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Everything posted by BlueSky

  1. Wife or Bike? 42 yrs together? Either way, congratulations!
  2. BlueSky


    I think the 92 and 93 1st gens had 4 brush starters too.
  3. Oh NO! Not a mail-in rebate!
  4. Oil threads are always fun!! Puc is the expert with the miles he puts on his $700+ bikes, anything handy including Walmart oil. If it meets the SAE spec the engine will like it. Maybe not the clutch or gearbox.
  5. Around here (NC) the license plate offices where they issue plate renewals and register titles are not run by guvment employees. They contract that work out. I'm not saying they are extremely efficient but most of the time it's bearable.
  6. The gold color is my favorite color.
  7. http://www.bikebandit.com/community/videos/motorcycle-brake-fluid-crash-course?roi=echo3-28365496950-29579528-e68273ee1637e351791ba8b7baf8717f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BBNews&utm_source=Fri_080715_BBNews&utm_content=brake_fluid_crash_course
  8. Sanding the tubes longitudinally will cause leaks I think. It needs to be done circumferentially. Or at least that is true for rebuilding auto wheel cylinders.
  9. The procedure states that the fuel level should be 15.5 to 16.5 mm below the center of the diaphragm covers. The engine was running when I checked and I revved it to make sure I knew where the lever was staying. I know the mixture screw jets are not plugged. I just made sure all the parts were there. No, i haven't "shotgunned" the carbs. No, on the last one.
  10. As I posted I checked the float levels in accordance with the procedure in the manual and they are all set correctly.
  11. That device looks neat but sounds like I would have to build it. The funny thing about the manometer I built is that it needs to be 30 or 40 feet tall to prevent the engine from sucking the fluid into the intakes if the carb sync is way off. That is why I won't be buying another manometer of any brand. Anybody want a Motion Pro cheap?
  12. When I bought the bike last year, the mixture screws were set at 1 turn off the bottom. The bike ran okay but it was running rich evidenced by the fact that it would start without choke and I could smell raw gas after starting it and letting it run at idle. I'm trying to figure out why it is running so rich. I tried turning the mix screws out to 2 full turns off the bottom but when I rev it up and let off, black smoke comes out the exhaust indicating super rich fuel mix.
  13. This week, I removed all four pilot jet screws with the springs, washers and O-rings. After unscrewing them, I put a touch of gasket sealer on the end of a small allen wrench to pull the screw out and then used a pic to retrieve the springs, washers, and O-rings. It appeared that one did not have an o-ring and another did not have a washer. I bought some new pilot jet screw kits from partzilla ($5 something each) and replaced the missing washer and o-ring. Then I changed the fuel filter. That was a first time for me and definitely was a learning experience. I'll do it faster next time. I cut open the old filter and it was clean inside. I thought it would be plugged up after the half bottle of Gumout for high mileage engines turned the gas black for a while. The engine is not running right still. I think I will ride it some and see what happens. If it doesn't improve, I think I will change the spark plugs again. Maybe one of these years, I'll get it right.
  14. I know almost nothing of investing. I'll say that up front. But I do read and watch the news. The market has been on a record bull run and is due for a correction from what I've been reading. The Fed is talking about raising interest rates before the year's end and that will bring down the market some. China's currency is supposedly going to be approved as one of the official currencies for international trade in October which is supposed to drain some money from the US to China. Talk to a knowledgeable person before acting! It ain't me!
  15. Looks to me like a useless conversation piece.
  16. Just a reminder of what I posted before. I have found out from personal experience that the "water pill" Triam/HCTZ will cause my arthritis to get worse.
  17. I hope you can come up with some appropriate disciplinary action for the son for his sake.
  18. I recently cleaned the mildew/crude off my boat with an old rotating brush mounted on a wand with a cup for liquid soap. The water pressure spins the round brush. It did a quick job on all the surfaces that I could get the brush on. I keep a cover on my boat during the winter and there is lots of mildew under it in the spring. Still haven't built my dream garage.....
  19. I asked the crew on a snorkeling trip what they used to keep the masks from fogging up and I was told the solution they had in the bucket they used was water with a little dishwashing soap. I haven't tried it on my motorcycles.
  20. The Gen I and Gen IIs are two different beasts. With your feet out front cruiser style on the Gen II, I suspect a back rest is needed much more so that with the Gen I. With the Gen I, your feet are closer to being under your butt and a back rest is not as necessary for back comfort.
  21. I looked at a 2002 Voyager back in 2009 a co-worker was selling, $4k, 34k miles I would have bought it except the transmission whined like crazy. I couldn't tolerate all that noise from the tranny. Then I test rode a 2006 Goldwing and fell in love. Couldn't afford love though. The one utube video I've seen with someone riding a Voyager XII , that Voyager had a noisy transmission. Maybe it's like the second gen Venture and only some of them have noisy trannys.
  22. I think she should wear the scraped helmet with pride!! It's like, "I survived!"
  23. So glad she is OK!
  24. That's tough to lose all of your friends prematurely. My heart goes out to you and their families.
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