyone know what it is for? I was just wondering.
  20. If he doesn't want them I might. Send me a pic if you still have them.
  21. Bubbajbi


    I will agree with you there! However, I cannot justify spending 35-40k on a motorcycle and if I was to spend that much, I would buy 2 or three yamaha's before I would buy a BMW. I have ridden two BMWs and was not impressed with either on. They both felt WAY too top heavy and it felt like my feet were too far back and my hands too low. Unlike other bikes, you are stuck having no way to adjust the handlebars or footrests. I guess it works for some guys but not for me. But to each his own. Ride what you like.
  22. :rotf::rotf:
  23. Bubbajbi


    I am not trying to slam BMW riders, I was just wondering if I was the only one that has encountered this and if maybe BMW tries to instill a sense of superiority in thier customers. I still wave at them when I ride and wouldn't hesitate to help out a stranded BMW scoot. I have ridden with several and like I said before there is only one that I have know who did not act like a jerk. That is not to say that they are all jerks, that is just my experience. I know that the "idiot" gene is spread all over the motorcycle brands. I am sure that somewhere out there, there is a Venture owner who is a real a&& hole. Ok, probably not but you get the picture. Don't hate me for bringing this up. Maybe we could all use this to pass the word to the "decent" BMW riders out there to start waving and being part of the bortherhood. It's worth a shot.
  24. Bubbajbi


    Let me start with a disclaimer: If you own a BMW I mean you no disrespect. This is a rant from my own personal experience. That being said, I was driving my truck across town and made a right turn when a BMW scoot came shooting up on my tail. Even though the road was only one lane in my direction, the rider still though it a good idea to pass me on the right and cut me off nearly clipping the front bumper of my pickup. This got me thinking. Why do most of the BMW riders that I come in contact with seem to be real jerks? I have only know one who was not and he rides with the same group as me. I can honestly say that I could count on one finger the number of times that an on-coming BMW scoot has given me the old rider courtesy wave. Four times this year, have been cut off by a BMW scoot while I was on my RSV. Last year, my friend and I took a trip to Lake Tahoe on our bikes. While there, we stopped at a Denny's with an extremely busy parking lot. We parked our scoots in the dead space next to the building to not take up parking for cages. Across the aisle there were six BMW scoots each one taking up a whole parking space. Even when a lot is not crowded, I still share spaces with other scoots. Am I all alone here or is this going on all over, and if it is, is there any way to get throught to these guys? I respect anyone on two wheels (even a moped) and I thought we were all part of a brotherhood no matter what we rode. I have even ridden with Hells Angels and they have admired my bike and were really great guys. I am not trying to bash BMW guys, I just want to know what the deal is.
  25. So let me get this straight; This idiot is risking his own life as well as the lives of others around him and running from the cops and y'all think that it is "cool"? What is wrong with you?
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