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Personal Information

  • Name
    david pierce


  • Location
    madisonville tn., United States


  • City
    madisonville tn.


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 royal star venture
  1. gotcha I had to purchase ball end allen wrenches to do it but all went well clutch works great
  2. when removing clutch cover how do I get to the three bottom bolts ?the pipe is in the way @muffler pipe:confused24:
  3. before i'd pay $200.00 too $350.00 for air jams I would make them myself for a lot less.i mean really for what they are and what they do a little time racking the brain a man could make them cheaper and to your own liking
  4. well mine is fine and they recommend 0psi is ideal if you do need air I recommend full capacity otherwise anything in between might hurt the air baffle .I run with 0psi even hauling my trailer and ole lady never had a problem .
  5. can this fairing be mounted on royal star venture
  6. Welcome home, thank you for your service and protection with out brothers and sisters like yourself this country would not be free.It seems we all take freedom for granted at times but big and small loses bring us together. when I served there was no war I was lucky like some but im am angered at what has transpired sence then .again thank you for your term ot duty for the U.S:usa:
  7. well there were a couple of things wrong the battery was bad and the trailer light pack that I had on my bike was grounding out I took it off and bike ran 100% better not sluggish .so im sending it back to get a new one I rode down to Atlanta today the longer I rode the better it sounded so my guess is this whole time the battery and trailer pack was bad causing the bike to be starving for power and burning fuel but all is well now:stickinouttounge:
  8. Well bike ran fine last night now im going for a longer ride with my bro i think i got it fixed .everybody have a great day and ride safe.
  9. Name of Restaurant doyles ceder house Street Address 925 andrews road City murphy State or Province TN Website (Optional) - Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Fantastic Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) fine dining too burgers and sandwiches Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments this place is the best for being in a small town and in an old house on the hill.they have everything from oysters on the half shell too burgers its family owned and operated and the service is the best.they have and outside bar and bandshell eat out there or eat inside
  10. well put new battery on today I had old battery tested and they said it had 6.9 volts on it and 0 cca so I hope this does the trick
  11. well im still trying to figure it out I think it just got too wet but I did pull all the connectiong and cleaned and greased them so im going to give it a try I hope I don't have a bigger problem
  12. if the sensor was un plugged the bike wouldn't run at all correct but like I said bike runs till it gets warm and shuts down.someone told me the battery might be bad after all the bike is a 99 and it still has the factory battery in it.
  13. ok if it was the coils I got four and they all would have to be bad at the same time and if just one went bad it would run poorly .but the bike runs great "when its running".so now im really confused lol .But im leaning tword the key swith or the red on off switch .but it could be a loose wire somewere
  14. was riding my bike it was raining that day but while riding the bike shut down I called my wife and told her so while im sitting there im trying to start it would crank and run for 1 min.then shut down .well after sitting for 5 hours and a dead battery got trailered to my bro's put in garage.come back next morn. bike started rode it home got about 1/2 mile from my garage bike dies starts flashing 9 times indicating emergency switch "right".so does that mean when it gets hot the switch cuts out or am I reading it wrong.please help this is my life line too and from work "my baby" thanks and please:mytruck:
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