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Everything posted by Roadhand

  1. The Moonshine store at the start of the 1st video is the area in Illinois where I grew up! My Aunt had a farm just 1 mile west of there and I used to go there for lunch when I was a little kid. I have not been there for 30+ years and I almost fell out of my chair when I saw it. Great pictures. Jim
  2. Pledge is the only way to go. Note: try not to use the lemon as it will attract bees if you stop at a rest area where trash cans ar close.
  3. Just as an FYI: The Yamaha dealer in Kerrville is pretty big on the Ventures. The owner rides one if I am not mistaken. I am sure he will make us a deal on something if we gather in the area. Looking forward to all of this.
  4. If we can get a consisus, I am in for sure. This area is great! Thanks for looking into this for everyone. When it comes to organizing/helping, just let me know. Jim
  5. I am one for helping others. always have been, always will be. But not handouts. I don't give money to people who stand on the side of the road and ask for money. If they were making an effort, it would be different, but I don't just hand over my money to someone who is doing nothing more than sticking their hand out. I look at the "big 3", HD, all of them asking you & me for $ I say, make an effort and we will consider it but don't just stand there with your hand out. These bailouts are just allowing these companies to continue the way they have been spending until they piss away this money then where will they be. Askng for more and not learned anything. I agree, it is going to be a rough time for all of us and we will need to give others a helping hand when needed but we don't need our government giving hand outs of our money to "make the economy better" when all it leads to is more spending. Not the right thing to do.
  6. Must be something in the air as I had a mishap Friday on my way home from work. I was following a string of vehicles and on a two lane highway when a wheel came off a trailer (3 or 4 vehicles) ahead of me. The darn thing decided to go across to the other side and was hit by a jeep coming the other direction. It came at me and hit the left side of my bike. I knew I was going down, just trying to decide where so I managed to get it into the ditch. The wheel continued and struck the car behind me and took out her windshield along with a big dent in the top of her car. I think we were all very lucky from the sounds of it and I too agree, the leather jacket & helment is the only way to go. Glad to hear you and wife was not hurt more than you were.
  7. I was wanting to attach a picture to a post but am unable to figure it out this morning. Anyone help me out here?
  8. I wash mine with a bucket, soap, washmitt, and the hose. (just like I wash my autos) I avoid spraying water directly into the speakers and other electronics but they do get wet. Rinse off the soap and use my leaf blower to air dry. Works great!
  9. I would like to suggest to anyone in the central Texas area, that when it gets to this area, we get together and view it. Great chance to get together
  10. I would like to suggest to anyone in the central Texas area, that when it gets to this area, we get together and view it. Great chance to get together
  11. I just wanted to say the mod Rick performed on my pillow top is well worth it. Thanks Rick as this does help onthe long haul. Hope you got my check for the postage. I would recommend Rick's mod to any of the Venture seats.
  12. Gary, as I told you last weekend in Athens, I thought you were doing the right thing and my thoughts and prayers go out to you
  13. Made it home and wanted to say thanks to all that made it to Athens. What a great way to start the annual Texas get together! Mavrick, really appreciate you puting the time & effort to make this happen. If others were/was involved, thanks to you too. I did enjoy getting to put some faces with the names I continue to see here. Gunboat, Lone Star Medic, Vance, John, and the whole bunch. Gary and Bruce, you guys making to miles to attend were great. Very nice to see you again and want to wish you a safe trip back home. Can't wait till next year.
  14. 3.04 to 2.99 here in central Texas I guess they know we do not have any money since the stock market has bottomed out. It will go up again as soon as the stock market rebounds
  15. Can't tell you or it would not be a mystery any longer
  16. 10 lb limit realistic? Most likely not. I have a bag I place on my 07 whenever I travel and it weighs around 15lbs. I just place most everything I will need for the day and I do not open the trunk with the bag on the rack. I would not put much more than this on the rack. It may hold more but why damage the trunk lid
  17. How much drilling did you do to yours? I was given a set of BUB slip-ons and they had quite a few miles on them and were "pretty loud" I am just wanting a little more than the stock sound. Are you going to be around this weekend?
  18. I have a set of TD on my 07 RSMV and have been wanting a little noise from them. Has anyone drilled the TD mufflers out for a "little" more sound? I have been considering buying the RK mufflers to get a little more sound from them but before I do, has anyone drilled the TD mufflers? If so how did they sound? Hard to take a drill after any of them before I know what it will do. I bet some of you have had some experience with this?
  19. Hey if you are heading West, I hope you are going to swing by Texas. I will show you all some Texas hospitality when you are here.
  20. Seems like a very good idea and if they would throw in a couple of hot chicks coming over and finishing the detail drying. Not to be left out, I guess for the lady riders we have a guy do the drying for them as well.
  21. You are right, most of them seem to stay around for awhile once they make landfall but this one is moving North very quickly. Could have been much worst
  22. If you ride these roads in the fall, don't miss the Lost Maples State Park.\ close to Leaky Really pretty area.
  23. Here in the Austin area prices have gone up .45 to .65 overnight. I guess they want to get as much as they can before folks start returning to the Houston area Sunday & Monday. Thanks again George W. for stating "you would not allow price price gouging" but yet allow it to happen.
  24. I have a house full of kin-folks from Galveston. They have been glued to the TV looking at the news coverage of the Galveston/Houston area. I sure wish the newscasters would drive through neighborhoods to show the folks that has left the area what the real damage is. Of course the TV wants to show the worst of everything and it does not help the poor folks that have left their homes and are wondering how things are after the aftermath. They just keep showing the same pictures over and over of low lying areas. No to make light of this storm as it was/is a very big storm and did a lot of damage but again, the TV seems to want to show the worst pictures they can find to keep people on that channel. Glad to here all of you that have responded are OK. We have not have even a drop of rain here just North of Austin and very little wind. The sun is out and I may even take a little ride this afternoon
  25. I would like to see the video as well. If I can be placed on the list, I will send it to the next with no charge. roadhand01@yahoo.com Very nice offer and much appreciated
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