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Old Miner

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Everything posted by Old Miner

  1. My radiator went porous and you could see several damp places around the fins. I took it to a local radiator repairer and had it re-cored it was quite expensive, about 300 dollars in your money but a new one was about twice that or more. I have had it on now for about two years and it is fine. (Touch wood).
  2. I have just come across a short(ish) article from Yuasa about motorcycle batteries I thought I would share it with you. I have just lost my battery, dead whilst running. Home on the back of a trailer....... ouch! http://www.yuasabatteries.com/motor_battery.php
  3. Ditto that but with a sponge pad underneath.
  4. Fortunately I have a life time warranty on the bike so the dealer will hopefully put it right next week when it goes in for repair. You can completely remove the tape deck and have all other sound units working but if it was fitted as standard it should work, in my opinion.. Neil. Old Miner.
  5. I have seen many threads regarding battery drain. Here is my addition. My battery conditioner suddenly started showing that the battery was not fully charged. No green light on the top of the charge indicator. Showing that the battery was discharging or not holding charge. This was on a fairly new battery, fortunately or not after a few days of investigating the problem I heard a faint clicking noise coming from under the front fairing. I stripped the fairing down and found the noise coming from the tape deck which at this stage was still working. Upon disconnecting the multi-pin connecter the noise stopped and the drain stopped and the battery charged to full capacity. I left the tape deck dis-connected and have had no further problems. I have since re-connected the tape deck and the drain starts again and the tape deck is now dead so I have proved beyond a doubt that even with the ignition off a bad tape player can drain the battery. Hope this might be of use to someone else. Neil.
  6. Ditto to that but with poor radio reception. Toss a coin good lighting or bad radio reception...... Perhaps that's why they still have the cassette fitted. Old Miner.
  7. Ditto. 8k front and rear after 18 months. Old Miner.
  8. Hi. I contacted the manufacturer, I trawled the Internet all to no avail so I found that converter on e-bay fitted it in line with the arial and to a power supply and forgot about it. I think the most annoying thing is that the majority of UK radio transmissions are on the frequency that the stock radio wont pick up like 102.2 and 107.4. As it skips these frequencies. All the best. Neil. Old Miner. www.oldminer.co.uk
  9. Hi. Have a look at my thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=341840&highlight=Radio+Gaga#post341840 I had the same problem and cured it. Old Miner.
  10. Hi. Just purchased one for my 99. Try the parts manual page C5 (Exhaust section). http://www.venturerider.org/private/RSVparts.pdf Neil. Old Miner.
  11. Hi. The Idea is to condition the battery over the period the machine is stood in areas where mains power is not available to run my battery tender. Having checked the charge rate etc it is more powerful than my Oximiser and that will top the battery up within a few hours from flat. When I get back I will run the battery flat and then see how long it takes to charge. watch this space. Neil. (old Miner).
  12. Hi Everyone. Having recently been stood at the side of the road after a camping trip with a flat battery. (Was my own daft fault) I have added the following system to my bike to top up the battery whilst it is stood in places without power. I have at home an Oxford Oximisor battery tender in my garage but use camping sites with no power on them. I purchased a cheap 12v 100ma solar panel and fitted it with two copper pipe clips with screws and spacers to fit into the panel screw holes which enables me to clip the unit onto the rack on the back of the bike. It can be fitted and face in any direction to catch the sun. I then converted a 12v plug in acccessory unit with a plug that fits my battery tender, you just plug the unit into this and can run 12v items from it or charge a mobile phone, sat nav etc. The unit comes with crocodile clips too so you could charge a loose battery too. I know it is not the ultimate charger nor the ultimate system but it will come in very handy. Neil. (Old Miner) Cost about £20 would be $15 ish.
  13. Hi. Does the relay 'click' in and out when you press the horn button on the bars? If it doesn't I would suspect the contacts on the horn button or its wiring. More so the button. I had this problem on a regular basis with my '99 RSV until I found that every time I washed the bike water got in to the handle bar switch and flooded the contacts and over time they corroded, albeit very slightly but enough to stop the relay energising when pressed. I stripped the switch, bit fiddley with small parts and found the silver contacts for the horn button blackened and not making a very good contact. I polished the contacts up and serviced the other switches with a bit of WD 40 and some fresh contact grease on the other moving parts within the switch and then put it all back together.... No further problems. OH and I cover BOTH the handlebar switches when I wash the bike. Best wishes. Neil. Oldminer.
  14. Great, Thanks. Neil.
  15. Hi everyone. Will a V-Max clutch plates fit a Second Gen. Venture. If so which model do I go for. Problem is I am having problems sourcing clutch parts in the UK other than genuine Yamaha ones for my 1999 Second Gen. But there are hundreds of sources for V-Max clutch plates and spring. Your thoughts please. Best wishes. Neil. Old Miner.
  16. Hi. I have just fitted a supposed UK legal Halogen dip and HID full beam. Has to be this way for motorcycles but dont ask me why. Driving at night on full beam is TERRIFIC just like a well lit moonlit night as it has a bluish tint. I suppose on unlit country roads I can go 10mph faster than on a normal bulb. Only down side is that at dusk you dont feel your lights are working until it gets to a certain light level. The Halogen is well......... ok. Just my thoughts. Neil. Old Miner.
  17. Many thanks to you all once again. Old Miner.
  18. Hi Guys. Need some help. I am suffering from a bad case of clutch slip. Does the 1999 second gen TF Venture have a clutch spring plate or does it have several, say six small springs like the older machines. I say that it is an spring plate as shown in service manual. 1 in total. The chap who sells EBC parts on E-Bay says it is a set of several springs. As shown below. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11051.m43.l1123/7?euid=e57ef8c1b95d43ddbc200129acc4e73c&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Febaymotors%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D270926331528%26ssPageName%3DADME%3AX%3ARTQ%3AMOTORS%3A1123 Thanks. Neil. Old Miner.
  19. Wanted wheel on ASAP so I did not use a jack just a short lift, but that will be my next line when I remove the wheel again. It just went so easy this time though without help. Neil. (Old Miner).
  20. Hi everyone. I know the subject has been mentioned in passing in previous threads but I thought I would go over the situation again but with some photographs this time. As most riders know the removal and fitting of a 2nd Gen. Rear wheel is a real bind so after the last time I refitted the rear wheel to the cost of four stitches to my right hand when the wheel came off the splines and pushed my hand into the side of the rear fender. I thought about a better way and came up with this, I checked on the site too and it is mentioned in passing on another thread. First I raised the bike up to the top of the lift and placed the wheel under the rear fender, I then positioned it and carefully lowered the lift down to a height that I could easily lift the wheel up. I have an old axle (you could use a length of round bar) that fits first into the pumpkin and through to the swing arm. (Left to right through pumpkin) oposite to the proper axle. I had both mufflers removed as I had removed the rear end to clean and grease the swing arm bushes otherwise you would have to remove the left muffler to do it. The axle or bar protrudes from the pumpkin so that the wheel when lifted is placed on it and pushed and slightly rotated to engage the drive splines. It can then be pushed all the way through to fully support the wheel. You can then put the original axle through the swing arm and brake bracket etc from right to left and this will push the other axle out from the left side as you push the axle back in the proper place. I hope this can be of help as it made life so easy and I managed it single handed and still have all my fingers. The job is made a lot simpler. Neil. (Old Miner).
  21. Totally agree but I was under the impression that the dealer had replaced the valve when he fitted a new tyre and balanced the wheel. His defence was that it was not a standard valve fitting so it was not replaced. Obviously not. Lesson learned. Going to strip back end down now and lubricate the rear swing arm bushes so it will be off to the dealers with the wheel and a big stick. Neil. (Old Miner).
  22. Hi. I found I have a slight leak from my rear wheel valve where it goes inside the rim. I managed to seal one on another wheel (I have two rear wheels and alternate them on new tyres) but this one is SOLID. It is a very slow leak but the tyre had lost a good amount of pressure since October when it was laid up. I managed to seal the first leak by removing the two locking nuts and cup from the valve and pushing the valve inwards allowing air to escape and clean the seating by moving the valve assembly from side to side but as I say this one is SOLID.. Firstly to find out if you have a leak spray some water/washing up liquid mixture and look for the tell tale sign of small bubbles. This leak has happened to both of my wheels now due to corrosion. Secondly I have not seen how the valve fits into the inside of the rim as I have my tyres fitted for me and I cannot find anything in the manuals that shows how the assembly fits. I PRESUME I know how but presumption can be dangerous so your excellent help would be much appreciated. Many Thanks. Neil. (Old Miner).
  23. Hi again. I have just completed a Service Chart for my RSV based upon an annual mileage of 8,000. (Chose that mileage as the highest of the three main service intervals in the manuals). It has room for six services and gives some info on measurements, volumes and part numbers etc. It is open so you can alter it to suit your particular needs. It is based upon the PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR from the owners manual. It is in a Word document format and open to all. Hope it is of use to someone else and please let me know if there are any glaring inaccuracies in it. Best Wishes. Neil. (Old Miner)
  24. Hi. I have found the following oil change frequencies from manuals on the site and my own 1999 US spec. manual that came with the bike. 1999 US Spec. Every 4,000 miles or six months. 1999 European Spec. 6,000 kilometers 3,728 miles or six months. Suppose that is same as above. 2000 US Spec. 10,000 kilometers or 6,200 miles or annual. 2002 US Spec. 8,000 miles or annual. Most if not all new Yamahas in the UK are now 6,000 miles or annual services and oil changes. I change mine annually at about 6,000 miles with YamLube or whatever Yamaha calls it:backinmyday:. Best wishes. Neil. (Old Miner).
  25. Hi there. We used it underground on coal cutting machines as gaskets and on gasket faces and I used it over the years on several of my bikes until the tin ran out. Great stuff no problems. They told me at work it was used on Rolls Royce motor engines. (Cant prove that though). Neil. Old Miner.
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