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Everything posted by Bodaggit23

  1. Definitely sounds like top end, front of motor. I'll check when I get home and make a short video. Thanks for the input, valve adjustment I could deal with.
  2. Started the bike this morning, turned over twice then stopped with a loud CLACK. Press the starter again and it fired right up but now has a loud CLACK on every revolution while running. It runs fine but something definitely bad happened. Hydro lock? What moving part could break yet still allow the engine to run fine? Bummed......
  3. Gotcha. I've been looking but haven't seen one yet. Thanks!
  4. Anyone know where to get one of these luggage racks?
  5. Any Royal Star rear footrest/floorboard should fit. The part numbers differ in prefix but the main number is the same. Not just going by that, I've personally put much later model parts on my bike with no issues, passenger floorboards was one of them. Information like this is why I chose to become a supporting member of this site. Hopefully it will be worth it to you as well.
  6. I had a negative experience with Colorite, as in complete waste of money. The color code for my bike matched the code on their website but I still received the wrong color. I spent top dollar for the paint from a reputable company that many people recommended, so I assumed I didn't need to open the cans and check the color when it arrived. MY MISTAKE. The guy that painted my bike didn't check the color either, he just started painting so I'm out $200 for two half pints of paint. Moral: If you do choose Colorite, open the cans and check the color(s) as soon as you get it/them.
  7. I agree. Doesn't look like the paint is even cracked.
  8. That was done the day after I disassembled them for paint, cost me $10 each and they work perfectly! Thank you so much! I love the upgraded "hinged" bags! That's too bad about ColorRite...their code matches the factory code, the color on their site even looks "rite"...lol Not sure what the issue is.
  9. Nice to have it back looking new again, and better than new with the upgraded bags! Old and new: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_171405_761_zpsa25a974f.jpg Right Side: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_171417_839_zpsb1c588b4.jpg Left Side (previously damaged): http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_174603_651_zpsba1114a6.jpg Left Side 2: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_174617_593_zpsaf1ae108.jpg Right Bag: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_174652_613_zps2f999694.jpg Right Front: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_174627_606_zps9adfdc66.jpg Right Full: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140911_174636_619_zpsc2b9320a.jpg
  10. So...expensive lesson learned for me... If you spend $300 on paint for the restoration of one of your most sentimentally valued possessions.....open the can and CHECK THE COLOR before you drop it off at the body shop... I ordered the paint, trusted it was correct, dropped it off at the body shop and he did the same, trusted it was correct, and commenced shooting paint. I can't blame him for not spotting it sooner, he's working on 4 other projects at the same time, and expediting my bike to boot. He got all three parts painted before he realized it was wrong... I can only blame myself. Anyway, he mixed up his own batch quick and was on his merry way the same day, but it was week end and I have to wait till Monday to see anything. This is the bottom of the bag, supposed to be "ceramic ivory", compared to the fender. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140905_114240_752_zps1cb3ffca.jpg He put a splotch on the junk fender just to show the contrast. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140905_114230_522_zpsef379b8e.jpg
  11. Well, they totaled it... Actual cash value = $3500 Minus $500 deductible Minus $1000 salvage value Leaves $2000 to fix it. Works for me. Bought newer, upgraded hinged bags and lower profile bag guards, bought a used footrest and $300 worth of paint for the new bags, and the new fender. (from the "boss" incident weeks before) I dropped the bags and fender off yesterday, got the paint today. By the time I dropped the paint off they already had the bags stripped and primed. Can't wait! http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140903_142727_242B_zps6d376aa9.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140903_143257_721_zps6e76af0e.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Accident%208-4-14/IMG_20140903_143012_785_zpse9af48b8.jpg
  12. Actually road rash is an abrasion, not a burn. But anyway, thankful you're alive to post here and tell us about it. You are blessed...
  13. My "passing lights" only come on when I flip the switch located on the light itself. Would be cool if they came on with the high beams.
  14. I love the pearl paint they used on these bikes...this fender has plain white on top but the red has pearl flakes in it. My bike has plain black on top but the ivory has pearl flakes in it. Makes for a beautiful bike, but that much more expensive to buy paint for! Mine was $90/half pint and I needed one of each base and top...then my saddlebag got wrecked so I ordered a full pint of each....!! $300 shipped.
  15. I saved myself a couple hours of labor at the body shop by adding all the holes for the chrome myself. (fender I bought is from a 1996 Tour Classic) Just waiting for my new bags to drop the parts off at the body shop. Can't wait till it's done! http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140826_171606_675_zps43413dee.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140826_171629_627_zpsf6e47a0a.jpg http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/Fender%20Damage/IMG_20140826_171653_404_zps6872eb76.jpg
  16. Here's the comparison. Beautiful! http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Bodaggit23/1997%20Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Tour%20Deluxe/IMG_20140824_123708_205_zpsacf84a4b.jpg
  17. Oops...I thought he was referring to the original post...Sorry!
  18. There is no info below the pictures.
  19. That's CRAZY! Mine wants to wobble a bit at about 35 if my touch is light on the handlebars but I never LET GO. Hahaha! Great video!
  20. I know it's an old thread but I just saw it for the first time, had to put the video up. Not sure the paint jobs are my style but the idea is incredible!
  21. Just installed my new windshield and it looks AMAZING!! It's too dark to take any pictures right now but I'll post some tomorrow for sure. I didn't realize just how scratched and hazy mine was until I parked it next to my buddies 2012 Nomad recently when we went for a ride. I had to get a new one...I could have polished the old one but I still could I guess, saving it for a backup. The original was a couple inches too tall anyway, problem solved. I almost bought a Clearview until I saw the almost $30 shipping cost, which would have ended up around $165 for a no frills replacement. Not bad really. I looked online and found 7Jurock Custom Motorcycle Windshields. They also have an ebay store, which is where I chose to purchase. $130 shipped, it fits perfect, and it's gorgeous!
  22. $4700 with labor. It books at about $4000 Even better news, the other guys insurance company denied the claim. Says I passed illegally, therefore their moron client can do whatever they wish I guess. The cop stated, and the North Dakota Century Code also states that it's lawful to do so on such a road. Page 5 here, section 39-10-12 if anyone wants to prove me wrong. http://www.legis.nd.gov/cencode/t39c10.pdf?20140819174405 Have to see what my insurance company says I guess, I have full coverage after all. What douches......
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