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About Drewman

  • Birthday 10/13/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Drew Corman


  • Location
    Milford, Ohio, United States


  • City
    Milford, Ohio


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Yamaha Venture Royal
  1. Anything I need to know about getting that cover off? Does the gear shift have to be taken completely off?
  2. What cover is the engine generator cover? Is it the one forward of the middle gear cover with the 1300cc on it? By the way I finally got the shaft oil seal out tonight with a slide hammer with a small screw in the end of it
  3. To replace does that means an engine teardown since I would have to replace the whole wire bundle? I don't think just the grommet is available.
  4. Thanks! I tired that but I just stuck it into the rubber in the middle of the seal. No luck. I will try going down the side of the shaft.
  5. Attached is a picture of the oil seal around the shifter shaft. Anyone taken one of these out before? I tried two screws 180 degrees apart and pulling it out but it wouldn't budge. I tried cutting it with a knife but the blade would not penetrate. I tried tapping a small screw driver into the seal 90 degrees apart 4 places. Seal still wouldn't pull out. I imagine if I keep trying eventually it will come out. Just wondered if anyone else has changed one and if so, how did you get it out. Thanks, Drewman
  6. I took off the middle gear cover and found a couple of oil leaks. (see attached pictures) The grommets around the wire bundles coming out of the engine case appear to be leaking. I lifted up the two wire bundle up to move them out of the way and oil poured out of the wire casing. I plan on cleaning with break fluid and sealing with high temp RTV. Second leak is from the oil seal around the shifter shaft shown in the second picture. I just got that linkage off and am trying to pull out the seal. I turned in a couple of small screws and used small vise grips on both screws at the same time but no luck. Any suggestions on how to get the seal out? I might cut it but don't want to nick the shaft or housing. Drewman
  7. Thanks for all the replies. I attached two pictures - one is the left side of the engine and the other is underneath looking up where the exhaust collector used to be. Is there a website that has a breakdown of the engine on what is what. I just got this bike so looking at all the things that were suggested is a bit challenging at the moment?
  8. I will take a look. Thanks for the quick reply!
  9. I just got an 89 VR and it is leaking oil on the left side of the engine and drips down on the exhaust cross over pipe. Any ideas on what to look for would be appreciated. Also what is Gen1 and Gen 2?
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