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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Good gosh! Lucky doesn't quite seem adequate to cover that situation. Wow! So, glad he was basically unharmed. Hope he learned something in the process!
  2. A pink vest????I said to myself, this cannot be. I rubbed my eyes, and looked again and to my surprise it was no Venture either. Whatever it was was leaving a trail of dust & smoke behind it just like.......
  3. My Can-AM Spyder - Commentary: Rev. 1: After looking closely at the available pic.s & spec.s , etc., I like it better than I do it's predecessor. Still not quite cruiser material, but, not bad. Seat looks a good bit more comfy. With a little brainstorming suitable foot position relocation could be done. But, with pricing between ~$21,000-$25,000 for the 3 versions, I don't think I'll be getting one soon. I do kinda like it, though. I suppose one could justify (and rationalize) the expenditure, if you take all the technology into ac.....NO, NO, NO! Stop that! I am not going to start down that road, besides, I'm waiting to see what Yamaha brings us in the new Venture. Now, then, Bummer! Who did you say builds that Gold thing??
  4. Well, now! Ain't that just skippy? Have to look at that up close.
  5. OH, you big silly, you! Silly I say!
  6. Awww, shucks! Seriously, though......One good maintenance tip or repair fix, a recommendation for a particular part or vendor and it's way worth the $12 (and that IS after all for the whole year!!!!!!) AND, that doesn't even count the discount I get at the Dairy Queen! (ok, the DQ discount is really because I'm a senior and I look pitiful when I go up to the register....sorry)
  7. Done!
  8. I agree with Daryl. I was having similar trouble with my '90 Goldwing. Remembered the air system, ran the pressure up on the rear. Made it a whole lot easier.
  9. Based on your descriptions, it is a solenoid operated valve (probably an open/close 2-way). The "shaft" that the solenoid slides onto is the spool piece. Apply voltage and the spool shifts internally in response to the magnetic field to open or close a port in the wet system hydraulic circuit, hence the term "valve". This response to the magnetic field is also why it is vital to get the exact replacement or approved equal; to assure proper movement of the spool and achieve full opening or closing. These spools are usually spring loaded to one position or the other and energizing the coil causes the spool shift and consequent opening or closing of the wet circuit. Thinking through it, it appears, your valve is probably a hydraulic vent, electrically energized to hold closed while the platform is in the raised position. (When "down" is commanded or on failure of the electrical solenoid, the SV opens & vents fluid to the tank to release pressure). I assume the normal condition for the platform is "down", because the failure mode as you described the operation, permits the platform to lower in a relatively slow "bleed-down". Also, the normal condition for the solenoid valve "should" be de-energized. That would also allow the wet system to be de-pressurized at rest. Replacing the solenoid with the manufacturers part or an exact electrical equivalent, will restore proper operation of that valve. [i agree with Bryan that it is likely the DCL version of the coil] Looking at the coil spec sheets reinforces the likelyhood that the valve is a 2 way vent. The 24VAC coil has integral rectifiers to convert the AC to DC and there would be no way to send a reversing voltage to the solenoid (you can't reverse the polarity of AC) However, the solenoid should not be placed into an active circuit, on the spool piece unless and until the other changes made in the "fix" are reversed! There's no telling what he did to force the system to hold pressure and if the faulty solenoid is replaced in the circuit and on the spool with those changes still in place, there's no telling what the hydraulics would do. That's probably a whole lot more than you wanted to know........but you did ask, after all!
  10. A worthy effort, for sure!
  11. Oh! Mercy! Geez, somebody just spackle that thing and paint over it ....please!!!!
  12. Did anybody catch this ebay item?????? Not sure I understand why 2 engines, but hey, at least they are V-4s! Guy appears to understand & practice good workmanship. It's different, that's for sure. Submitted for your viewing pleasure (or not).... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1-OF-A-KIND-TWIN-ENGINE-REVERSE-TRIKE_W0QQitemZ280389197365QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item41487f9e35&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
  13. There ya go! Tx2sturgis- I was aware of the T-rex (and like it......probably couldn't get in & out of it, but I like it), but when I wrote "in" I didn't mean quite that far. You know....the same old difference between sportbike style & cruiser style. I think a cruiser styled reverse trike would be pretty neat! If the price was right I might even buy one.
  14. They remind me of a snowmobile on wheels. I like the idea of 2 in the front 1 in the back for a trike; seems it would be a more stable platform. But, why can't somebody come up with one that's cruiser styled so you can kind of sit in it instead of perching on it?
  15. Never thought about going around as a hood ornament!
  16. Karl, hang in there. They will surely have a procedure that will give you some relief. Prayers away on your behalf from here! God Bless!
  17. There is/was a guy (I believe in Europe) that builds a bike based on that engine. It's also used in some Rovers (?) I copied a pic back when I found them, Not bad! Can't for the life of me find the link for them, nor can I remember their name. but here's the pic.
  18. There's just something about the sound of a thumper.....especially a big one! I like it.
  19. NCIS and Bones! Used to enjoy Magnum PI and JAG when they were on. Enjoyed Monk most of the time but others better.
  20. The first that I rode was my brothers H-D 250cc Sprint. I'd sneak it out and ride it a little around our small neighborhood, when he was at work. My first bike was a new '69 Bonneville 650 thumper...loved the sound of that bike. Only had it a year or so. Dry spell till I got my new '82 Suzuki GS850L. Would have gotten the 1000 (or 1100?), but at that time the insurance went way up on anything above 900cc. Really enjoyed that bike; put a lot of miles on it. Another dry spell till I got my '98 RSTD a couple of years ago. Don't get to ride as much as I'd like.....BUT, that makes it all the nicer when I do get to ride. Dragonslayer.....I too, thank you for your story! Inspiring, to be sure! I'd like to hear more about the NDE sometime, if you're amenable. And thanks to whoever started/restarted/revived this thread. It was nice remembering some of my times/bikes and reading about everyone else's.
  21. Who wants it banned? The Dixie Chicks? Seriously, I liked it it. I think it's very true and I'm glad to see people like him puttin it out there......somebody has to say it!
  22. Somewhere, somehow, this day, I'm in trouble...I can feel it coming! Oop, my bad, it's gas. That doesn't count, does it?
  23. OK, so one of you mechanically inclined, metal working guys come up with a "cheap" but viable high speed dolly for the rear wheel and we be in bidness!! Can we get an O - TAY!! in the house?
  24. Same here!
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