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Everything posted by DblTrbl

  1. Major senior moment on my part. After sitting here trying to figure out the problem I thought did the kill switch get turned while pushing the trike or taking cover on it off? Go outside and uncovered the trike...YUP it was the switch. Trike cranked right up with the new battery...DUH I still think something is drawing down the power and need to have the stator and regulator checked. I never use the kill switch so it never occurred to me initially.....
  2. while riding in the mountains of NC the past 2 days my venture started sputtering and shut off. Had to jump battery to get started. After this happened numerous time I called AAA and had trike towed back to Maggie Valley. Once back, put battery on charger for over 4 hours and nothing. Replaced battery this morning. Tried starting the trike and the headlight came on as did the speedometer. I could not hear the fuel pump engaging or anything else. The red ldiot light on the right side, lower right...i believe its the coolant temp light indicating bike is overheating. How could that be if bike has been off for almost 20 hours? Any idea what the issue maybe?
  3. anyone have Rhinehart Exhaust on their 2nd Gen Venture? I would like to put slip-ons on my 09 Venture/Hannigan trike. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  4. Very sad to hear this. I never met Dan but enjoyed his posts. My thought and prayers are with his family. RIP YammaDan
  5. Are you sure that's not a BBQ Grill?
  6. That's why I never shop there! She stopped because it was on her way. I no longer ask, I just get the stuff myself to save a hassle in the future.
  7. I was out of Sea Foam last year and called the gf and asked if she could pick me up a can on her way to my house. She comes in with 2 cans and a receipt from NAPA for just over $26....I about crapped my pants. I ended up taking them back to NAPA and then went to Wal-Mart and bought it for 5 or 6 bucks per can.
  8. Aspartame is the harmful ingredient in diet soda. Through much research I have found that if you add enough Capt Morgan to Diet Coke, it nullifies the effects of Aspartame. I gave up on trying to lose weight on my own because I'm a live long member of Mom's Clean Plate Club. I know that portions size is the key to being in that club however if someone slaps down a 16 oz. rib eye, two scoops of taters with veggies, rolls and salad, I don't leave the table until the plate is cleared. I was up to 250 lbs last year so called Nutrisystem. I got down to 203 with a targeted goal of 190. At that point I started making a few trips with a friend and started eating on the road and just couldn't carry that food with me. I didn't make smart choices when ordering and ended up gaining 27. Went back on Nutrisystem and have dropped 15. It's a bit on the expensive side but with the food that I no longer end up throwing out plus cost of eating out (mostly fast food), junk food etc. I spend about the same and maybe a little less. For me, it's the simplicity of the program and they have come a long way in improving the taste and variety of the meals available. It's not for everyone but for me it works.
  9. Sorry to hear this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I still have a job in the next two months. (I'm 61). My company is going through bankruptcy and has someone attempting to purchase them. Not sure what the new owners will do with us or our facility. Try to stay positive and remember when one door closes, another opens... Best of luck!!
  10. Craig, sorry to hear this news. You are in my thoughts and prayers and looking forward to riding with you again.
  11. Yes I still ride. I now have an 09 Venture/hannigan trike, Vstar 1100 and just put a 2016 Indian Chief Vintage on layaway. I'm no longer in CA and really enjoy the roads out here. If Jay is still the owner of YOC, tell him I said hi. I use to ride with him as part of Star Touring and Riding. DBLTRBL/Dennis
  12. Very nice!!! Did you buy/service your ride at Yamaha of Cucamonga? The parking area looked familiar. I'm guessing it could also be the Yamaha shop in Victorville? I use to live in Fontana before I moved up to Helendale. Road with Star Touring and Riding out of Cucamonga Shop.
  13. Great ride and nice editing. Totally enjoyed your adventure.
  14. Puc, here she is!! Already getting anxious...The boy wants his toy. LOL. Been looking at the Hannigan sidecar setup for this bike. Even though I like the look of the trike, I want to keep the integrity of the bike. I could just disconnect the sidecar and do some 2 wheeling.....
  15. This Indian already has a Stage one kit with They DynoJet controller I believe. I took a couple pics of it but all I can find now is the pic of the box. Guess I will find out more in April when I pick it up!! Thanks for the feedback.
  16. I just put the Indian Chief Vintage (willow green and cream) that is in the background of your picture on layaway... will pick up by April 15th. It doesn't have the full fairing, just the quick release windshield so I'm hoping the heat isn't that much of an issue.
  17. Mike, didn't know that you knew Vinnie. He was our chapter pres for Inland Empire Chapt 109. I have had several thousand miles on the road riding with him. Outstanding fellow (for a cop..LOL).
  18. Purchased a new winter home for it.... I was storing in my basement but think if there had been a fire, the insurance company would have issues paying out since it wasn't a garage. Will also come in handy if I have the time and $$ to go visit some friends in FL or other places down south this winter.....
  19. IC was cranked to 20, the max it would go. not even a beep. For some reason I think it may be the fuse for the Aux power supply. I hope to get that checked out soon. Weather here as sucked and I don't have a garage and don't won't to expose electrical to the elements if I don't have to. When I take the seats back off, I'm going to check again just to make sure the connectors are crimped tight. thanks for the info
  20. yes to toggle, I have tried everything from about half a second to 3 seconds...got nothing. If I have time today, I'm going to try to remove the cover for the fuse box on lower right fairing. I connected to the Aux power supply so will see if there is actually a fuse in place. If that doesn't work, I'll probably just remove the Mic-Mute and go back to the hot mic setup.
  21. I installed my Mic-Mute on Friday. Can't get it to work. When I first tested it, I was holding the PTT button... then I realized I just use that to "toggle" on/off. So, tried that and and still nothing. Everything is connected correctly. Any guestimates on what to check? Thanks
  22. Last week replaced stock grips with ISO grips. Yesteday, added a MicMute. Not working but think it was operator error since I was pushing the PTT and holding it in while testing. I believe I need to press for 1-3 seconds, release and then talk, press again to turn off mics. Also tried to add a Y cable to the Aux Stereo jack. The Y cable I had, had a male RCA end...didn't work so ordered one with Mini plug from Amazon. Will be here tomorrow. Finally, I took the plastic chrome trim piece that goes on the bottom of the windshield and painted the plastic tabs with JB Weld Epoxy. I hope this adds enough strength to keep them from breaking.
  23. Leo, let me know how it works out for you. I have been thinking about going with those lights for brake and turn signals but was nervous about messing with the mods... Thanks Dennis
  24. Damn, 21 day cruise. I could never do that. Hell, I gained 10+ pounds on a 7 day cruise. Have a blast!! what are some of your destinations? We can keep an eye on the news from those locations just in case you need bail money....
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