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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Praise the Lord for answered prayers. You gave us quite a scare. I'd say you were a lucky man to still be among us, but given the circumstances......I don't think luck had much to do with it at all! Prayers and well wishes for you and all involved, my friend!
  2. Ditto- all the lousy things said about Norton and McAfee. Far too invasive and difficult to purge (even then there are still remnants in the registry) I used AVG it's ok....Trend micro got to be a little quirky at the point I quit using it a few years ago. I used to really like Zonealarm, till the were bought by Checkpoint a few years ago; after that, quality and compatability went south bigtime. One that I use to use that was also very good (I don't know about now) was Panda. I currently use COMODO (free version) and Malwarebytes haven't had a single problem, intrusion or infestation.
  3. I'm with Renne
  4. She rides in a car, right? Take her out on a country road at various speeds and have her hang her head out the window to "get the feel of it". Once she can do it from the relative safety of the car, maybe she'll come around.
  5. Love the color
  6. Proves the axiom......"Just because one CAN procreate, doesn't mean one SHOULD!!! This dude obviously is a candidate for being the poster-child for birth control.
  7. Dude.....that is one contest I would let my wife win no matter how good I did!!! LOL
  8. If it's like most states, if a person dies intestate (no will) then the control falls to the probate court. You would pay your money directly into the court (by whatever the mechanism the local court dictates); the court in turn dictates any distribution to the heirs in accordance with applicable state law (all of which would be totally outside your purview and I would guess outside your area of interest as well). I don't know what percentage of the total original price you've got in the deal at this point, but if it is relatively substantial, a local bank (non-major) would be your best bet to get longer term financing of the balance. You can usually find a strong local bank that holds their own mortgages, rather than selling to the secondary market. They were usually the ones that were the hardest to get qualified at, but they also had fewer walkouts and foreclosures because of their lending requirements. For what it's worth, I would hold off as long as I could if the current terms are good on the note you're paying into now. If the market / economy is indeed improving, you will be in a better position later and the bank will as well. Just make sure that you allow sufficient time to do everything the bank needs to have done to complete their loan acquisition. I also think this is one time that using a good real estate attorney would be worth the few hundred dollars it would cost to make sure everything is properly coordinated between you the bank and the probate court. If you are extrordinarily lucky, he had a will and a very reasonable heir to deal with, that would understand the value of taking the balance over time (with interest of course) as income (with relatively low tax rates) rather than taking a lump sum and having to pay a bunch of taxes Good luck in any event. I hope you get the situation you most need.
  9. Come over toward the beach!!!!! local tv says 5"....we got about 4" here! By 4:00 in the afternoon, it was almost all gone.
  10. Monty!......................................Nicely done, my man!
  11. Done!
  12. Welcome aboard! Yeah, this is a pretty neat place....especially after you take away the nutjobs, the schitzoids, narcisists, etc. from the states starting with the letter Z! This welcome brought to you by the number 4.
  13. That bites! Hope it heals well and quickly. I take it the bike didn't get hurt? (as you were providing a cushion for it) (not trying for humor with that) Did they give you any idea how much down time to expect before decent functional use of the ankle? Good luck with the healing.
  14. Anybody got a pic or two of the Rivco/swingarm install ?
  15. Prayers made!
  16. That sucks, but at least he's OK.
  17. Check with Foremost. I have full coverage on 2 bikes and a 7X14, 2 axle, enclosed lowboy motorcycle trailer for about $600/year.
  18. I got thinking about that some more after my post. I do distinctly recall that using them required an inordinate amount of head movement to make sure that whatever I wanted to see was seen through the appropriate part of the lense (makes me think of your problem). If I wore them much, I'd get a headache and my neck would hurt and I was constantly pushing them up the bridge of my nose to keep that little good viewing spot right in front my eyes. Had much trouble trying to go down steps. I vaguely recall some of the problem you describe, but as I said, I had to replace mine to accomodate the two separate applications. Good luck with your situation.
  19. Unless your progressive lenses are somehow way different than the ones I had, the center/middle strip isn't for distance sight. It's more for mid-range (something around arms length for a focal point). I never could get used to them, so I eventually got 2 pair of bifocals. One has the usual distance lense over the entirety of the field of view, with the small reading lense at center bottom. They were much easier to get used to and they were cheaper priced. The other pair are also bifocals, but with the entire lower half as a reading lense and the upper half as a short range assist for about 30 or so inches away (work at the computer) Works great. I get to see the computer screen and then glance down to the keyboard and still be in focus on both of them (though not at the same time--duh). (The progressives were effectively tri-focals)
  20. What they said! Prayers up for great results.
  21. prayers away for a good outcome & quick recovery.
  22. It's not a big deal, I know, but I'm going into surgery tuesday for carpal tunnel and to fix my trigger finger (both on my left hand). It makes me a little angry because they say I'll not be riding the bike for probably 4-6 weeks. That will basically kill any potential riding (any the weather has been looking up of late) that I might have been able to do shortly, when they finish the paving job on our street. (haven't had the bike out at all, because of it for about 6 weeks now, as it is. I'm starting to get a little punchy) That's an inconvenience and a pain in the neck; I get that. What makes the hair on the back of my neck tingle is that the last time I had "minor" surgery, being sedated / anesthetised precipitated my heart attack a few days later. (a not uncommon occurrence or so they said [which by the way they didn't tell me until after the fact]). What is most irritating is the little, small, niggling, ill feeling I get when I think about it. I mean it just irks me that it happens. I know y'all know what I mean. ANYWAY, those of you who are willing.....if you would, drop my name in a prayer, tonight, just in case! Thanks! I really appreciate it.
  23. not applicable at all times: cynical or curmudgeon or maybe goodyear (only if I wear a grey sweatsuit) or possibly sarcastic (when I'm in a not so good mood) suffice to say "COMPLICATED" My old doctor said I was too heavy; my new doctor says "no you're not too heavy, you're too short! "
  24. Yeah Plains Venture is right. When I bought my GS850L new in '82, the guy said that the "L" indicated that it sat "Lower" (which it in fact did, due in part to the stepped seat) the "E" had a straight more "European" style seat. There's probably much more rational reasoning for either the L or the E, but I never thought more about it. I don't know about the other models, 'cause I didn't pay any attention to them at all.
  25. And all this time, I thought Mr. Potato head was the only one that loose lips caused problems for! The quiet around here thing.......I must agree....I admit; I don't know anyone else that types that loud! Wherever it is yer goin', have fun or if that's not the purpose....then be careful. (of course there are a couple of activities where you would need to be safe to have..........never mind)
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