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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. I imagine yer buttocks & legs is getting a might numb about now!
  2. '90 w/ ~24,000 miles; most of which were on it when I got it. May be going on the market soon!
  3. I'll take masochist if it's still available!
  4. If you go into system hardware, does the CD drive even show up? I.E.--does the machine recognize a CDrom is present and attached? If not, go to the "add hardware" screen and try to add the drive. If it does show up, try to update the driver for it. These choices will be totally divorced from anything you might do in the BIOS setup screens. The BIOS setup will have CDROM access in the boot cycle as a selection whether one is there or not....They expect you as tech. or end user to tell the BIOS whether to look for it or not. Ditto Lilbeaver's suggestion to borrow a drive for the reinstal, then evaluate the drive as "newly installed hardware", when you switch back. Anyway, if either of the 2 things I mentioned don't help ....back up 10 yards and punt! (then possibly look for a new CD drive) Good luck in any event. my 2 cents Just thought of something else, before the other stuff I said. If you can, get into Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) and look under the "My Computer" line item. Expand it and see if the CD is shown. Try to access it (the disk) to view files. If you can do this, the drive is functional but the response to "autoplay" is screwed up for some reason. Hunt for the Setup.exe (should be right there in the root directory) and execute it for a reinstal. . You didn't specifically say, but I assume the drive physically "works"....powers up and tries to access the disk. If not, disregard everything I've said and find a new CD-ROM drive! Ok that's a nickel!
  5. Dude, find THE right woman you'll lose your mind.............and the bike!
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDCSBnlg7SI&feature=related]YouTube- Louie Louie by Richard Berry & The Pharohs[/ame]
  7. It's a great idea and I'd do it, but it only addresses oil at the surface. New info indicates the problem is way bigger..most of the oil is suspended below the surface.....at several different levels. This article details some of it. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/16/us/16oil.html?src=twt&twt=nytimes
  8. This occurred this AM about 11:00. http://www.wciv.com/news/stories/0510/734839.html?ref=em Mount Pleasant, SC - Police say two motorcyclists were killed in an accident when their motorcycles were struck and pushed into cars in Mount Pleasant on Tuesday. The Mount Pleasant Police say 50-year-old James Hines from New York and 80-year-old James Doucette from Florida died from injuries sustained from the accident. According to authorities, the two motorcycles were stopped in traffic near the intersection of 17 South and Anna Knapp. Police say the two motorcycles were then struck from behind by an SUV, which then pushed the two motorcycles into a car in front and then in to another car. Authorities say both men were in town for bike week. They were transported to MUSC where they died. The accident is still under investigation, charges are pending. Highway 17 south was closed for about three hours. ________________________________________________________________________ I got there shortly after they loaded 3 ambulances & headed on south into Charleston. There was a Harley laid over on it's left side with the aft end from the tank back under a large van (with the front of the van mashed......I think the pic in the article is that bike from the reverse angle) and what looked like 3 or 4 others on the ground with all manner of pieces bent & missing. I can't recall ever seeing that much bike debris....it was everywhere. The speed limit in that area (2 stoplights N of the Ravenel Bridge on Hwy 17 S) is 45 and is stop and go any time of the day; but especially that time of day. I'll stop short of speculating what the SUV driver did or didn't do and simply ask for prayers for all concerned. There were at least 6-8 other bikes parked a little beyond the wreck; I'm guessing they were part of a group ride and the 2 that were killed were at the tail end possibly separated from the rest by a car, but I don't know. All of the radio stations have been doing almost 1/2 hourly PSAs about watching out and reminding people that bikes are out in numbers......it's just not enough. Our presence just doesn't seem to be being made important enough to the rest of the driving public!
  9. You should see how he loads his truck!
  10. Yeah, tell me about it!! You don't even want to see the rest of the pictures! (or maybe you do- it may still be up...... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2001-VENTURE-LOW-MILES-LOADED-UPGRADES-EXCELLENT-/150438060971?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2306cea3ab As of 5 min. ago pics were still there.) I kept hearing Tweety Bird saying "If I dood it...I dit a whippin"! (it surely is pretty though, isn't it......that puts my previous fav., the '06 Black Cherry w/whitewalls firmly into second place) Worst case if Yamaha doesn't come through, I may look for a low mileage, well accessorized, well cared for Venture at a deal, buy it and have it painted. Now pardon me while I go have a headache...
  11. Can You Say 1900CC Venture V-Twin???? In a word.....NO ! Originally Posted by Bobby G I have it on excellent authority inside Yamaha that they will NEVER move to a V-twin for the Venture. Look for a very nicely juiced up 2011 model with lots of improvements to the current 2nd Gen. (Their guys read this forum every day, so they know what their loyal customers are saying!) Target price will be under $20K. I won't say that I don't believe you, but I am having much difficulty, which is to say I am way skeptical! My plan has been to see if they came through and put out something that we've been asking for, which if they did I was going to sell what I had and buy new. Partly because of that, I passed on buying the single most gorgeous Venture I have ever laid eyes on, this week...[still not 100% sure I shouldn't have gone ahead and got it anyway]...(and partly ...admittedly, it was going to be a trick to pull it all together at one time...BUT, I really was wanting to hold out to see what Yamaha was going to do) Based on the many discussions here, I had a vision of what I thought the next gen. Venture would be and if it was anywhere close, well, I wanted one! I have to be honest, I'm getting tired of waiting on them. If they drop the ball this time, I'm probably going to have to find something else. Or find the guy that bought the Venture I saw and steal it from him!!! (2001 2 tone green 16k miles...$8000) shoulda done it....
  12. Navy guys refer to the bathroom as "the head". (never quite understood that) I use the term myself even though I wasn't in the Navy. Evidently picked it up from my brother, who was.
  13. Those appearing in bold type are listed in order of preference. Eclectic doesn't begin to descibe my taste in music. I even have a vintage vinyl of Frank Zappa. I might even part with my vinyl "Blind Faith" album if the price were right! From Big & Rich "Horse of a Different Color" Album 1. Live This Life 2. Holy Water 3. Saved From Nicole C. Mullen's "Talk About It" album 1. "Let The Redeemed of The Lord Say SO" 2. "I Will Give You Rest" 3. "When I Call on Jesus" From the "W.O.W. Orange CD" -- 1. "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" done by Darleene Zschech Pachabel-"Canon in D-Major" J.S. Bach - "Air on The G-String" "Hawaii '78" & "Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (brother Izzy) Anything by Dobro king of the planet-Jerry Douglas! Particularly from the "Lookout for Hope" and "The Best Kept Secret" albums Most anything from Crosby Stills Nash & Young (or variations of the group) Anything from Bonnie Raitt "Longing in Their Hearts", "Luck of The Draw" or "Nick of Time" albums Anything from the Bob Marley "Legend" Album Clapton- "Pretending", "Knocking on Heavens Door", "If I Could Change The World", "If I Saw You In Heaven", "After Midnight" (w/ Santana) In no particular order of preference: Commodores- Brick House, Little River Band - Cool Change, Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain, Valley Road & Every Little Kiss, Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine With You Gone, Junior Walker - Cleo's Back, Chris Isaacs - Wicked Games, ZZ Top - Low Rider, Spinners - Rubberband Man, War - Spill The Wine, Emerson Lake & Palmer - Lonely Man, Eagles - Hole in the World..................there are many, many more Even some Midi instrumentals from a guy named Michael Walthius (the Keyboard Wizard)
  14. I think I have a box full of them. I'd definitely part with them for a phenomenal fee. Or make me an offer I can't possibly refuse!
  15. I guess you really can ride off into the sunset!
  16. I'd probably be a little miffed if I bought something & the price changes within a week or so. Longer than that I chalk up to bad timing on my part. The non-responsive (or rude)response would on the other hand get me spun a mite quicker (and has in the past). I sympathize with you, however, as others have said, I've done a fair amount of business with them and have not had the communication problem you describe. So, that seems very much out of character for them. Regarding the price thing...I can see where their internal procedures might prevent the matching from being viable. That said, though, if it's a big enough deal to you and if you still have the packaging and the tags, etc., you could always send the stuff back for a refund within 60 days (with conditions & some costs, of course), then re-order at the lower price. I personally don't think it would be worth the hassle and if you're like me the packaging and tags went in the trash the day day the package arrived, which pretty much obviates sending them back anyway. I have called company presidents & CEOs on the phone before over similar issues where customer service was problematic and ALWAYS got immediate attention and satisfaction. You might get an apology AND a rebate....you never know!
  17. Another one down for LeatherUp.com. The one I looked at (as well as the ones I bought) were made of water buffalo hide (thicker than cow hide and more resistant to everything). They also are lined down to the knee for ease of getting on & off, Prices are good, customer service is good, products are as good as any. I had to send a jacket and a pair of gloves back....no problems, no hassles. You may do better; You could do much, much worse. IMHO
  18. Great news. Keep it coming.
  19. I have a C580 and I've never seen anything that remotely appears to give elevational data. It may be there if the GPS mode is changed from "normal", but to my knowlege, elevations are not there anywhere. Doesn't mean they aren't..I just not aware of any.
  20. Good to see you improving. Looking at your comment above, kind of makes ya wish the movie Brainstorm (Christopher Walken & Natalie Wood) was real doesn't it? Talk about living vicariously! Keep up the good work, you'll be back in the saddle before you know it.
  21. My condolences, Larry. Please pass along my deepest sympathies to all. May God grant comfort & peace to the family.
  22. I still can't get over that.......I mean the bike is toast, obviously, BUT, considering a closing impact speed approching 110, the bike doesn't look too bad and you gettting away as cleanly as you did.....is beyond logical expectations!.............I kid you not, every time I think about it I giggle like a little schoolgirl. God bless!
  23. Based on the winter just past, I'm more inclined to go with mold spores, mildew and pollens of various types. Then throw some cold & flu on top of that.
  24. There seems to be at least "some" setup for the display, because the third picture has the airbag deployed. That wouldn't happen on a side impact and there is no damage at all to the front of the vehicle.
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