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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Heaters have got to be for emissions & fuel management. Low temp idling in neutral (with the choke) (you're only on idle circuit) makes for a richer mixture. The heaters would help that situation. Off-idle, the situation is moot, because the engine & carbs are warmed up, the choke is off and idle time is only during stops. Idling while warming up would be the worst time for emissions and they don't have cat. converters, right? Anyway, that's where my thinking is taking me!
  2. AHhHH! and a fine message it is!! Gets my vote
  3. I got an extra acre I can use. They're welcome to use it to build the enclosure & grow algae. I'd donate it as long as I get enough end product to run my vehicles!!!
  4. This will likely meet with much resistance,BUT, depending on the scratch...you could work out a design incorporating it. Then apply the design to both sides.... problem solved..sorta! AND, idiots would not have been my first choice of descriptive terms......
  5. I agree, there should be increased vigilance on the part of riders and I agree with the addition of devices which make us more visible. What I disagree with is that it always has to fall to US to have to "be more careful" or "be more visible". All too many times a car driver gets a pass because "I just didn't see them"! The number of bikes is increasing not decreasing and the number of wrecks goes right with that. So, I feel that the laws should be amended to make the penalties MUCH higher than they are now. I don't know about other states, but, here, if you pass a school bus improperly, they will crucify you and your insurance goes immediately to 3 or 4 times normal cost for 3 years. They cut no slack and accept no excuses. They do that for the mere RISK of hurting a child, which is fine....they should! I can say with certainty, if there's one part of the vehicle law that people know it's that one! So, I ask the question, why not put some teeth in the law for motorcyclists? That coupled with increased emphasis in the manuals and training and testing for drivers licenses and this stuff will be reduced and dramatically, IMHO! OK, I'm done!
  6. Kinda reminds me of Rineharts for Harley....Which oddly enough are made/owned by Bub. go figure! In any event, yours look great....nice contrast to the chrome and gloss black & Grey.
  7. What he said!!
  8. You wouldn't want to live any where near where they roost either....if you want to sleep at all!
  9. Isn't that special? Fresh from Nigeria, I'll bet!
  10. Well, that bites! If it had been finished it would've taken the wind. I hate it for you, but at least no one was physically harmed!
  11. Go to the county office that handles deeds, plats, surveys & the like. Pull the deed and plat for both your and the gov. properties. The plat books should show yours and all bordering properties. The personnel should be able to assist you with locating the plats and deeds (for the legal descriptions) for both. Then take the doc.s to a surveyor (or a good real estate paralegal) and ask him/her to look at them and tell you if there is a problem with the property lines. It's also possible that the county personnel are competent enough to clarify the issue for you, but that is usually less likely. If there is a error and the error was on the part of the gov., they are responsible for correcting it. A possibility could be that the legal description &/or plat for your prop. is wrong. All of this is pulling possibilities out of the air, but in any event you need to get your hands on the doc.s and have a professional tell you what the deal is and how to best proceed if something is screwed up. In any event any doc.s associated with the sliver of land taken by the gov. for the road should be on file. Worst case you might contact the attorney that handled the acquisition for the gov. and get the info and a copy of the dwg from them. It all would start at the county register of deeds or whatever equivalent you have there. Exhaust that before getting a survey, unless you don't have one. Then, I'd get one regardless. The lines you think you have, may not be the ones you actually have!
  12. I think I'd buy new helmet interior pieces from the manufacturer. There's always a residue left when you wash stuff like that and they can cause chemical/skin irritation. Kinda like washing a well grunged ball cap....they just are never the same and mine always irritate my forehead under the sweatband. For what it's worth!!!!
  13. Not trying to stir the pot....seriously...but can you run a radial on the rear and a standard non-radial m/c tire on the front? Maybe a question of ignorance on my part, but I was always under the impression that was a no-no car tire or not! Would that not in itself generate squirrelly handling?
  14. I'm in for 3 tickets via paypal.
  15. Sorry to hear that jt! We're still praying for you guys..
  16. Good job..So glad you guys didn't go down! Atta-boys to Gary (and a huge thank you to the Big Guy upstairs, yes?) I was also impressed to see the H-D riders comment. Interesting!
  17. If you all will indulge me for a moment, I’d like to relate the latest entry in the Autopilot’s journal. Spent a few days in the mountains with my wife, celebrating 40 years together. Hard to imagine, sometimes. We did more stuff right by accident, than most do on purpose. Praise the Lord for that, ‘cause I sure didn’t have anything to do with it! Well, moving right along…I will likely draw some barbs for this but we were in the vicinity of Deals Gap and didn’t take the bikes on this trip. Given the road and driveway going to the cabin, it’s probably just as well that I didn’t bring them. I’m not sure I could have gotten the truck & trailer to the cabin from the road. Even if I could have, I’m not at all sure I could have negotiated that rutted up, washed out, rock, mud & gravel imitation of a driveway with either of the bikes. One side was literally 500-800 feet down the side of the mountain, if I dumped the bike, we both would be toast. It would be a month before anyone could find us, assuming they even knew where to look. I had nothing to do with renting the place and these little tidbits of information had not been clearly disclosed prior to our arrival. Needless to say, if I had arrived with my full-sized pickup with motorcycle trailer in tow, I would have been one un-happy camper. Now, the major secondary roads (129, 143, 28, 19, 74) in & around Robbinsville, NC, on the other hand, were phenomenal and I most definitely plan to go back with the bike(s) for them. I won’t be staying at this particular place though, you can be sure. Heck, I had to do a 3 point turn with my wife’s Ford Escape, as small as IT is, to get in or out of the driveway in one direction. Couldn’t do the Tail of the Dragon the day we drove over there. It was closed most of the day due to a fatal trike crash. 67 year old guy from Arkansas died when he drove off the mountain around mile 4. I was told that someone was taking pictures and he turned and waved to them. In just that bit of time he lost his bearings, lost control and that was it. The Dragon had claimed yet another. Prayers up, for the family. On a brighter note, I saw a couple of 2nd gen. Ventures up that way. One was a silver over (bronze?) They were 2 up on the Cherohala Skyway, headed toward Robbinsville. (I vaguely remember someone in the forum talking about going up there and having a bike that color, but I couldn’t find the post when I got back) The other was a blue over black….can’t remember exactly where I saw that one. (Think it was on 129 going to Deals Gap) I thought I saw a silver Venture, but I just had a glimpse and can’t be sure. Up there, even cagers have to pay attention to driving! These sightings would have been in the 6/21-6/24 time frame. The downside is that I ONLY saw those couple of Ventures. I’ve never seen so many Harleys in my life. They were everywhere! I was relaxing on a bench in Bryson city after lunch one afternoon, while the wife did a little shopping and spoke with 3 couples on H-Ds from Michigan. (Harley has a gorgeous black cherry color) So, that was our little mini vacation and 40th Anniversary, at least those are the main points . Not much to mark forty years, as celebrations go, but the fact that we made it this long seems to be an accomplishment, these days! One thing for sure....Me and a bike will be back! Ain't love grand?
  18. Seems to be workin OK, Boss!
  19. I apologize for the length of what follows, but some of you may want to know! Everyone is aware of the annual Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson sponsored spring bike rally and the Atlantic Beach bikefest the following week in May. Well, it appears that the MB city council voted not to have them anymore. The county comcil is split at present, but will likely follow suit. Supposedly, there were a failrly large number of complaints about both and the cost to the city for OT, addt'l services, etc. I don't generally go down there and mix it up during either event (did all that when I had my last bike.....doesn't do anything for me..I'm just not that interested), but I think it is short sighted and generally stupid to try to get rid of them. The city of MB wasn't the one to license many of the venues and temp. vendor permits anyway, so their basic statement was that they would "do things to encourage bikers to not come". I am beyond disappointed with these morons that run the local governments around here. There are millions of dollars pumped into the local economy by these events and these idiots think they can replace it with another % on the tax bill for us residents! There were some businesses that had complaints, but what about all the businesses that exist almost for the express purpose of serving those rallies? Years ago, we had Hell's Angels and Outlaws coming and there was occasionally trouble. That has long since been the case, though! I'm not telling you anything you don't already know when I say that todays bikers run the gamut from Doctors to Lawyers to mechanics and retirees and millworkers. Some let it all hang out a little too much when they get hooched up, but that happens whether they're bikers or not. More recently, but still maybe 7 or so years ago, the Atlantic Beach Bike event got totally out of control spilling over into Myrtle Beach and there were darn near riots when some of the businesses got antsy and closed up their establishments. Since then it's been much better, but many business are sick of having the NAACP breaking their stones over whether they are open or not during Bikefest and the constant complaining about traffic control & routing not being the same during the two events.(their description, not mine. I just happen to know a few of the business owners) If there are valid complaints..fine! I don't really care one way or the other as long as people act like they have some sense on the bikes, regardless of which event you're talking about. My wife & I were talking about it and there are usually around 200,000+ bikers showing up for Harley Week. My question to her was: What are the city and county going to do, when 50,000 or 75,000 bikers show up just like every other year ( because they didn't get the message or because they don't give a rip) and there are no events and no venues for them. And they get informed AFTER they spent their money to rent their rooms for the week, that "Myrtle Beach city and Horry County don't want you here anymore". I see the potential for problems. It ain't over till the fat lady sings and she's not up to the building just yet. I don't believe the public has had their complete say yet. http://wpde.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=148876 I've been here more less continually since about 1979 and the area has changed alot. I don't think I much care for where it's going...This latest..It's driven by attitudes and misconceptions and on the other side there is a measure of antagonism and arrogance and an equal portion of attitude. There's many more stick-in-the-mud transplant retirees that move in and start trying to change everything. There is a strong yuppie wannabe presence. It's changed and is still changing...which it will..I just don't think I like it much anymore is all. I suppose the bottomline is that regardless of what they decide, they can't keep bikers from coming to the beach if they feel like it. I don't know if I'm different from anyone else on this point, but if I'm not wanted...fine I'll go somewhere else. But, I'm going to try to convince as many of my biker AND cager friends to go elsewhere as I can in the process. (there was a time, though, when I'd have shown up just for spite and dared somebody to say something about it) I feel sorry for the business owners that cater to bikers, but I hope this whole thing backfires right in the face of the local governments. I mean for Pete's sake, it's one lousy week for each event. Control it if need be, make more and/or better ground rules and enforce them, but everybody has the right to a vacation and some fun at the beach with friends that they have a passion in common with, EVEN IF THEY ARE BIKERS. It should get very interesting! Oh yeah, they're separately talking about doing something about spring break too! Go figure! UPDATE: evidently the county has voted to go along with the city of Myrtle Beach in killing the bike rallies. (and I thought my district's county councilman was the only jerk in local government) It still ain't dead yet, vote or no vote!
  20. They were cycling every few minutes through a set of I think it was four banners. The errors messages would come up between a couple of them.
  21. Get the cops or your atty to subpeona the thing. (if they will)
  22. Not one instance of error messages since you turned the banners off. I'm not understanding that, but, hey me not understanding is not new (according to my wife).
  23. Don, the error message, "method not implemented", is one I emailed you about late last month that seemed tied to the banner rollover at the top of the pages. The wording of what I sent you is the exact wording (complete) as it came off the screen. I had made an avi but it was a huge file so I didn't bother trying to send it. The timing of the cycling of the messages and the little vertical page shift (jitter for lack of a better term) I mentioned seems to be about the same as a normal banner change cycle, for what that's worth. Regarding the loading delays, mine are sporadic. But, as I said, I ran all the virus and malware scans I could think of, including a registry scan & cleanup, seemed to help. My ping time is stuck at about 72ms. Not too much trouble with that now. I figure any delays I get are likely the guys in dark glasses & bad suits, monitoring me. I have a, shall we say, propensity for speaking my mind bluntly to various members of our federal government. Heaven forbid someone should tell them the truth in simple terms they can understand! I even type real slow for them. But, I digress... No joy on any of the system troubles, boss! My brain's not really giving me anything to help. Sorry!
  24. And fine looking tooling it is, me boy!!
  25. Prayers up for safe, uneventful surgery and quick & complete recovery. We'll be here when you get back! And if I can borrow a line from the motel chain......."we'll leave a light on for ya!"
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