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Everything posted by YamahaLarry

  1. Nice story. You will have to throw more than a washer in a Datsun's engine cylinder to put it out of commission. The little truck they had back in teh 70s and early 80s was the toughest little vehicle on the road.
  2. Have seen similar happen in an automotive engine before. Was during my USCG days and happened to our crane car that had an old inline Chrysler engine. Top of piston and bottom side of head/valves looked like someone pinged it 100s of times with a small pick. But, no metal in the cylinder. Our best guess was it simply disentigrated and exited the exhaust port. We discovered it during a regular maintenance of the engine and had to pull head to check for metal. Luckily we had nothing better to do at the time.
  3. Check with Mt. Cheaha HD. I think they are a participate as well. That's a little closer for you, but would really RATHER see you come to Trussville and ride with us. I have the route laid out and have gotten approval today from Jefferson County Sheriff's office for the Motor Scout Division to provide us escort. If you've never ridden in a ride that these JeffCo guys do on their Gold Wings, it's a site to behold. Those guys are GOOD!!! FTR, anytime you feel like joining in on one of the rides I am running lead or managing, give me a call and let me know you are coming. I also will be running the ride Sunday for the Mark Brasher Memorial out of Odenville and ends in Pell City. He's the gentleman that tragically got broadsided on his bike on 280 a couple months ago with his wife as passenger. She is out of the hospital and mending. Ride is to help her cover all the expenses surrounding his death, including memorial/burial. Larry Hardeman 205-999-9095
  4. I will be leading the local one out of Riders Harley Davidson in Trussville, AL. Perhaps the Watering Hole is not the appropriate place to put this post, but just felt like that this forum gets more of the collective viewing instead of the forum for rides. This is a nationwide event that is being held at some 80 or so dealerships across the nation and an attempt to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The idea is that across the nation, we all have kick stands up at the same time, run a monitored 4 stop poker run with the final card drawn upon arrival back at the dealership. It is a ride for breast cancer, and hoping to be the largest one ever. Oh, and I will also be the one making the tee shirts. For You We Ride
  5. Sharp looking bike. I do doubt that the seller is being honest. But regardless, very nice looking bike that I'd be proud to ride, but not at that price.
  6. What Freebird said. Personally, I have gotten more mileage out of the Dunlops, especially the rear tire. Have Dunlops on the 99 and Michelin on the 09. I have tried the lesser expensive Shinko. They were fair at best. They did ride and handle well. On the rear only got about 10k miles out if it, and ran it a little longer than I perhaps should have.
  7. Not hard to mount. Mine came with needed hardware and just wired it straight into my brake light wiring. I will probably be installing the brake light strobe controller when I swap all my body parts from my 99 to my 09. They are cheap.
  8. Probably not, but the one on mine now was baked on pretty hard. Had to cut about 1/2" off of each one of them and took a while to clean all the stuck rubber off of the little metal tubes. So figured I would replace with hose from momma Yamaha.
  9. I've already converted my headlight, driving lamps and tall/brake. Been holding off on blinkers for reasons you described. Have always heard there is some "extra" work to be done. The other conversions were simple. I am using a LED bulb in the headlamp and didn't get a new sealed beam. Has been maybe close to a year now and so far, all is good. I can see much better at night and was a much needed upgrade now that I am finally beginning to get old enough that I refer to cougars as young ladies. And, I have pretty much the same brake/tail light that you have selected. Have had it for about 4 years. Much brighter braking light than the 1157 type bulbs. I also have one of these style bars, but the chrome version. Really lights up the back end when hitting the brakes.
  10. Need to replace the hoses coming off of the carburetor joints (intake). The hose that you have to remove when doing a carb sync. It is hard for me to tell for sure in all the parts illustrations, but it appears to be part number 90445-090G9-00. Just wondering if someone can confirm before I order the part. 2009 RSV. Part #53 below from AIS parts page:
  11. I am beginning to think that this is a true statement. Had it for 6 days and have already ran 7 tanks of fuel thru it and have gotten 40 mpg only once, and that was today at the end of a 9/11 memorial ride. On my 99 RSV in these types or rides where the biggest part of the driving is in 4th gear, I usually average around 42 to 43 mpg. It doesn't smell excessively rich, but unlike my 99, on a cold start, it idles remarkably well without having to apply a small amount of choke. Overall though, I am pleased with my purchase. Bike seems to be running well and performing well. I did discover today that the prior owner had put 20psi in the front shocks. Yesterday during a charity ride running a bumpy road pretty hard, the handlebars wanted to fight me mostly in the twistys and seemed unsafe at times. I was running lead and trying to stay up with the law enforcement assisting me and them on their GoldWings. It got hairy at times. I dropped the pressure down to 5psi and that helped a tons. May take it on down to zero. Will deal with the carb choke issue when I do the teardown to swap a the body parts with my 99.
  12. I am leaning to others suggestions in that most probable cause is a bad connection or maybe even a bad or burned wire someplace. I hate electrical issues. Had an issue on a VStar years ago. Sometimes it would start up, and others it would crank over fine but not fire. or at least not fire enough to start engine. But you could turn on the switch and roll start it with no problem. Had me very puzzled why it would do this. I checked all the wiring connections I could think of, checked ohms on coils and stator, and like you, watched voltage during turning over the engine. This went on for a couple months or so. Then one night I came across a test to do to check the coil pickup at the stator. Sure enough, that was the problem. I still don't understand why it would roll start other than maybe just the small voltage drop, even though it was minute, was just enough for a bad pickup to show it's ugly head. Unfortunately, you can't but the coil pickup for the VStar without purchasing a new stator. So got a new one, wrestled for hours trying to get those phillips head screws loose that hold the stator inside the cover. Factory had red locktite on threads. Took heat and a lot of patience. Anyhow, got it installed and problem solved. Not saying this is your issue, but it does sounds eerie similar. I am not sure of what test you could do to check the pickup coils, but I am sure some of the gear heads on here have the answer.
  13. I have some of the caps that I had ordered from Boats.net a couple years ago, but gonna get some rubber hose and replace whats on there for sure. I will be tearing the bike down in a few weeks after I get done with 4 more upcoming bike rides this month and will deal with the choke at that time. I am sure I will be calling on the experts here. Have never messed with the choke or carbs other than sync'd them on my 99 several times. Actually, in over 50k miles of riding the 99, the only problem I have ever had was the regulator/rectifier was putting out 18v about a year ago.
  14. Pretty sure problem solved. Changed oil last night. Didn't really make any drastic noticeable change. Maybe just a little. When I got home from work tonight, went ahead and sync'd carbs. The 2 hoses were baked on, so the previous owner obviously never had it done.Ended up cutting about 1/2 inch off end of each hose. Still long enough, but barely. Anyhow, carbs were WAY OFF. When I did #1 and #2 (the ones off the most) the noise actually got worse, but more of a knocking than rattling. Then did the other 2 and still and it started getting better, and RPMs went up, so had to idle it back down to 1k rpm. Then when I brought the 2 pairs together, RPM got really high, over 1500. Brought it back down to 1k and then #1 and #2 were off a little, so had to repeat the process. But no more rattling sound from the 2 front cylinder area. Wasn't able to take it for a spin. Started raining before I got done. May take it out here in a bit when it stops, but real test will come tomorrow. Will be participating in a charity ride and will put tween 150 an 200 miles on her tomorrow. Now the next task, figuring out why the choke is stuck.
  15. I know this is a really dumb question I am about to ask, but plugs are also grounded, right? I know it's an elementary question, but wasn't stated in your post, or at least not this one. If you come back at me with sarcasm, it is perhaps warranted.
  16. It's the Remembering Brittney Ride out of Pinson to Hanceville FD. I will most likely be running lead on it with Jefferson County Motor Division escort. 3 deputies on their GoldWings. And on Sunday is the 9/11 Memorial Ride out of Legion Post in Fairfield. Also have rides for the next Saturday and Sunday that I will be running lead on. One out of Riders in Trussville and the other out of Roadhouse RC in Odenville.
  17. It does change when sitting in neutral and pull the clutch in and let it out. It's quieter with the clutch in at an idle, but my 99 is the same way. Clutch basket, whether it be the bearing or whatever, is quieter with clutch disengaged (handle in). The rattle I am talking about is more from the front of the engine and not the clutch basket area. I did go out tonight and changed the oil to T6 and added 6 ounces of MotorKote treatment. Rode it about 7 miles and it was much quieter, but not sure if that was due to the engine warming or the oil and treatment. Will know more in the morning when I get on her to ride to work, 22 miles with 19 of it being interstate.
  18. He owned it for 5 years and put right at 25k miles on it, and no on the valve adjustment, I did ask about that, and also no on sync of carbs. I may do carbs on Sunday. Have a bike ride all day Saturday and bike night at the local Harley dealership that evening. I will probably go out in a bit and pop the oil plug and let it be draining and fill it in the morning before heading to work on it and see if the oil change makes any difference. Also, when you raise the rpm just a tad, the rattling subsides. And when riding it, even up thru the mountains in NC and TN, there didn't seem to be any noticeable vibration/thumping that maybe 1 cylinder was way out of sync with the others, but with the mpg not as well as I expected, it could still be carbs maybe. Gonna also pour some Seafoam in the tank since I just topped it off this afternoon. I like running that thru before adjusting the carbs. ONE MORE note, the choke is stuck and I can't pull it out by hand. Assume it is all the way in since it doesn't smell to be running rich and idles good. Never have a stuck choke before. Will deal with that this weekend as well. Thankfully it starts right up with a touch of the button.
  19. I agree. Started to comment on your post that had both in the garage. Side by side, I think the 05 looked better. But that's my opinion.
  20. Got it with plans to transfer all my HOK Voodoo Kandy painted body parts from my 99 Venture to it, and parts from the 09 to the 99 and eventually sell the 99 Venture. It has been a great bike. Currently 70k miles and still runs like it did when I got it with 20k+ miles on it. The one I just purchased seems to be a good bike. It does ride and handle much different than the 99. Sits taller, I guess due to the pillow topped seats maybe, and just feels lighter or something. Had 38k miles on it when I picked it up in Taccoa, GA on Monday. Drove it some 175 miles to Sevierville, TN (thru 2 rain storms, fun on those twisties of 441 between Cherokee and Gatlinburg). Then yesterday, drove it some 265 miles to my home in Moody, AL on mostly back roads. It ran well. I was expecting to get maybe 42 to 45 mpg, but did run the final 45 miles on interstate at 75 to 80 mph, and much of the 1st tank in 3rd gear coming over the mountain in Gatlinburg. Overall mileage was 39.6. I will sync carbs soon as I get time and run a check on another couple tanks or so. The guy that had the bike has been using Valvoline Synthetic 50w oil. IMO, that's a little thick. I've been running Rotella T6 40w with MotoKote treatment in my 99 since day 1, and will be changing this one over to that. The engine seems to have a little bit of excessive rattle from the front of the engine when started cold. After running it down the road for a few minutes and coming to a stop, it has quietened down to very very little rattle. Not sure what that is all about??? Maybe the T6 + MotoKote will fix that. Also when it is first cranked and rattling, when you barely let out on the clutch to put a little load on the engine, it quietens down totally. Any ideas from you old time Venturers? My 99 has some clicking from the front side, but it's different sound than this. This is more of like a loose rattling sound. Hoping it's not cam chain. I had been looking for a while for a 2007 or newer at a good deal. Most folks for the 2009s with fairly low mileage seen to be wanting 5500 and up. This guy wanted 4400 initially, we settled for 4k even. So, I am hoping it turns out to be a good deal. Here's a pic of what it looked like on Monday before a bath. And of course, my 99. All the HOK painted surfaces to be transferred to the 2009. Painted in memory of 6 year old childhood cancer patient, Princess Emma Mitchell of Oxford, AL. My Princess. Sep 02, 2008 - Sep 15, 2014. RIP sweet princess.
  21. Been using Rotella T6 in my RSV since purchasing it used 46k miles ago. Also add a little MotorKote during each oil change.
  22. I am able to hit the site using the https protocol, but seems that it is not displaying the certificate information. The padlock isn't appearing on either of my 2 browsers, Chrome and IE.
  23. Hurts to read this. Been a few months since I have been on here, and came back a couple days ago to catch up and missed this til today. YD was one of the many personalities on here that I really enjoyed reading, RIP brother, and prayers to the family and loved ones, I am sure there are many.
  24. I just wish the side saddle bags had a quick connect. Sure is aggravating messing with those phillips (and I know someone on here had a wingnut solution) head screws to make it easier to clean my whitewalls. I have considered manufacturing me 8 studs that will accept some sort of pin to make the task quicker. But that would be for a day that I have zero to do, which seem to be very scarce.
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