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Bob B

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13 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Bob Byrum


  • Location
    Madisonville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    99 RSV
  1. That black line is the line i added go into the pocket. Bob
  2. Thanks Guys. Yes, Venture without trunk. (Where HD got their idea for Street Glide! Since mine is a '99 way before the SGlide) Im still fine tuning the flames. The kits you buy has to misfire engine to produce the flames. Not what i wanted. I got around that, but still not able to pull out to pass and fire the afterburners at 75! Updates to follow, BB
  3. HaHa
  4. On the venture there is a deflector that bolts to lower triple tree between the forks may help. BB
  5. http://www.motorcyclecannonball.com/ If your anywhere close to a stop you should check it out. BB
  6. Running along beside the West Ky is highway 62, 2 lane really nice ride, BobB
  7. Sorry i forgot about pictures. I worked on it over a couple of evenings trying different fitting and hose configurations before deciding to keep it simple.
  8. Added the oil line last week while installing the Barnett spring conversion. First, I would call it well worth the time (about a hour), the cost (about $15). No, it didnt eliminate the noise completely, but it sure helped. More so at highway speed. After opening the case i seen there was a nice compartment right over the driven clutch gear. Thats when the idea to pump the oil to the void and meter it down from there to direct oil to the gear. A few pointers: I used push to connect air line fittings that swivel. 1/8NPT to 5/32 airline 90s Makes install easy, takes up little room, I used a 1/4 NPT to 1/8 NPT bushing in the oil acess plug to allow tightening to reinstall after drilling and tapping. I used .045 drill bit for orfice. If i have it apart again i would drill the hole larger. Other info: The clutch basket turns counterclockwise, that being said you adding oil after the contact has been made. Oiling from the other side should be a better angle but much harder to do! In closing, after 300 miles today the FB6 is gone from my head! Your results may vary..
  9. I dont see where it could hurt, May need to restrict the passage. Ive been want to do clutch upgrade and that would be the time to do it. BB
  10. Has anyone installed a external oil line to the clutch gear? Looks like you could tap in the plug on the right side where some people install a oil pressure gauge. Then drill and tap a hole in the area of the gear. Dont appear to be a big deal to try. BB
  11. Chuck, I have a set you can have for shipping cost. Off a 99 RSV BobB
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