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About maplehawk

  • Birthday 12/04/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Peter Booth


  • Location
    Orlando, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Venture

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  1. Shes got a face like a bulldog licking piss of a nettle Shes got a face like a chewed up toffee :rotf:
  2. OK, Just got the bike back from the dealers and though I would share the results with everyone. I am only stating what I was told so don't shoot the messenger. Bike went in on Wednesday afternoon and I was contacted on thursday stating that the problems were caused by the carbs either gummed up or some debris and they wanted authorization to pull them apart. They told me that they had contacted Yamaha and that yamaha would cover 2.6hrs of the labor as a good will gesture and that i would be responsible for the other 1.4 hrs. Obviiously I told them to proceed. They contacted me today and said that the bike was ready. They stated that The idle jets/orifices were partially blocked/gummed up. The fuel did not appear to have gone bad That i should use 80+ octane If bike was to be idle for more than 2 weeks that I should use Sta Bil That they did not recommend the use of Sea Foam for the bike I was a little concerned over some of these statements so I contacted Yamaha customer service and they backed up what the dealer told me. The bike is running great again so i checked the Carb Synch to give me a base line and at 950 rpm I had a vaccum reading of 32 KPa Hope this helps someone else down the road thanks for all of you help and suggestions /Pete:thumbsup2:
  3. thx for all your suggestions, bike was in for recall (cylinder head bolt torque), bike is currently at the steelers for diagnostics, we could not find any logical reasons or errors for the problem I am experiencing. Hopefully they will find something. If they don't at least it will be documented and I can pursue it from there.
  4. Thanks for all the replys. This started happening at around 6000miles. way after the 4000 mile service. Which is why i don't suspect things like pinched rubber hoses etc. During the service i just had performed my tech checked most of the things that you guys are suggesting but did not find any issues. I will be taking it to the stealer for warranty work but am loathe to do so. They tend to screw things up. If I could possibly find the solution before then it would be great
  5. spec calls for 950-1050. Mine is set in the middle at 1000. This is great guys, keep the ideas flowing maybe someone will hit the solution:clap2:
  6. hey Kite Thanks for the accurate conversions, now if you can tell me what is causing my issue that would be great:thumbsup2:
  7. Just had the 8000 mile service completed, plugs, even fuel filter, this issue has been going on for about 500 miles. numerous tanks of gas and gas cleaner have been used but problem still persists. Outside of idle under normal use it runs fine. Issues only evident on low throttle, or down changing if the throttle is blipped between down changes. After about 1- 1/2 hrs problem is less noticeable, but is still there. My service tech picked up the issues. He was a Yamaha dealer lead mechanic but now has his own buisness and cannot perform warranty work Thx
  8. I used my synch tool before which is in cm Hg and the readings were in the mid range around 25 cm Hg. 12 Kpa is around 9 cm Hg which would not even register on my Guage (Starts at 10). So between the last synch and this check I have lost about 16 cm Hg which is about 21 KPa
  9. Noticed that I had poor throttle response especially when cold. Bike hesitates when accelerating. Thought issue could be synch so I checked synch. All carbs were pretty much the same, however I noticed that the vaccum was 12KPa. Manual spec gives 37KPa. Could this be my problem? If so what could cause this. Bike is stock 07 with 7030 mile Thx
  10. What pressure do you guys put in the venoms:confused24:
  11. Can anyone clear up the issue as to which grease should be used. see earlier post about the manual errors
  12. Manual contadicts itself see pages 7-84 and 7-91. It calls for Molybdenum disulfide grease on page 7-91 and lithium soap base grease on 7-84. The splines are on the gear box/engine end and I still question the statement to grease this spline?
  13. Why should you need to grease the spline? I believe the manual is wrong to suggest this. There are no rotating friction surfaces requiring grease. A small amount to assist in sliding the shaft (splines) into the mating end should be sufficient. There is no need to grease a key way and splines are the same concept. Am i missing something here?
  14. Thanks Freebird /Pete:thumbsup2:
  15. Why both mufflers? /pete
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