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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Yeah man....one of my favorites. Right up there with "The Pause of Mr. Claus", also by Arlo.
  2. I thick I still have a box of 5 1/2" floppies for that. I even had a special punch to make single side disk into double side disks. Changed them from 360kb to 720kb per disk. All of a sudden I feel really old and I'm going to take a nap now.
  3. That's a tough one, man! I hate it for you guys. I too, hope for a quick turn around in her situation......which I naturally assume will be better than before!
  4. Just thinking about your problem some more......when I built my truck, I spent several weeks rebuilding various wiring harnesses, partly because of changes and upgrades I was making, but also because darn near every other wire I touched had the insulation all cracked and split......several of the problems I had to fix were spurious shorts to ground or broken grounds wires at terminal connectors. Most of the rest were shabby attempted repairs by previous owners that had no real clue what the heck they were doing. If you are not sure, have somebody look at it that is and have them make the tests to figure it out. Better than having a smoke test on the road somewhere!
  5. You "may" very well have a problem with the switch, but you said it took most of a week to get the battery back up to speed (albeit on a tender). Two quick & relatively easy tests; first...pull the battery, take it to Advance or Autozone and have them run a load test to make sure the battery is ok. (you might also want to take the alternator since the regulator is internal as I recall...they can test it as well) then you can mark either of those off the list of possible culprits. Second, I think the switch was still on the floor if memoery serves.....pull the plug and probe the contacts of the switch with an ohmmeter..easy to see if the switch is good or bad. Then switch to volts and check the plug connector to make sure you have power comming to the high beam switch. If not, check the headlight switch itself; a little more difficult as it comes out the back of the dash panel. Do the same kind of tests as before on the switch and on the wires/connector supplying the switch. At this point if things are checking out ok, it's probably going to be an issue with the keyswitch.....just get a replacement and if it fixes it, it's done...(no sense in trying to figure out how to properly test it..just replace it) *(If the switch is on the turn signal lever, find the harness connector on the steering column using the wiring diagram and color coding and disconnect the 2 halves; connect the ohmmeter leads to the connector terminals that go to the switch and cycle the switch. You'll find out quick enough if the switch is bad) replacing, if it is bad, is a whole other problem!!! Assuming the switches are ok (which I'm not necessarily convinced they are, but IF), check your manual for the correct wiring diagram and check the headlight relay (if it has one) I don't recall if it does or not, so that ones for you to find out. If it does and you feel like you're getting out of your comfort zone, get one of your electrically savvy buddies to test the relay and make sure it works. Last but not least, pull the headlights and check the lamps and more importantly, check the connectors for corrosion and / or broken wires. Also trace down the ground wire for the headlight circuit...it'll be a single wire to the frame or a common ground point (several grounds at one point). There's one or two other possibilities, but they would be much, much less likey to be the problem. These above are the ones I've had to deal with personally ( and on one vehicle, I might add) Good luck !!!!
  6. I'm so sorry, my friend. My prayers go out for you and the family of your friend. While words never seem adequate, accept these in honest heartfelt sympathy.
  7. That is choice!! Ya can't make this stuff up.
  8. Was it in fact a real repo guy. Just because the guy said he was a repo guy and handed over a yellow piece of paper don't make it real. I've not heard of any loan company or bank going into repo mode at 2 payments down. The friend (owner of the bikes) said that he had received no advance notice or warning..not necessarily required, BUT one could reasonably assume that he had been in contact with the company prior to the bike being picked up. And yes, ANY repo co. should know better than to take a vehicle without first checking to make sure it's the right vehicle. Even if they didn't look at vin number, they have to be total morons to not be able to read "HONDA" as opposed to "YAMAHA" or "GOLDWING as opposed to "VENTURE". So, I'm not convinced somebody with a little inside info didn't take advantage of the situation to steal a bike (and under those circumstances, I'm not so sure they would care which bike it was) Of course, I'm something of a cynic when it comes to these things, so I suppose it could be perfectly plausable for the company to be total jerks and go after the bike over 2 payments, even in this economy; and send a couple of incompetent, illiterate morons that got their repo license from a cracker-jack box to pick up a vehicle they know nothing whatsoever about, that they couldn't identify on a bet................Am I the only one that sees a problem with that? Now if the loan was with No-neck and Rocco's "Money R Us", they would pick up anything sitting there and hold it hostage for the money and then take the money and a kidney (without using surgical instruments) when he gets back; 'course they would've come after the bike when the payment was one day past due.....so, who knows?
  9. I suspect it was the heuristic virus hunting of AVG that torpedoed the linksys drivers. Once it thinks it sees a virus (or a potential virus), it will apply whatever the default instruction is which is usually to negate & quarantine the offending file. Any anti-virus using heuristics can have this same problem, so don't feel too bad about it. You could've had an actual virus that pranged the boot sector of the hard drive...then you really would have been screwed. At least you got to drink some beers with a buddy...
  10. Then there's......Huh?
  11. If you can do it 8 days, you can do it for the rest of your life....one day at a time and it does get easier. Said a little prayer for ya, too. God bless.
  12. Good to hear....
  13. I am trying earnestly to find a decent picture to put here. Lacking that, I will put one that I used on Facebook for my profile. (I figured I'd take them literally) This is about 5 years old, when I had more hair and more beard than now....but it's a start!
  14. Annie, my heart goes out to you! My prayers for you have gone on their way!
  15. Hmmmmm! Shadow says, he does NOT know!!!
  16. If I tole you once, I dun tole you two times....It don't make me no nevermind!! Now, go an peel me a unyone and be hush. Ole Joostan weren't da onliest one what can cook..Haayeee!
  17. and no whitewalls!
  18. Same here, Boss! "No, sir........I don't like it!" Question---If you put it back like it was, will the posts & forums re-appear that disappeared a few minutes ago when I hit the "mark forums read" button, not completely paying attention to what you guys wrote??? 'Cause now it's blank and scary, like being alone in a locked room. NEVERMIND!
  19. It's the "World's 100th fastest Indian" !!!!!!!!
  20. I feel your pain, man. Been there done that (more than once, I'm afraid). Got any postable pics of the Ford?????
  21. Dragonrider, You have my sympathies; moreso your wife. The situation really bites!
  22. Whiz on 'em in the shower and wear white socks whenever possible. (something to do with the dye....even after they've been washed several times) If you happen to be a workin stiff who has to wear a suit, you can get socks that are white on the part in the shoe and black from there up. I've seen them, but don't know where you can get them.
  23. Nicely done! Here's to many, many more!
  24. Seems like I have a lp of Joplins........My wife loved her; I listened to her more out of curiosity...Gotta hand it to anybody that can sing 3 or 4 different notes simultaneously. (at least it sounded like to me that at times) She was a pearl for sure.
  25. If I ever get back out that way, can I come to your house for breakfast??? MMMMmmm sounds good!
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