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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. I was gonna ask yer age and we could just use that as the baseline!
  2. 1. Excuse me? NO, no he didn't! Didn't happen! Wouldn't happen! Don't know these people; never saw the vehicle before! Lies I say!!! 2. At 2700 lbs, it's a behemoth. Back in the day, Crown engineering would build or supply parts for you to build a mid-engine V8 Corvair that only weighed 2560 wet! I came close to having one, but 1 kid, 1 wife, lack of money and a little voice in my head saying "If you build it COPS will come!"....got in the way.
  3. Yer a baaaaad man!
  4. prayers away
  5. done
  6. That's 2 of us. If you were referring to the Marine's vigil during Rolling Thunder 2010, I was ok till they zoomed in on his face and stayed there. Thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes. God bless him. God bless all the Veterans...past & present, living or lost to us.
  7. TEST! You passed!
  8. Wow! God Bless you George. Prayers away for complete recovery and soon.
  9. Prayers away..
  10. Long as it ain't out of a Peterbilt, it oughta work!
  11. On every ultrasonic I've run across, regardless of how quiet it is, you should still be able to see very small/fine disturbance on the water surface. And with regard to the quiet, I can't recall one that didn't buzz at least a little. One I had long ago you could feel the vibration if you cupped your hands around it or stuck your fingures in it. Try putting a couple of small pebbles in it dry and turn it on for a few seconds. You should know in a rush if it's working, I would think from the noise. for what its worth!
  12. It is indeed....a lightbar and for a late '80s into '90s Goldwing. There's one on my 'wing
  13. Awright!!! Glad your home, though not nearly so much as you & mini. One less thing on the worry list.
  14. I like her style!!
  15. And yet, according to the article in one of posts, the "new" Goldwing will have a dual overhead cam 2 liter and a bunch of goodies. Hmmph! Fancy that. Finally, not to be argumentative, but while the bottom line is what it is, any company that doesn't at least try to accommodate their clientelle, will suffer when that clientelle finally has had enough and take their business to someone who does pay attention and the company wonders how it happened! Think about it! If they have all this '09 & '10 inventory laying around, it's not JUST because the economy sucks. Somebody (likely more than 1) at Yamacentral screwed the pooch regarding inventory needs and reading their customer base. Yamaha can't possibly be that stupid (or arrogant if not stupid) Frankly, I don't understand their mentality on the model upgrade from even before the economy took a dump. If they're not going to compete or pay attention, then they should say so and get out. OK I'm done.
  16. Thanks. It's a helluva sacrifice that they make on our behalf.....God bless 'em!
  17. It's OK! Eventually, she will discover, much to her own amazement, what a wonderful wise old sage you were....all along! Walt for it.......
  18. http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics/IMGP2554%20(Medium).JPG I uh, mmmm ........Look man, I thought she was over 21, OK? I mean just look at this picture! Does that look 16 to you? OR: You don't back up outta my space, I'm gonna hit you with this rock! OR: I'm not askin' again; tell me where my bike is or it's gonna be me & you! OR: Well, I'll be darned....one thumb is bigger than the other one!
  19. Don't look at me like that! How was I to know she was really a guy? OR: I'm just sayin', every one I picked up so far has been grey, so yeah I think the name's wrong! OR: You just couldn't resist; you had to ask the ranger what Smoky the Bear's middle name was!
  20. Y'all don't have spoke wheels & handlebars on yer computers??? Dang, I must be doing something wrong!
  21. When I can do so safely, I will usually either initiate or respond to a wave regardless. On the response side, I'd estimate easily 50-75% of GW riders I run across respond in kind or initiate a wave. I my experience, the worst are the guys riding the "custom' chopper style bikes. They look down their nose at everybody. A lot of guys think taking a hand off the bars compromises their safe control of their bike...Frankly I don't care one way or the other. I know that they are riding for the same basic reasons I do, regardless of their personal preferences and their choice in bikes and because of that we are kindred spirits, after a fashion, whether either of us likes it or cares about it or not! IMHO, beyond that it is a total waste of time to devote anything more than a couple of microseconds thinking about it! "TO WAVE OR NOT TO WAVE- THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION!........TO RIDE OR NOT TO RIDE.....THAT IS THE QUESTION!!!!
  22. Riding a '98 Tour Deluxe and a '90 'Wing. Waiting to see what Yamaha does for 2011...if nothing, I'll probably sell them both and get a Venture and paint it 2 tone green ('01 colors).with godfather whites on it (If I can't find an actual '01 like I want.....as in the pic) Riding off & on since 1969. Oh, I'll be 62 on 9/11!
  23. Aw Man, I'm on.....I mean I just started......er actually, I am supposed to be on a diet Oh, what the h***, I'll put it off another week.
  24. I had an aftermarket warranty on my 2000 GMC P/U (bought in '05 w/ 77k miles on the odo. from a typical used car lot) I used it (the warranty, but I ended up paying as much for the repairs as the warranty paid for [it paid $1000; I paid $1000..........kind of a good news/bad news deal] It was awkward to use and the dealer service guys just about rolled their eyes whenever I showed up. Plus it took an inordinate amount of time, because you had to get the warranty co. to buy off on the repair ahead of time before they'd fork over the dough to the dealer. (like dental work....which is a good analogy becuse it literally was like pulling teeth). In talking to the dealer and the service reps at length about the whole warranty issue, I determined that even though it's more expensive up front to buy it from the dealer, it actually covers more (depending on which level of coverage you get, obviously), is easier to use and I believe at the end of the day, overall would be less expensive, especially if your time is worth anything to you. At the time I was cutting skinny on ready cash because I had just within the week, bought my wife a new Escape; so of necessity I opted for the cheaper aftermarket warranty. In retrospect, I should have got off my wallet a little more and gone with the dealer's warranty. That's my 3cents
  25. Shucks, all this time I thought once you left the English system, it went to kilowatts!
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