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Everything posted by Bodaggit23

  1. We're not all ugly....
  2. Stars were aligned for you sir, that looks horrible! Glad you're ok enough to post here!
  3. I know the quote is going to be high, plus most of the parts won't be available. I just would like enough to get a newer set of bags (1999) with hinges and get them painted and get a floorboard really. Keeping the bike is not optional and I want no other bike. I inherited this motorcycle in May when my father passed away. It's going nowhere. I'm dropping it off at Yamaha tomorrow for full parts and labor quote, even though the parts can't be bought. As you said, I need a dollar amount put on the damage and that's the only way to get it really. I am dealing directly with their insurance company as of now because I don't really want to spend $500 of my money to fix something I didn't cause. Unless I have to... My insurance company said if they give me any hassle I'll have to go that route.
  4. More good news...it's not just the bag, chrome bar, and passenger floorboard... The whole hard bag mounting subframe is tweaked to the right....who knows what else is bent/cracked/broken. The exhaust is also dented in two places, and somewhat looser than the other side...*sigh* Taking it to Yamaha tomorrow for a parts list. I have to get a monetary amount it would cost to replace each part even if the parts are no longer available...lol http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/BagsShifted_zpsc870db8e.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140809_113312_781_zpsa51a9b3c.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/AccidentReport_zpsf889d696.jpg
  5. All parts purchased for fender repair, now I need to wait to see what happens with the "other" issue before I get the fender fixed... http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/NewFenderMASCOT_zps51e15c66.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/NewFenderFLAP2_zpsa02e570a.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140730_144548_759_zps01091f8f.jpg
  6. I find zero left hand hard bag for 1997-1998 Royal Star, or the chrome Guard that goes in front of it. so far only the footrest can be found available and it's not even for my year of bike... Nobody around here does body work on cycles...everyone just prices new parts and puts them on. I do have the one guy that's going to paint my fender but he thinks they should pay to replace everything including mounting hardware and brackets. Dealer agreed...My broken bag will never be the same... Problem is, I can't get new parts for everything... So I'll get a list of parts and prices from the dealer that cannot be purchased and see what happens I guess.
  7. Anyone know why the parts schematic for 1997 Tour Deluxe doesn't include the rear floorboards? The 1996 shows regular pegs (Tour Classic), 1997 nothing for rear, 1998-2001 show floorboards. I know it's not a big deal, the floorboards from 1998-2001 will work, just curious why they're not included for 1997. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/PartsSchematicFloorboards_zps113892bc.jpg
  8. We have to be very careful when installing and updating programs to actually READ each screen before clicking "OK". Many of these things get installed because the user got tired of reading and just kept clicking "OK" to get it installed or updated. Not saying that's what happened here, just stating in happens.
  9. What are you asking exactly? Is their insurance going to pay for it? I certainly hope so. Amen
  10. That's true. But it seems like body parts are easier to find. I know that's a horrible joke but seriously, I just went through all this fixing my fender, which isn't even done yet, now I have to find a footrest and the chrome crash bar...not to mention a new bag, which I'll probably never find...have to settle for repair. IF they even give me the option? They might total it? I have no clue... What are they going to tell me it's worth I wonder?
  11. Ahh, ok! I thought the engine change for '86 was second gen. Thanks!
  12. I have full coverage, no clue what happens now. 26 years driving and never had an accident until this.
  13. Approached a car stopped in an intersection waiting to turn left, I passed on the right and they suddenly decided to turn right...into me and my 12 year old son... Yes, it is legal in my state to pass a vehicle that is waiting to turn providing there is enough room for the vehicle to safely do so. I was found not at fault. Luckily we both still have our left legs...no one got hurt thank God. I rode my Suzuki for over 15 years, never got a scratch on it... I've had this for 3 months and wtf....... http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184223_602_zps361f4bc6.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184231_839_zps7ff77734.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184238_402_zpsf8f038f7.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184243_782_zpsb9257c65.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184251_360_zps879ddd58.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184348_869_zpsdb69b5c0.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184512_573_zps8c1978d1.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184524_944_zpsac71066f.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184543_907_zpse98a8fbf.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184603_513_zpsdde8a010.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184642_753_zpsef74859b.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140804_184713_219_zpsa947aba9.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140809_113054_544_zpsada20d79.jpg
  14. I wish it stated on the History page which years were which generation... I thought I had it figured out, by what you're saying, I guess not.
  15. First off, a 1999 is not a First Gen Venture, it's a Royal Star Venture. Could be considered a First Gen RSV I guess but there's no section for that, just a Royal Star section. Anyway, mine will wobble at about 35mph if I go no hands also. Only reason I know this is because while riding, taking one hand away, I noticed it slightly, so I let go for a second and sure enough, it will wobble. Basically riding no hands on a motorcycle is unsafe and pretty dumb IMO. If it only wobbles when you let go of the bars, then...don't let go of the bars.
  16. What rear tire do you run that outlasts brake pads with that kind of heavy braking? I'd think the rubber would wear far sooner than you'd have to replace pads, unless the caliper is dragging. I've been on bikes since I was 4, 50cc Indian with training wheels. As far back as I can remember I was always told the front brake has 70-80% effective braking and the rear only 20-30%, which is why there are two calipers and discs on the front and a single on the rear. I mainly use the front brake and engine deceleration. First thing I do is drop a gear and drag the front brake a tish. That's generally all I need to slow down 90% of the time. It's a very good thing to get used to how your front brake feels and reacts. Plus it shifts a lot of normal wear to the front tire instead of picking on just the rear. I think that's why most people change rear tires and brake pads every year but still have the same old crusty pads and dry rotted OEM tire on the front.
  17. I agree...I can't wait for the paint to get here so I can drop off the new tin and get past this whole ordeal...
  18. Maybe I should leave it like this? lol Just waiting for the paint to get here, then it's off to the body shop. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140730_144548_759_zps01091f8f.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140730_144559_042_zps1ff0e712.jpg
  19. It's best to just get a Photobucket account and dedicate it to this forum like I did.
  20. That's a good idea...I never thought of that. Thanks for the replies everyone!
  21. Actually after reading closer, that one is a four point mount, so no worries there. It just has that slight bend close to the forks... Whoa that's sweet! I don't think mine are hollow though...
  22. I saw that one, and it looks closer to mine, but it looked like the other style mount, with a single hole on either side. Maybe it's the exact same as I have, it's so hard to tell from any pics I've seen. I like that too! Do you have a link? That would work for most of it, but no amount of polishing will bring back the chrome on the spots where it's chipped off and the bare metal beneath is exposed and rusted.
  23. ***EDIT*** Ok, I see what you're saying. And actually, the first picture in this thread shows the "Yamaha Accessory" part, with curved rails. Which means it would probably fit my bike. I didn't think it would because it looked so different and I thought it was for a different bike. A Google search of the above part number shows the Yamaha part, with curved side rails. Problem is, I don't like the looks of the one with curved side rails. I like the straight side rails plus the top rail on mine is longer, wraps around much farther. So, I guess what I need is the part number for the show chrome part.
  24. Thanks for the part number! That's the item I'm looking for but it's not correct for my bike. That one is for the later/current models I think. The mount is different and the rails are longer on mine. Where did you get that part number? I need it for a 1997 Tour Deluxe. I've always used Turtle Wax Chrome Polish to remove rust spots from my chrome. Problem is, someone removed the chrome from my rust spots! http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/IMG_20140727_105655_120_zps986a292a.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/IMG_20140727_105712_331_zps1cc44606.jpg
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