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  • Location
    milford, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    86 venture royal
  1. Does anyone know where I can find a Yamaha electro tester? P/n 90890-03021. I've searched ebay and google but all i've found was a manual and some old listings that were no longer active.
  2. I snapped my tci board the other day when trying to remove it. I will be trying to repair the board but when I was looking at it the area between the two inner heat sinks is very dark brown. I see there are resistors but is it supposed to be that dark? Also does anyone have the info to rework the tci. I'm fairly confident that I can do it with the right info. Thank you
  3. Took two tries. The first time it leaked the second it didn't anymore.
  4. Got the float seated today but the first time I tried it was still leaking so I shut the run switch off and got a large pop kind of like a backfire.
  5. Thanks everyone for their input.
  6. It's not a fuel problem but one of the carbs floats are not searing correctly so I do have fuel pouring out. The bike has a spark problem. Spoke with a guy on another forum and he had it narrowed down to the tip over sensor. Removed the sensor and got one good spark on #3 then nothing. He says to check the power on the tci which had just a few mv instead of battery voltage. Might be a loose connector somewhere in the circuit.
  7. I didn't see a way to open or close the drian can you give me a little more info about that. I also got a new fuel filter yesterday will be installing that tonight too. Thanks for all the ideas guys, keep them coming please will update tonight when I do the compression.
  8. carbs have been removed disassembled and soaked all new rubbers installed except butterfly shaft seals cause the small screw on the plate in the carb was stripping and I quit while i was ahead. Bike will not start with starter fluid either. Someone else suggested compression and I will try that tonight after work.
  9. Picked up a non running 86 venture royal a few weeks ago. Trying to get it running now. Cleaned and replaced orings on carbs. Verified fuel is getting to carbs, after failed start attempt fuel runs out of bowl overflow drains. I do have spark but I will be changing the plugs tonight. Replaced battery with sealed one and will be applying the resistor soon. New air filter is installed, I didn't do it but it looks very clean. Starting seems strong but no fire off. Can someone please help me get this running. Does anyone have any ideas I should try? Previous owner said he had it running a little but was getting less riding time until it failed to start all together. Hasn't ran in two years. Thank you
  10. Thank you but i read somewhere that the resistor should be 22k and not 2.2k. Has anyone done this mod with 2.2k with success. Thank you
  11. Thanks for the info and link
  12. Your awesome. Thank you for the quick response. I just replaced the battery with a sealed one so I'm gonna have to bypass it.
  13. In the battery area coming from the front on the right hand side. There is a green wire with a resistor in a plastic tube and a skinny red connector on the end. 86 venture royal. Right now the red connector is loose and I can't see where it goes to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. [ATTACH]84157[/ATTACH]
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