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  • Location
    Nottingham, United Kingdom


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  • Home Country
    United Kingdom


  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Venture chopper

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  1. Further to my previous post I had a breakdown whilst riding my front right cylinder stopped running on testing coil pack my secondary reading on that coil was 800 ohms! since replacing all the plug caps I now have no spark on the front right, my question is can a high resistance at the plug cap cause a problem with a cdi unit? Many Thanks
  2. Hi There, could I ask if my ignition coil readings are good please? Primary 3.5 ohms and secondary through the plug cap 17.5 ohms all for coils around the same. many thanks yet again scott
  3. Hello Sir, I would like to take up your kind offer I have sent you a private message. Many Thanks Scott
  4. Hi There, previous owner has tried to drill the mixture screw out at an angle! and made it impossible to remove or adjust the mixture, its running rich as hell on that cylinder.
  5. Hi There, hope you kind folk's can help me again, I need to replace the carbs on my 1985 XVZ1200. Here in the UK they are just few and far between but I have located a set of XVZ1300 carbs of an 1989 venture royale. Million dollar question is there any reason why they would not fit and work, I know there is 1mm difference but would this work? not sure if the royale version has a compatible set up? Many thanks for you help. Scott
  6. Hi there, its a xvz1200 chopper I have built which does not have the standard speedo. I can assume then that the distance sensor on the speedo will not work as its a custom unit. the switch gear does not have the facility to press the switch in the centre to cancel. not sure if this will be able to cancel via the switch? or I will have to wire in another switch with a cancel facility built in? Cheers scott
  7. Hi There could somebody explain how the flasher cancelling unit works on a standard first Gen XVZ 1200? does it work on time? or angle? or do you just slide the switch back to the centre on the left switch gear? sorry for the stupid question but I had a home made one on before, and have just put a standard harness back on. Cheers scott
  8. Hi Everybody, Just to say that the bike is up and running again as I found a breaker who had 41R Tci unit so I drove out there with the bike in my van, plugged it in and the bike sparked in to life on four cylinders! it sounded like heaven. I really love my Venture can sleep again now and all is well with the world. Best Regards Scott
  9. Hi There, I have a 1985 xvz1200 and it has lost its spark to the 2 right cylinders as you sit on the bike? my readings from my ignition coils are 3.4 ohms across all four and the pick ups read 115 ohms on 2 and 113 on the other 2. I have replaced all the diodes in the TCI as 2 were not reading any continuity at all. I am thinking now that the diodes may not be the only thing on the TCI that is at fault? I know two of the pick up coils readings are a little low but still it should go? has anybody had any experiences with the TCI as regards the faulty diodes taking out other components on the board? sorry I know that's a lot of questions for my first post. many thanks 83929
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