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Everything posted by Bubbajbi

  1. This is true. Yamaha will either have to ditch the RSV/RSTD model or upgrade the engine. In California all bikes must be FI by 2010 to pass the California state emissions. To add insult to injury California wants to pass a law that requires all bikes sold after 2012 to have bi-annual smog checks just like passenger vehicles. OUCH!!! I think that they will have a hard time getting that law passed.
  2. Thanks for all of the feedback. I recently borrowed a friend's road king and really enjoyed riding it but it felt small compaired to the Royal star. His had ape hangers and no windshield. I enjoyed riding it with the wind in my face and would only use a windshield for long freeway rides. I was also wondering if anyone had put ape hangers on a RSTD. I would like to do that to but would probably have it done at a dealership due to the extensive wiring.
  3. I have ridden a 99' Venture for the past two years and just recently sold it. I had no complaints about the bike, I just decided that I wanted that "wind-in-the-face" feeling back that I had on my last bike. However, I also want a bike that can do the long haul trips that I like to take occasionally. I am looking at the Tour Deluxe becuase it seems to fit my needs for a cruiser/touring bike (and fit my budget). Having only test-ridden one a few years back, I was wondering if anyone else on this site has made this switch and if you had any input for me? I know to look for the obvious things (clutch whine, lower faring cracks, leaky rear shock, ect) but I would like some feedback from those who have acutally taken the plunge. Thanks, Bubba
  4. DITTO!!! Plus it comes with a handy storage bag, it is machine washable, and it has the hooks on the bottom to run a cable lock through.
  5. I was wondering if anyone knew when Yamaha...excuse me...Star Motorcycles is going to release the 2009 models on their website. I am kinda ichin' to see what new stuff (or not) that they are coming out with.
  6. I took mine apart and cleaned it myself. Saved $125 on a new one. It is easy but you have to either slot the bolts or drill them out (I opted for drilling them out). If you do it, just use a pencil eraser to clean the contacts. It will clean any dirt off without taking off the protective coating that is on there to prevent corrosion. Mine works perfect!
  7. Ok, so I was polishing the bike the other day when I come across a big crack in the lower fairing. It looks like a rock hit it. I am not a fan of the lower fairing as it keeps way too much of the engine heat on my legs and (in my opinion) looks out of place on the bike. My question is this: has anyone removed the fairing and replaced it with some beefier crash bars? I know that the air boxes and cruise controll are in them, but I really would like to remove them and I don't mind doing some modifications. I also think that those flimsy little crash bars that are there now will not do much good. Any thoughts are welcome.
  8. I think that my mount is the one you are refferring to. The link with pics is below. I have had it on there for about a year with no problems. When I take long rides, I put a black rubber band around it just for a little insurance. It works GREAT!!! Hope this helps. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13469&highlight=ipod+mount
  9. I have looked into the same thing. Unfortunately, the only way to purchase it from a dealer is piece-by-piece. The parts department can do it as one order but since you have to order and pay for every individual part it gets real pricey REAL fast. I looked at ordering the parts and without tax it was over $700. They really should make the whole thing available for the guys who want to do the conversion, but unfortunately they do not. I have seen, from time to time, people selling the whole backrest on ebay. It always seems to happen when I do not have the money. I hope this helps:080402gudl_prv:.
  10. Thanks for all the input. The Motorcycle cruiser mag really peaked my interest. If I can get my hands on one issue to check it out, I may subscribe to it. I used to have a subscription to V-twin but I stopped when I sold my old bike just because I was more interested in baggers. Thanks, Brent
  11. So is anyone else annoyed by this! I go into the store to pick up a bike magazine hoping to find one that has some tips and tricks that I can use on my bike. I try V-twin because I know that they have a good mix of metric bikes. No luck. They really only have "chopper" style bikes and upgrades. Good magazine but not what I am looking for. I see one called called Sport rider but a quick glance through that one reveals exactly what I thought: it is dedicated exclusively to crotch rockets. Oh, there is one! It is called Baggers. Surely it has some articles on metric touring bikes. Well that's odd. After searching the pages, I now see it caters exclusively to Harley riders. Is there a magazine out there that I might be interested in? Are the only magazines out there only full of Harleys? Don't get me wrong, if you ride a Harley, I have nothing against you. That is what you like and that's fine but what about the rest of us that don't want a bike just like the guy down the street? Is there a magazine for us or are we out of luck? I ride with several guys (not to mention the ones from this site) that have non-Harley baggers and feel the same way I do. If there is not a magazine out there than I think that the magazine companies are missing a huge demagraphic. Hopefully they will tap into it some day. In the mean time, if someone knows of a magazine that they want to recomend, please do. Ok, my rant is done. Brent
  12. Your gonna have a heck of a time pulling that with your venture:rotf:!!!
  13. I would definately try to get over to 101 and ride the "Avenue of the Giants" in the sequoia national forest. When you get to San Fransico, send me a message and maybe a few of us from the area could meet up with you for a ride.
  14. I had to tie myself to the chair so I didn't get up in the middle of the video to go ride!! Good one.
  15. It is amazing the crap that is allowed to be posted on the internet as "truth". If that video is to be believed, than in less than three and a half months, everyone in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, will be VOLUNTARILY implanted with a microchip. Even if we all lined up TODAY, it would not be possible from a time aspect. They have been talking about this stuff for ages. My dad told me that he read a book in high school that said by 1985 we would all be in a one world government and would all have microchips in our brain that would force us to do what the government wanted us to do. 23 years later and I do what I WANT to do!
  16. Unfortunately, I will not be able to. I am sssoooooo booked up for the next month that the only day I have open is the day of the M&E on the 23rd. By the way, I am bringing a friend to the M&E. He just bought a bike before Christmas and it is a V-star. I told him about the ride and he is coming.
  17. Saw this on another forum for trucks and thought it might be fun. Post your favorite thing about your bike and try not to repeat what anyone else has said. So, here goes... What I like about my bike is this... Today being a beautiful and sunny day, everyone and their mom was out riding. What did I see ALL DAY LONG? Harleys! Lots and lots of Harleys! I have nothing against them but they begin to all look the same. I probably saw 200 bikes today and 194 of them were Harleys. These guys spend THOUSANDS on their bikes trying to get that "one-of-a-kind" look and they end up seeing 10 other people on their street with the same bike. I did not see ONE OTHER Venture today. That makes my bike (purchased for just $5,600) more custom than all the $20k and $30k bikes I saw today. And THAT is what I like (or even love) about my bike.
  18. That is exactly what I am looking for. What year V-star is it off of?
  19. I was looking at a 1996 tour classic and I really like th luggage rack on the rear fender behind the backrest. My question is will it fit on a 2nd gen without a trunk and if so where can I buy one?
  20. Same here!
  21. I have the Zumo 550 and I love it. The touch screen is designed to be used with or without bulky motorcycle gloves. It has soooooo many options that I haven't even used them all yet. Plus, it comes with a separate cradle for the car and a car charger. I take mine everywhere. I have not used the other GPS systems but after reading the option lists of them all, it looks like the Zumo is the best bang for your buck.
  22. I heard the same thing from a dealer out here on the west coast. He told me that all they know is that the RSV will be redesigned. He has heard rumors from the mechanics that the V-4 is going away because it would cost too much to update it to the new emissions standards. He also told me that their mechanics are being told that the new "standard" cruiser engine will be the 1800cc V-twin. I looked up the specs and it has a great power band and plenty of hp and torque to handle the RSV no problem. I guess we will see...
  23. I always carry! But, then again, I am a police officer. I read police reports every day about people who are robbed or assaulted at gun-point or, worse yet, killed. If you read the statistics of states that have right-to-carry laws, the crime rates are much lower than those states that do not because crooks are less likely to assault someone if they are not sure if that person is armed or not. Here in California, it is nearly impossible for the average law-abiding citizen to get a concealed weapons permit. The problem is that the "bad guys" do not ask for permits, they just carry concealed. And our crime rate is through the roof! I will protect my family at all costs and if that means taking the life of an attacker, then so be it. The gun laws do not prevent crime, they only keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
  24. I see a spot to the lower right side that doesn't have anything there. You really should fill that with something!!!
  25. My father-in-law has designed and built robotic equipment and electrical components for 33+ years. He told me to never use emery cloth to clean electrical contacts. Instead, he said to use a pencil eraser. He said that all electrical contacts are coated to prevent corrosion and that emery cloth will remove the coating. The pencil eraser will clean any surface dirt without harming the coating. He told me that he has fixed million-dollar machinery with a simple pencil eraser. Who knew!?!? I thought this might prove usefull to everyone here.
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