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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Congratulations, y'all!! I too, had the good fortune yesterday of celebrating 41 years with my lady.
  2. I obviously caught only the part about the car tags. My bad! I do hope they make the 400 for the bikes soon, though.
  3. Last I heard on the news (last week), they were still 4 short of the needed 400. I would hope to goodness that they could manage that in the time left.
  4. I miss not being able to get to Freebirds this year (again) and not being able to meet all the folks I've been wanting to meet. Jonas was one of a couple of people in particular I was really anxious to meet.(still am) God willing, I can get it all together and make it up there one of these days. Sounds like you guys had the kind of riding I like. Not too crowded, no drama, no pressure, no schedule, per se. Just good roads, great scenery, the bikes and buddies (and some good eats thrown in). It really doesn't get any better than that, does it? I grew up near Pittsburgh and while I don't miss a lot from there, I do miss the scenery in the spring and fall on the backroads.
  5. Mini, you DO realize that now he has ALL YEAR to plot, plan and scheme........MMM MMM MMM methinks you be in trouble, young lady!!!
  6. Hate to see that!!! Could have been much worse. I know it's a gigantic pain in backside, but thankfully no one was hurt. Good luck with the repairs.
  7. That's the best imitation of a plumber I ever did see! Aw, Man! Now I can't turn that image off.......
  8. It's official! The bad news is VA says my hearing is going south particularly in the higher frequencies...not quite bad enough for hearing aid(s) yet, but going away. The Good news is now I have an excuse when my wife says I'm not listening:Laugh: SO, your all going to have to speak up a little bit, OK? Thank You!
  9. Skid, Warmest congratulations to you guys. God bless mother and child to be..and you as well! If it's all the same, For me.....I'll stick with grandkids now.....we can wind them up and give them back It would be something else entirely if we had to keep 'em!] Am I in trouble yet? (this would be me going down in flames)
  10. So, is a "Wing-Ding" now kinda like a rock chip??????
  11. I really like the Valkyrie. I was looking for one when I got the TD. It's probably just as well. I'd have to play that song all the time. Although, I do love the smell of motorcycle in the morning!! I particularly like the sound of the Valkyrie with 6 into 6 pipes!!! kill the wabbit
  12. When all else fails..................buy earplugs and tell everybody "else" that it's a turbo waste-gate (with tongue slightly in cheek)! Good luck with it
  13. Prayers away!
  14. I don't know the precise dates, but, I believe that the commentary on the Tour Deluxe is wrong as regards the introduction date. It says 2005 and I know of bikes, including my own, going back at least as early as 1997, 1998 time-frame. It is neat to see the information there, though!!
  15. I agree pretty much with Skydoc except your bike is a '98 I think. I would also get the underinsured coverage....you get a lot of young people that get bare minimum coverage and you don't want that to force you to have to go out of pocket if something did happen! There's 2 schools of thought on the amount of liability coverage. Go with as little as you feel comfortable with (some minimum amount) or go higher. The other insurance companies and/or lawyers will typically go after whatever the policy limits are, in the event of an accident. If the specifics of the accident give any ammo to the other side and they go after a large amount, guess where the rest of the money comes from after they go after policy limits?? You got it....your back pocket! I always have figured that since that's the way they do it......I'll carry enough liability coverage to make sure I've got MY insurance company's undivided attention and support in the event of a claim!!! they'll fight harder over 100k than they will over 10k, regardless of what they say publicly. I got people in insurance and legal that have told me exactly that. SO......Do whatever you feel comfortable doing is the best advice I can give you, buddy! Good luck, whatever you choose & be safe on the trip. By the way, you are the only guy I know that has a matched set of bikes. If that ain't cool, I don't know what is! That's my 2cents!
  16. Thanks for the post. I'll have to look into that. (OR, I could wait for one that says "Right Wing Extremist" instead). Man, What is with me today?
  17. My hands sweat in the summertime and I therefore wear gloves all the time when I ride. I use a matched set (right & left) of full fingered golf gloves. They're thin, buttery soft, lightweight and perforated so they're cool and I keep my hands clean while retaining a very good tactile sensation.. Very comfortable. Plus, I don't end up with those odd tanned places on the back of my hands and knuckles, from the fingerless gloves!! (I use the white ones, because it's different and when traffic is heavier or if I'm not convinced the person behind me is paying close enough attention, I use hand signals in addition to the turn signal lights. The white is much more noticeable (and it goes so well with my tires )! I don't generally like padded palm gloves because they make my hands hurt after a while (especially on the Goldwing). But, if my hands are bothering me on a given day I can take one of those thin rubber grippers you can get at WalMart for opening jars and cut one down for inserts in my golf gloves for the palms.
  18. I don't recall ever seeing or experiencing any evidence of that with GO-JO. It rinses off almost completely because it emulsifies in water. The amount of lanolin left on the sidewall is very small, just like when you wash you hands with it (that's one reason I like it; that and the fact it takes off tar real well) and any lanolin that might have gotten on the tread while washing the tires, will go away very quickly, I would imagine. I may be wrong, but I don't think there would be enough left on the sidewall TO migrate; you have to understand, though, that when I wash the bike or car, I towel everything dry, including the rims & tires. If I don't, it seems there's always a little water hiding somewhere that creeps out when I get on the road, then that collects a little dirt and looks bad, after I spent all that time trying to make it look good. Sounds anal, I know! I've known guys that would have the stuff dripping & running off the tire or slinging it up on everything, not me! My kid had a lowrider pickup, that he would spend hours detailing for cruise night. He'd have that crap on the tires so heavy, he'd go a 1/2 block and have it slung all over the side of the truck. He quit pretty quick! I'm not as bad as I used to be, though. Back in the day, I hung around the corner gas station and changed tires, washed cars (put on chains in the winter) for extra money. I could do my car for free, winter or summer, so I'd pull it in the wash rack and close the door and go to it. I'd pop out the body plugs and flush the rocker panels with water and always use the pressure nozzle to hose down the fender wells and frame rails, suspension & behind the bumpers. I would jack the car up so I could get all the way around the tire. When I got done, I'd blow the whole car off with compressed air (especially around the chrome, the window fuzzies and the door locks. I'd open the doors, hood & truck and wipe down the channels and anything that had either water or dust on it. When I was completely finished, I'd take the towels and fold them and put them on the floor mats. Just shy of a full on detailing job!!!! And I'd do it every week at least once...more if it rained; then I'd break out the Blue Coral and wax it at least once a month, by hand...no buffers...no swirl marks. I would even rinse the car off with cold water to set the wax, then air blow it off & towel buff it dry. That was then! I digress.....but, hey it was 1965 and the car was a '55 Ford 2 door hardtop with a V8 and dual exhaust. Most of the other guys didn't even have a car of their own. Sorry 'bout that! For the time it took to write that, I was somewhere else, where I didn't care about the idiot politicians or the economy or political correctness or responsibilities. I started to go back and take out all the extraneous, off-topic stuff, but I so appreciated even that brief moment, that I think I'll just leave it.
  19. Oh, man I have GOT to get new glasses....When I first looked at your post I thought it said "homey diet" , then I read through it and thought to myself....it depends, What does she look like???? Actually, I like MY honey, just fine!!!! OK, I'll quit now!
  20. Keeps the rubber compound from drying out. I never had a problem with it. I remember seeing something about Armoural. What is it they say it does? (or lanolin for that matter)
  21. I'll have to check into that. I used to chew a couple of tablets at lunch when I was at work (back in the '80s) for energy. I don't remember any appetite effect, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
  22. Original Go-Jo & a brush!! Takes any grease and grime off, whitens up the white, darkens up the black (takes the brownish oxidation off); rinses off easy and leaves a satiny shine on the black due to the lanolin in the Go-Jo...and oh so easy on the hands!! Seriously!
  23. If they're higher definition and/or file size, the pic size is what's getting you. Save a copy of the pics to a separate folder so you don't lose the originals. Then go into the software that came with the camera...that you use to manipulate pics, make albums, etc. on your computer. Open the pics from the new folder you just made. Virtually every one of these programs hase a function where you can resize & save the newly resized image. (make sure it's a .jpg file extension for simplicity) You can then tell if the file size is sufficiently small to upload here. Then upload the smaller file size pics. as you would normally. Lacking that, you can describe some of what you saw & photographed and upload later. or not! nevermind
  24. Sorry about your mishap! Glad you weren't banged up any worse. Hope the bike won't be too hard (or expensive) to fix, either.
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