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brian aber

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  • Name
    brian aber


  • Location
    alfey manshe, Israel


  • City
    alfey manshe


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    gold wing gl1100 gl

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  1. ON MY 83 VENTURE THAT I IMPORTED FROM US ....TOTAL COST $9550 !!! YES WE PAY 106% IMPORT TAX according to the NADA price list back to the issue 1) does any one know how to convert the radio to European specification or any one know of a European specs radio for sale? 2)on starting off it seems to run on 3 cylinders then after +\- 3500rpm its clears and runs good . it felt like a plug that was misfiring changed all the plugs , and wires ....... NO change !!any ideas thanks for reading this BRIAN
  3. looking to buy a cdi unit for a 1986 1.3 venture??? any leads ???? big bucks on e bay $230 pluss!!!!! HELP
  4. looking to buy a rear light bar for a 86 venture???
  6. hi there , Can anyone please shed some light on the purpose of the 3 washers 2 normal flat ans 1 wave type on a 86 venture . I imported this bike from the us to Israel, on arrival and within the first 20 kilometers of ridding, the front fork seal popped out, replaced it on route with the securing clip .... but once again it happened , stripped the forks down in order to recondition them, one the one side there are 3 thin washers , 2 thin ones and 1 wave pattern type . none on the other side? What is the purpose of these?? WHERE CAN I BUY A SET OF THESE WASHERS??? Would appreciate ANY help on this matter THANKS FOR READING THIS POST BRIAN
  7. opps ...forgot to write it in YES its for the CLASS system. thanks for reading my thread.
  8. would like to buy a full set of air pipes for a 64 venture any one selling??
  9. thanks for taking the time to read my thread, removed saddle and trunk , checked the plumbing with soapy water found a leak, am trying to find a some one here that can make up a full set of new pipes, BRIAN
  10. hi there, I have a 84 that I just bought , its losing air from both shocks at the same time, pump them both up to m setting within less than a hour both are down to 0 lbs. any ideas ?????? still have my 83 witch I bought after selling my gl1100 gold wing wife and I agree that its a nicer ride than the gl back to the air problem ....HELP............. BRIAN
  11. although we don't know you ,please accept our sincere condolences on your loss BRIAN AND SHERRYL ABER ISRAEL
  12. hi , how do I go about ordering some decals etc., need to be shipped to Israel where I have the only 1st gen venture in the country!
  13. hi there, I have been riding for 57 years and have had 53 different types of bikes. I live in Israel and import bikes that are 30 years and older bikes as that is what the law here allows. (collector bikes) and there is 118% tax to boot. After reading your site I decides to sell my 80' gli gold wing and up grade to a venture..... After much research I found an 83' venture from a guy in Michigan who claimed that his bike was in excellent condition , paid him $300 over nada .. after about 1.5 months at a cost of$7946 it arrived...... When I got to see the bike after clearing from port it looked great from far BUT as I got closer I saw that the rear tire had maybe10% left, the fairing was cracked, the battery needed replacing & no oil in the front forks, doesn't idle and even tho' there was pressure on the brake pedal and lever no brakes! Compressor does not work nd the bike runs on 3 cylinders mostly I need advice on how to solve the 3 cylinder problem. I had a BMW K100 with the same problem-solved by replacing coils. I read in the forum about TCI problems - does this apply to 83' models? Is it recommended to disconnect the brake proportional valve in order to improve braking? Any advice will be welcome. Brian ok ..........that's enough CRYING for now after all I have imported for friends 21 bikes and this is the first one that I have been caught:(
  14. will 86 venture saddle bags fit a 1983 venture? if so does any one know of any for sale? BRIAN:fingers-crossed-emo
  15. while looking to buy a 83\84\ 1985 venture i can accross a few bikes with v max motors ,can some one explane why v max motors are fitted to some bikes ?? is this asort of up grade?? does the v max suffer from 2nd gear hassel? sorry to sound DUM bit i am a x goldwinger !!!!!!
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