I'm happy you weren't hurt any worse; you'll be in my prayers..as will all of our riders.
I had a buddy just 3 weeks ago, going for his daily cup-o-joe & meet the friends; a routine he performed on his Valkyrie many, many times before. This day a woman turned left in front of him; he tried to haul it down, but he just didn't have time. He evidently also tried to put the bike down, but again there was no time to do anything but hit her; he caught the front fender of her car and went airborne. He sufferred severe internal injuries and passed later in the day. I think he was pushing 70 years old, but a hell of a nice guy and he loved riding.
It's getting bad everywhere. Maybe I'm more attuned to it living near Myrtle Beach. With 2 or 3 sometimes more bike rallys around here, every year, there are ALWAYS bikers getting hurt or worse and of the bike fatalities this year, according to the cops, only one was the fault of the biker! If you have a heart beating in your chest, that has to just hurt your soul.
There's a guy that does courier service for some of the lawyers in the area whose wife works with mine. He has been run into the rear 4 times now and had to change over to a trike cause his knees got so banged up.
(and no he doesn't use the bikes for work)
We even had a Marine home on leave, on his bike, chased and bumped/run off the road/crashed by some jerk with a hard place for bikers! He was P.O.'d at somebody, but they found the Marine blameless. They put the guy away for awhile for that one.
I apologize for getting carried away, but riding is such a special, unique experience. The openness, the smells and temperature changes and the sights and sounds; it's just you and the environment. Then there are the people you meet, the friends you make, the tales told--the experiences shared over a cup of coffee....or over the net. I've not met anyone here personally yet, but the comradery that's evident, the responses of one to the other....this is not just what motorcycling is supposed to be, this is what LIFE is supposed to be. So forgive me if I appreciate this place and you people a bit more than normal today; and share cowpuc's frustration, but because they are intruding on a very personal activity by their actions and they do not have that right. So today/tonight, I'm a basket of different emotions and you guys caught the result. I so look forward to meeting some of you (those who might still want to after today's ourburst)
I guess the Harley folks said it first, but I think they got it right: "Live to ride & ride to live". Y'all be careful out there!
the autopilot