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Everything posted by Bodaggit23

  1. My 1997 Tour Deluxe had this on it when I got it but it has a few spots that are bare rusted metal and look horrible so I took it off. Looks much better without it. But...I want a new one. I can't find it in any parts list for my bike or any other Royal Star 1996-2001. I assume this was a stock part, why is it not listed in the parts diagram? http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/FenderBumper_zps83ea1be1.jpg
  2. Better than I expected. I made a list of parts to get, included the prices and asked my boss for the money. He ran quick to the ATM and gave me cash so I could order the fender and chrome immediately. I'm dropping the parts off at the body shop as soon as I get everything and when it's done, my boss said he'll just stop by the body shop and square up and I can ride away. Seriously, if someone had to hit it, I don't think I could have chosen a better person to do it. lol
  3. Nelson-Rigg Falcon Cruiser 628 Cover Been on the bike since 2005. Faded but no leaks yet, still in good shape.
  4. So the body shop said it's a wash either way. My fender is free but mangled and would take more body work but less paint. A used fender cost hundreds of dollars to start and needs no body work but more paint, and since it's two tone...well, you get the idea. So I decided to start with a dent free canvas. I probably paid too much but I don't want to wait and since I'm not paying for it, I don't have to. It's off a Tour Classic that didn't come with chrome but that poking holes will be easy enough. It shipped today! I also got the "FLAP 2" for the front, shipped today as well. The "MASCOT" will be ordered soon.
  5. My 55" weighs about 75lbs., it's in my living room hooked to my Home Theater PC and we watch Netflix and such, and w/e. My 46" weighs about 60lbs., it's in my bedroom hooked to an old laptop for the same. Flat screens are so much crisp and clearer than old CRT's and you have the joy of hooking up a computer to them. I'll never go back! Sorry for my contribution to the sidetrack of the thread!
  6. My local Yamaha dealer quoted me $827.49, already painted to code. Problem is, Yamaha doesn't have one, discontinued, as are all the rest online that I've seen. I'd much rather get a used one and have it repainted, problem is, I haven't ever seen one. Also neither my boss nor I care to waste the rest of the summer waiting for a used one to become available. We both want this done and over with. I looked at the side stand very closely and I see no stress cracks or bends anywhere. I was a welder for 10 years so I know what I'm looking for too! I feel VERY forutnate that it didn't go down...very thankful it's just the fender and some chrome. I'd not thought of that, we have a couple in town, I'll check them out thanks! Thanks to you all for your input and replies!!
  7. No worries, I agree with you, I would have never known who damaged it had he not fessed up. I do have full coverage but I also have a $500 deductible. lol If it had to get hit, I'm thankful it was him.
  8. Thank you all for your replies! The raise was not to cover for the damage, it was coincidence. I think you're right, I don't think that would fit my 1997. Yes, he gave me his insurance info so all will be ok eventually. I agree, I did not get a warm and fuzzy from the 3 foot long skid mark from the kick stand. I looked and the stand seems fine. No cameras in the lot but I don't doubt his story. He's upstanding and one of the nicest people I work with. I parked in a dark spot in the lot but you still need to LOOK before you back into a parking space for crying out loud...I thank the Lord the bike didn't fall over...!! Very true, I could not agree more. He is not the owner but is the Regional Manager of a Tri-State shipping company. My raise would have came no matter the accident, I had just gotten a performance review two weeks prior. I don't believe he gave me a raise to compensate for the bike. I went to 6 body shops yesterday and ONE said they would/could do it. I was shocked... Anyway the guy said he could straighten the fender and repaint it for around $600. I can get the "Mascot" for about $30 and the "Front Flap 2" for about $100. My boss had no problem with any of those numbers. The only bummer thing is to be without the bike while it's getting fixed. I guess the Suzuki GS1000L will have to do for now.
  9. I drive truck for a living and when I arrived back at the yard after my shift, I noticed my handlebars were not in the same position I left them in. I always park it the same way and I noticed it immediately...I got no warm and fuzzy from this. My boss called me into his office when I was done with work... Proceeded to inform me that he gave me a $2/hr raise... I had to sign some paperwork, then before the meeting was done, he said he had one more issue for me, but it was outside... As I was following him out to the parking lot, I realized his pickup was parked by my bike and knew immediately this was not good... Long story short, when he got to work, he backed into the space where I had already parked my bike. Bummed....
  10. Thank you everyone! Does anyone know what the filter number is for my 1997 Tour Deluxe? I have the service manual and owners manual and it's not listed in the obvious places...it says what kind of oil to use, when to change the oil, when to change the filter, but no filter number...?
  11. I got my bike with 15,000 miles on it. I have no way of knowing if the oil was switched to synthetic at any time in the past. I want to do an oil change: 1. Is there any way to tell if the oil is synthetic or not? 2. If it happens to be synthetic, and I put conventional oil in, will it harm the engine? 3. Should I just switch to synthetic to be safe?
  12. Bueller....Bueller....Bueller.... 1996-2001, 74HP yes or no? If yes, what is different inside the later 98HP motors? Pretty please?
  13. Do you or anyone else know what HP that stock motor is rated? I've read 74HP consistently but cannot confirm officially. I agree with the V-Max drive suggestion, I've heard it drops the gearing a tish and makes the big girls much snappier.
  14. I'm gonna try the Plastx first I think. If it needs more I'll do some rubbing compound then glaze or maybe more Plastx. Hope it works! Thanks for the thread!
  15. Some only have a screw behind the mirror...hope yours doesn't!
  16. Anyone have any insight on this??
  17. Those are not Royal Star's correct? They look like Road Star's with V-Twins. I understand the concept is the same as far as the trunk goes, I'm just curious. I'd also like a trunk for my 1997 but I don't think they made a RSV for my generation of bike.
  18. That's for 1999+ Wish someone would have posted a free one for 1996-2001... I had to buy mine. Oh well, it was only $8 at Tradebit.com
  19. Have you checked the fuses? Sorry if it seems so obvious, some people might forget...me being one of them...
  20. Thank you both!
  21. I got 170 out of mine (35.4mpg), you're super safe getting fuel at 125. Hope you stick around and become a contributing member, this place is a wealth of knowledge, and if you've just gotten your bike, it'll be the best $12 you spend on it!
  22. Yes, that's what I meant, since I ride a 1997 Tour Deluxe. Do the links fit 1996-2001 Royal Star Tour Deluxe/Classics and accomplish a similar goal as installing them on the Royal Star Ventures?
  23. Are these leveling links only relevant to 1999-Present Ventures? Could they be used/beneficial for 1996-2001 as well?
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