This week, I removed all four pilot jet screws with the springs, washers and O-rings. After unscrewing them, I put a touch of gasket sealer on the end of a small allen wrench to pull the screw out and then used a pic to retrieve the springs, washers, and O-rings. It appeared that one did not have an o-ring and another did not have a washer. I bought some new pilot jet screw kits from partzilla ($5 something each) and replaced the missing washer and o-ring. Then I changed the fuel filter. That was a first time for me and definitely was a learning experience. I'll do it faster next time. I cut open the old filter and it was clean inside. I thought it would be plugged up after the half bottle of Gumout for high mileage engines turned the gas black for a while. The engine is not running right still. I think I will ride it some and see what happens. If it doesn't improve, I think I will change the spark plugs again. Maybe one of these years, I'll get it right.