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About jpgivens

  • Birthday 01/13/1971

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jason P. Givens


  • Location
    Leander, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Midnight Tour Deluxe
  1. May god bless you and yours. Be strong for her.
  2. Were you able to locate the cheap $6 kit? If not, did you end up buying the $50 one or possibly make one from parts?
  3. I went with Other. I have not swapped out my clutch basket but considered it for months. I eventually leaned to ignore it and have forgotten about it for the most part.
  4. That's what I was thinking. A bad circuit board.
  5. That's not the problem. The button seems to have broken. It has the normal soft click when it's pressed but it refuses to go through the options. I'm guessing that the circuit board on the other side has gone bad. Anyone else had this issue?
  6. Today at the gas station I went to reset my trip gauge only to discover that the blasted thing wound not rotate to through the options. I pressed it several times and was eventually able to get the clock to display. I continued to press it several more times but it's locked on the clock. Has anyone seen this before. I have ~11000 miles on it.
  7. Today at the gas station I went to reset my trip gauge only to discover that the blasted thing wound not rotate to through the options. I pressed it several times and was eventually able to get the clock to display. I continued to press it several more times but it's locked on the clock. Has anyone seen this before. I have ~11000 miles on it.
  8. The site has been updated (Red is the color)
  9. It's not 3 PM EST yet - let's see if they update the models then.
  10. Here too. http://starmotorcycles.com/
  11. Does anyone have an idea as to what we can expect? 2009 MODEL INTRO http://starmotorcycles.com/assets/star/base/flex-line.gifhttp://starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gifhttp://starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gif Experience new models Monday September 8, 2008 3 PM Eastern
  12. My uncle owns a Harley dealership in Colorado and also sells Yamaha. I went riding with him earlier this year in Arizona and was continually told by him how nice my Royal Star Tour Deluxe is. I called him before buying it as I wanted to get a feel for the reputation and maintenance before buying. He insisted on the Royal Star over anything else. This coming from a Harley Dealer. I think Harley owners consider it a way of life because they spend so much of their time at the shop it just feels like home - plus it gives them the excuse to buy more HD clothing while they wait.:rotf:That being said, I rent Harley's once or twice a year when I go out of state and love them. As long as I'm not paying to repair the beast, I'm good with them.
  13. Check out this link. http://www.starvmax.com/?gclid=CKmZ09v4t5MCFQwrswodIz-dCA
  14. The most current prices are at the bottom. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/gas1.html
  15. Baron's has them on sale for 20% off until Wednesday. use promo code super20 at checkout. Actually they have everything on sale at 20% off but I used it for my 4-2-4's and saved $80.00
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