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5 Buck Kanuck

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About 5 Buck Kanuck

  • Birthday 06/01/1949

Personal Information

  • Name
    Roger Kelly


  • Location
    Tecumseh Ontario, AL, Canada


  • City
    Tecumseh Ontario


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Love to RIDE
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Venture Royal Star Midnight
  1. That young lady did a Fantastic job.
  2. Combined effort USA Rifle, Canadian Shooter, USA ammo one less enemy. Its still one heck of a shot.
  3. Glad to hear you are ok that is the main thing. They make new bikes every day. They only make one of you. Best of luck, heal quick and clime back in the saddle.
  4. Hay Cowpuc 100KMH = 100 Kanadian Miles Per Hour
  5. In PEI try the Lobster Supper at the Church its GREAT. Peggys Cove try the Sea Food Chowder. Have fun the East Coast is a blast.
  6. Maybe its his X wife van. Payback time.
  7. In 1967 I joined the Canadian Army, since I was born in England I could serve only in Canada. I found out that if I became a Canadian citizen I could go over to Germany, so I went ahead and signed all the papers. When I went to pay they said since you are in the Canadian Armed Forces it would cost me 5;00$. So I am a Five Dollar Canadian. So I became a 5Buck Kanuck. Its also my CB handle when I was driving transport trucks.
  8. I only met you once Larry. I hope that all goes well and you have a fast recovery. Best of luck.
  9. I was with TD Premium they wanted 1,700 that was a 17% increase from last year.I am now with Riders Plus $1,100 full coverage, 500 deductible.
  10. Raven
  11. I run E3's Front and Back on my 07 Venture got 23000 mls still hade some good thread left but would need new ones before to long so got them now. I only run 1 up wife wont ride.
  12. Than sounds like a lot of MANUAL LABOUR to me.
  13. Thanks the others were in side the bags. thanks for the part # slowrollwv, I am going to order 4 new ones for the bottom of the bags.
  14. The rubber gasket is only on the right side (standing at back of bike looking to the front) should there be one on the left side. If so what is the part # I cant find it anywhere. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  15. I am changing my E3 (23000mls) on this set, for new E3 this week. My ?? is what else should I do. Change brake fluid, brake pads, check rear end diff. Since I am not doing the work my self is there anything else I should get done.
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