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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. When I get rich, I probably won't care anymore! That assumes, of course, that I remember what it was I wanted all that money for, in the first place.
  2. Lyle, My deepest condolences to you and your family. My heartfelt prayers are offered.
  3. You can fly your flag by itself, without breaching protocol. And like the others said, I really don't see anybody getting their panties in a wad over it anyway. To fly both, they have to be the same size, on separate poles and at the same height; Flying one (either) is no problem (according to the flag code). So, fly the Canadian, be proud and enjoy the trip!!!
  4. Jeez, you'd think this was Microsoft Windows! And yes.....resistance IS futile!!!
  5. I don't know the actual protocol for such things, but I (as in me personally) would fly both with the flag of the visited country higher or in a more prominent position. But that's just me! DISREGARD THAT!! I looked up the Flag code (United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1 — The Flag) and found that flying 2 nations flags on one pole is a no-no and they both are to be approx. the same size and flown at the same height. I stand corrected!!! You can check here... http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html
  6. Prayers up! Add my wishes for full, speedy, uneventful recovery and peace of mind for all concerned!
  7. I didn't want a bracelet so I got a little dogtag from: American Medical Id at http://www.identifyyourself.com/. Prices are so-so, but it seems to be a good product.
  8. I prefer the semi-automatic version. Who makes that thing SMITH & WESSON OIL??? I bet reloads are fun!
  9. Congratulations to you both! May you have many happy years together.
  10. Greg, I'm hatin' it for you! Just good that it wasn't any worse. Hope the bike and the ankle get healed up real soon. And NO, gravel is not our friend! Good luck with the parts--yours and the bike's.
  11. I was looking for something a little while ago and ran across this guy's stuff on Ebay. First person I thought of was Freebird with his saddlebag problem (probably solved by now). Anyway, he says he's selling off a bunch of his NOS & used parts ; there seems to be a good bit of plastic in his list. Thought you all might have a need. I don't vouch for him or his prices, it's just info. Hope somebody finds something they need. http://stores.ebay.com/Worthington-Sports-Center-inc
  12. That IS why they call them "brake shoes" isn't it????? :rotfl:
  13. Thanks, I didn't think it was at first glance but wasn't certain. Nice to know about the adjustability, too. Didn't know that.....hadn't really thought about it. Height seems about right in use and from what I've read is proper positioning relative to line of sight. I might wrap the lower wings in a bit, though snd pull some more air in, as it has been hot as ..............it's been really hot here!
  14. I haven't looked real close yet, but does anyone know off-hand if the OEM windshield on the 4 pipe TDs & TCs of the late 90's is supposed to be quick disconnect?
  15. I agree! In my opinion, they need to mandate (in each state, not federally) that the rider safety course be satisfactorily completed within a certain time limit of getting a motorcycle license AND both the course and license be in hand in order to be able to register and plate a bike. Which is all well and good, except it still puts the onus on the biker. What I would really like to see (in addition) is ramped up revision to the laws to make it much more unpleasant (legally)for someone to hit a motorcycle. Expand the motorcycle section of the study manual and the drivers test. Make the penalties for certain infractions by the cagers involved in a bike incident mandatory and heavy. Just like is done for school buses. Hit one and see what happens (when & if you get your license back). I have to believe that if the states would do these things, some of the stuff would stop. People get real aware when it starts getting in their pocket book! As an aside to this discussion, I've seen a big jump in the number of these little moped scooters on the main highways being used to commute with. I haven't checked yet, but I don't think you even have to have a drivers license OF ANY KIND to ride one and the moped itself doesn't have to be registered or plated. The drivers license part I'm almost positive about, because a couple of people I know of, bought and ride them, to get around having lost their licenses for DUIs. Now, ain't that a trip? I think it's gonna get a bunch worse before it ever gets better.
  16. Guindalf, Ya know...you are exactly right. Though it wasn't at all my intent for it to come across the way it did. For that I will take my requisite whippin in the woodshed. It's been a tough week around here on a number of fronts that really fire me up. Not excusing that part of my post, but there hasn't been a lot sleep either. Anyway, I stand duly and justly chastised. Thank you for the comment. Seriously!
  17. Guindalf, Singing to the choir, my man!! If you're referring to those stats that I posted ...that was purely for FutureVentures' benefit..He asked I provided...That simple.. I'm the last guy you want to argue with about crusading for helmets. My feeling is if an adult , informed person chooses not to wear one, that should be their and only their decision and NOT the realm for government or anyone elses intervention. In my case my neck and upperback is so screwed up due to an arthritic condition, If I DID go down with a helmet it would likely break my neck and kill me anyway. So, some of the time I DON'T wear one, some of the time depending on where I'm going and the temperature, I DO. But as it goes, it's my choice until some snot-nosed legislator trolling for votes decides to stick his nose further into my life and affairs than it already is!
  18. UPDATE: While this point is still unclear, the woman (& female passenger) of the automobile either ran the red light on the cross street at this intersection or turned immediately in front of the biker. Also, the man's daughter was riding another bike, laid it down and had apparently only some minor injuries as she did not strike the vehicle. She did get to go to her fathers side, while he slipped away. A samaritan on a bicycle came from somewhere and performed CPR until EMS arrived. I feel so badly for that young lady... Please y'all say a prayer for her and the rest of her family, but mainly her..That is not a memory a daughter should have to keep! It's not an image anyone should have to keep of a loved one! Please Lord, grant her peace and strength in this time of loss.
  19. FutureVentures, There's a couple of different stats and sources, though my comment echo'd a local tv news blurb. Dug a bit and found the following: (again...do with it what you will!) According to AAA-Carolinas, motorcycle related deaths jumped 40% from 2003 to 2007. Only 4% of registered vehicles in SC are motorcycles, but bikes are involved in 11% of all fatal crashes. 62% of m/c fatalities in 2007, occurred Horry (Myrtle Beach), Greenville and Charleston Counties. * A local news report on the AAA stats says: "According to Triple-A, there were 87 motorcycle deaths in 2003 and 122 in 2007." * This is stated differently than the report I quoted in the previous post. I apologize for the error. SC Department of Public Safety stat shows that 75% of m/c deaths in the last 5 years were not wearing helmets. The AAA has 2 articles detailing fatality info. the links are listed below. http://www.aaacarolinas.com/absolutenm/templates/releaseTemplate.asp?articleid=869&zoneid=2 Relates to SC information. http://www.aaacarolinas.com/absolutenm/templates/releaseTemplate.asp?articleid=854&zoneid=2 Relates to NC m/c death rate And you can always go directly to www.scdps.org for Dept of Public Safety info. I notice they have a couple of press releases listed.
  20. A 58 year old man from Wytheville, Virginia was killed yesterday afternoon on his motorcycle at the intersection of Hwy 501 and hwy 548 in Conway (SC). The only details available were that an automobile ran the red light and struck the bike. Another car was involved, probably as a secondary incident. The Virginia man, whose name was witheld died at the hospital. God rest his soul. My wife pass the accident shortly after it occurred and said that the bike was barely identifiable as a bike and was strewn in pieces all over the scene. She also mentioned that one of the automobiles involved was on it's roof and heavily damaged. The guy never stood a chance! While it hurts to say this and I will probably have to answer for my thoughts, I hope they fry the SOB that ran the light. They just this week posted the stats for last year....87 bike deaths 75% wore no helmet. Make of that whatever you will! I'll quit now before I get started!
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ahhh, I've seen those many times over the years and they never, ever fail to crack me up. Thanks man, I needed a good chuckle!
  22. I've used them quite a bit on a variety of things. Prices were good and on the occasion I had to return or swap an item, they never skipped a beat. No drama, fast response. :thumbsup2:They got my vote.
  23. If you have a few extra bucks (actually more than a few) and want to rankle the locals (I say that...I don't know that it would be true), you can stay at "The Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club" (although it's in Durham and not Cary). Top shelf all the way (and I mean VERY top). But, if ya do & happen to use the bar, say hi to Alex, the bartender (shaved head, beard, talks & laughs alot, has a couple of big tatoos on his arms but I think he has to wear long sleeves on the job. Oh yeah, Alex is my oldest son. Tell him I sent ya (not that it'll make any difference lol) I'm sorry. I'm just yanking yer chain. It IS nice, and my son really does work there, but it is very expensive ($150 & up according to AAA). Seriously though, around Raleigh...close is a relative term. Since you mention Cary, Harrison Ave. is the major road going into Cary off of I-40. I don't specifically recall which hotels/motels are there, but all the majors are well represented in the area. I'd stick with them for obvious reasons. You won't have any trouble picking a good one. As I recall, some even have security patrols on a regular basis. I lived in Raleigh area for about 6 years, a while back and the accomodation situation is good just about anywhere in the area. Do call ahead though. Sporting events are a big deal around there and when something major is happening, space can get to be sparse. Go to http://ww2.aaa.com/scripts/WebObjects.dll/AAAOnline?association=aaa&club=111&page=ITTServices&poiKey=259&zip=29527 and Input Cary, when the map comes up zoom in and the icons will tell you where gas is and lodging is. Then just cursor over the icon and a little fly-out will identify which ones they are and give you all the handy info.. Or, the list on the left side names them all..cursor over a name and the flag will pop-up on the map. It's all pretty self-explanetory. Should make deciding easier. The ONLY bad part about it is that the only ones on the list are the AAA aproved ones. So, there will be others besides those. I hope the trip is uneventful in the drama department. The traffic on I-40 between Raleigh and Cary and Durham is usually BRUTAL !!!! Plus, it appears there's some construction on I-40 from exit 289 to 301 (basically the entire southern loop around Raleigh) The good part is it's east of Cary and there's lots of lanes. Please, you and your buddies be especially careful and good luck to y'all. Safe journey!
  24. Excellent report..Praise the Lord for sure. We'll keep pouring it on!! Don H, I know you're not looking for this, but I feel driven to put it to paper, so to speak, so bear with me. The rest of you too! I "need" to say this. So, forgive the length. I'm not trying to speak for anyone, but I surmise that for most of us here and particularly those who practice doing this sort of thing regularly (i.e.- praying for people we don't know)....that's kind of the point. We understand that you and everyone else here are as much brothers to us as if we were actual siblings. That and the simple truth that we wouldn't represent ourselves or our faith (whatever it happens to be) very well, if we didn't! I personally consider it an honor to do this small thing for someone and I am more than happy at every chance to do so. (I love talkin to the Big Guy) And, I know that it works.. I don't really know anyone here either. I met a few, briefly at our meet & eat and I've corresponded by email with a couple of folks about specific things, posted here and there, but by and large, I'm one of those forgettable guys that nobody can remember when their name comes up (unless I irritate them--lol) and that's OK. That doesn't bother me. The way these folks are...THAT is why I too, like this place. Except for a few exceptions, to one degree or another, everyone here, for lack of a better description, "gets it" and is always, ALWAYS ready to offer their help, their knowledge, their hearts, tears and yeah...their prayers and good wishes. They will give of their time and wealth, whether it is great or small, when real need arises. In my experience, it is truly an unusual thing for a group/forum like this to be this "genuine" and caring. Maybe I'm just being foolish, but I think not. I've been called that & worse, before. I see what these people do and what they say and get an impression of how they think and I just really, really like these folks. So, before I totally run everybody off, I'll stop. Just know, if you need prayer, (any of you) tell me. Send a PM or email and consider it done.....with zeal!! OK, now you can stick a fork in me 'cause I'm done!!
  25. My best wishes for a speedy and drama free recovery. Your comment about the walker made me laugh, but it also brought a question to mind. Does this mean you can get a handicap hangtag and park in the handicap slots WITH THE BIKE? Inquiring minds couldn't possibly want to know!
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