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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Yeah, but what's the GPS doing????
  2. His mama had to have dressed him funny as a child. That IS a female garment he's wearing!!!! I say he......I've never known a woman that had that much hair on her chest. (edit--or on her BACK) Now I'm going to have nightmares for sure, darn it, anyway!
  3. Quick, someone say something political (the more incorrect the better) so this will end!
  4. OOOOOHHHH, Man! That's just ....wrong on so many levels.
  5. Not necessarily. Most states require that the title with loan cancellation comes to them, them first so that they can officially show the title clear in their state, then forward on to the buyer. Plus they get to charge somebody more money for something.
  6. Prayers away for continued good progress.
  7. The info on the redlineoil site stops just short of telling how it does it. Any product like this lowers the surface tension of the water ie-makes the molecules less sticky or cohesive. (kinda like Plavix for water...lol) This allows the molecules to achieve closer contact with the hot metal surfaces and transfer heat much more efficiently.
  8. Thanks for the update, Ben. I've been a little sporadic about keeping up with postings on the site of late and wondered how you were doing. Progress is progress, be it slow & steady or all at once. The faster the better of course, but, I'm thankful that you're making some headway. Prayers & well wishes will continue.
  9. Thanks, same to you. Same to all the members.
  10. Gary, I'm with Dano....hanging on every post & pic. Being there in person has got to be phenomenal.
  11. A man after me own heart! Congrats on the coming addition. Ya know Nerf Rockets make for a fun evening indoors as well, but at some point you have to give them to the kids...
  12. Oddly, I've known a couple of guys that swear by the occasional use of WD-40 that way. Does sound like classic tendonitis, though! I had some of what you describe pain-wise and mine is more nerve related (neck & shoulder are more the culprits in causing my arm pain. However (and this floored me when the doctor said it), my doctor said that many pain dr.s mis-diagnose arm & elbow pain. He said that many times it is actually pain that originates from carpal tunnel nerve impingement at the wrist. This guy is really good and when I got the carpal tunnel surgery, some of the forearm pain did actually reduce (understanding of course that the surgery is primarily for hand pain & numbness). PT on my neck & shoulder helped some more. Now, 30 minutes wirh a TENS unit on my shoulder a couple of times a week and a simple exercise (standing in a doorway or a corner, with feet away from the doorway or the corner...put hands on the doorframe or the two cornering walls and lean in to force the shoulders back. Hold for 30 sec. & repeat 3 times; do the routine 2 or 3 times per week) pretty much takes care of it. Rotator cuff is still going to need some work later but for now, it's ok. Something else he had me to do (albeit, primarily for carpal tunnel) that has helped is to where the wrist/forearm braces at night when sleeping. Most people evidently roll their hand over (like you're trying to touch the inside of the wrist) which aggravates the carpal tunnel issue and by extension, the forearm/elbow pain problem (at least in my case). I still wear them at night for that reason. I figure if it works, what the hey! And finally, in the for what it's worth department, the young lady who did my Physical therapy told me to quit wearing suspenders. They cause the shoulders to pull forward slightly as in a slouch and complicate any nerve impingement through the shoulder area. Now I just hurt my shoulder every time I hike up my pants. Likely, much more than you wanted to know, Barend, but if any piece of it can be used to your benefit....then it was worth boring everyone else to tears!
  13. You might also check Foremost Insurance. http://www.foremost.com/
  14. Yeah, Me too!
  15. I just had the oddest thought......a food fight with pastry names! Let's see, there's doughnut, kruller, fritter, bearclaw.........and of course the ever popular poptart!
  16. What he said!
  17. Prayers for quick recovery and for an easier med regime. My sister-in-law's husband has MS and has had to really work at getting to a balance point where the meds do the job without being worse than the disease. Stuffs not cheap either. Again..prayers up for you guys. God Bless!
  18. Regarding the break in issue. In days gone by (and to some degree even now, particularly in an aftermarket rebuilding situation) the materials used in the piston rings would not seal properly/quickly as they should when a synthetic was used. (particularly true of chrome rings; not chrome/moly, but chrome) (That IS a quantifiable engineering FACT of physics...not an opinion). To isolate and investigate a specific set of factors (time at operating temp., duration of warm up, chemical make up of the specific oil used, metalurgical data for the specific engine block & pistons & rings[ for coefficients of expansion & contraction], data on adhesion of the lubricant to the specific metal being discussed, rpm during the "break-in" period and a dozen other factors, for a specific engine in a specific make & model would be possible, but pointless, especially for this "discussion"! What is germaine is that there will be certain engines that for any number of reasons as mentioned, will not seat the rings properly with a synthetic until much later than is desirable. Therefore the recommendation to get good "break-in" time on the engine with dino oil to seat the rings and establish proper clearance between rings and cylinder wall makes perfect sense, then switching back to synthetic for it's friction reducing properties. (that's also why they crosshatch the cylinder walls....but hey what do I know) (for what it's worth the expensive cars with the specialty high performance all aluminum engines, like Corvette, Porsche & others...engines are run in prior to leaving the factory and the materials used are selected partly for the very purpose of seating/sealing quickly, while having a measure of longevity as well...can be somewhat exotic in the alloys used) Using a synthetic that at a minimum is certified to be applicable to motorcyles with wet clutches is in my view, the only position to take if a person has any doubts, assuming of course that they're talking about motorcycles. And will someone hose down the floor..I almost slipped on the testosterone when I came in.
  19. "Hammer down" always works for me, but then I like tools!
  20. More than one?.......
  21. Haven't had it for quite a while, but I loved it while I did have it. '81 4spd.
  22. Very nice...........................however, if it were in my driveway.....wow--- ticket magnet from hades.
  23. It surely is pretty, but my druthers now run toward the green part of the spectrum. IF Yamaha is paying attention, this is a color combo to re-run. I want one exactly like this with a couple more lights on the rear. Close to perfection!!!! It's so pretty, I have had comments on it from having the pictures as wallpaper on my cellphone and computer.......for real! Now, pardon me while I roll my tongue back up and get a mop for the drool!
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