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Everything posted by azxvz1284

  1. Thanks, but I examined the switch options and did not see a switch marked "seek".
  2. When powered on, the other lights cycle once then are off. Neither light responds to the setting of the switch above the right handlebar. Thanks, Richard in AZ
  3. Okay, the cruise control powers on easily, the other lights are on for just a moment, and then off, while the power light stays on. I am going 40-50+mph, push the switch to "set" and nothing happens; no light or action of the bike to indicate its working. Let go of the throttle and its clearly not engaged as nothing is happening to indicate the cruise control is functioning; revs and speed drops per usual. Help! Thanks, Richard in AZ
  4. I have the 1988 Venture Royale with the radio, but cant tune it to FM or to any decimal point stations (example: 94.5, 105.6 can't be tuned but can tune only to whole numbers such as 89 or 1120, etc.) can anyone explain to me how to tune the decimal point stations in and how to get FM? When I push the FM button, a crackle sound occurs, but the radio stays on AM. Help!! Thanks, Richard in AZ
  5. Is the left side transmission cover the same part for both the XVZ12 (1983-1985)and the XVZ13 (1986-1993) or are does each motor have a different-sized cover? Thanks, Richard:322:
  6. Thanks, I had seen the 1300 bars on police bikes and thought that might work, with some bracket welding. Richard
  7. Did this ever succeed to a final build? If so, can this be adapted to the First Gen? Thanks, Richard
  8. I would like to have tip-over bars that would protect the upper fairing on the First Gen. Any ideas?? Thanks, Richard
  9. With such a good frame, motor, and mechanicals, has anyone done a rebody? That is the same concept as a body kit for a Fiero that gets a new body and becomes a Lambo or Ferrari "replica." anyone? Thanks, Richard
  10. Yep, I flushed and refilled the coolant. In the coolant bottle, it is filled to the proper mark and of course, the radiator is full, too. But, after twenty miles or so, its time to replenish the bottle, which is nearly empty. SO, I haven't smelled or seen any coolant to suggest a leak, either running it on the stand or while riding. I could swear the drain valve is closed correctly, with the detent at two o'clock.....but I must have missed something. Oh, I'm here in AZ, where the ambient air temp is 90f degrees. Anyone have an idea of what might be happening with my coolant level?? No water in the engine oil. Just changed it and it was pure dirty oil. Also, this is an ongoing issue. Thanks, Richard
  11. Riddle me this; I can't figure this out... 1984 Venture; bike has 92k miles, clutch bled, final gear oil changed, cold idle at 800 rpm. When cold, it starts in neutral, without difficulty or problem. But, when I put it into 1st (yes, the kickstand is retracted), the bike strongly lurches forward, stalls, then does not want to go back into neutral unless I move the bike forward and back first. Then, back to neutral and again, it starts just fine and now shift easily into first gear and no more problems, until the bike is started when cold again. Flushed out the clutch fluid, replaced it with Valvoline Synthetic Dot 3 brake fluid, bled the system. No change; same problem pattern. Next, drained and replaced the final drive oil. No change, same problem pattern. I'm stumped, but thinking perhaps it may need to warm up first, but this was never a problem before. But wait, there's more!!! I did not bleed the clutch at the banjo bolt, at the master, and will try that tomorrow. Could this be it???? Any ideas, anyone???
  12. I'd like to try one on my First Gen Venture. Anyone know where I can get a heel toe shifter? Thanks, Richard
  13. I saw an older corbin seat for my 1st Gen Venture at a yard sale yesterday. It looks pretty old from reading the tag and corbin sticker on the bottom, but the leather is really nice. Does the foam degrade much over time?
  14. I'm in Phoenix & we have 114 degrees. Yes, the temp needle?sits on the green/red boarder most of the time. I ride with an Ice-pack vest. I ride an '84 Venture with the fan override on, alot. I think the stock radiator fan is rated at 650-750 cfm. Hoses, coolant mix, radiator, impeller, and thermostat are all good. Question: would having a higher-rated (CFM) fan result in a lower coolant temp? If so, are there any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. I've read all of the threads, checked the impeller on the pump, hoses, tried different coolant mixes and fluids, have a good thermostat and the over-ride fan switch. Temperature Meter still sits a hair below red and into the green. Yep, I'm in Arizona where riding a bike in 95 degrees in the summer is the low outdoor temp. I ride 35-50 mph in the high gears when possible to generate lower engine heat. I can hear it bubbling in the overflow bottle. What else can I try? Is there another radiator with more capacity and tubes that would fit? A larger fan???? Thanks, Richard In Arizona
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