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Everything posted by suds

  1. Did you still have the coolant leak? Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  2. I used second gen gaskets on mine based on recommendations from folks here. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  3. I literally 10 minutes ago ordered this: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07QCXNW8C/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_AUVWEbBVR3C99 The vernier gauge measured the upper forks at 40mm. My ride is 90 VR.
  4. These are great bikes, even with mileage and age they are excellent touring bikes. I have a 1990 VR with 163,000km (101,000 miles) on it and there's still lots of life left in her. It is easier if you know how to turn a wrench but there's plenty of people here that are willing to share their deep knowledge on these bikes with you. Check out this section: https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eventurerider%2Eorg%2Fforum%2Fforumdisplay%2Ephp%3Ff%3D86&share_sfid=86&share_fid=4890&share_type=sf Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  5. There are dust covers but my bike also came with accordion style gaiters, but mine were falling apart from age. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks @cowpuc ! I was waiting to see what words of wisdom you would have. I was thinking on what I might be able to rig up. I saw some neoprene "socks" they make for such a situation and that might be an easy fix with velcro closures and wrap around. They would need to be removed and cleaned I would suspect, depending on the mileage someone puts on their bike. I don't ride offroad so they might be good for most of the season we get here in Ontario. Anywho, I'm waiting for my new springs to come in but I'm not having much luck getting hold of progressive. While I have your attention Cowpuc, any tips or tricks to seating the oil seal? I saw a guy use about 1/8 inch of electrical tape around the fork and slid the lower up to make contact with the tape and he seated it fine. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  7. My condolences on the passing of your brother. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  8. Yes, I've been trying to find those... 41mm upper, 60mm lower I believe I'd what I need. It's hard with so many places closed for covid. I'll keep looking. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  9. Six years ago I picked up my first motorcycle... a 1990 Venture Royale. I joined this site and have learned so much from generous people here. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being generous with your knowledge and time! Cheers! Suds Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  10. I appreciate your feedback. I can wait if I have to, but I just want to get out riding! As my dad used to tell me "patience is a virtue"... so maybe I order them and wait. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  11. I'm in the middle of replacing the seals on my forks and decided I should finally do something about the tattered accordion fork covers. I looked it up and found part number 3JJ-23191-00 which is not available. I then set out to see if I could find a suitable replacement, which I did but they would come from China and would take a few weeks to get here if I ordered them. This leads me to ask... are they really needed? Thank you friends in advance for your opinions/advice! Suds Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  12. 24 hour hold for weather... Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  13. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  14. A belated [emoji322][emoji512]Happy Birthday![emoji512][emoji322] to you! I'm classified as an essential worker so it's been life as usual (sort of) on workdays but on days off there's been a lot of car and motorcycle work going on at my place. It was good to see you out on your ol' bike! Stay safe! Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  15. I don't have answers to your questions, but I'm sure the big brains on here will reply soon. I'm just a guy who turns wenches and tries to keep my bike running, making improvements to things as I go along. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah I didn't see them do it while the engine was in the bike, but I may have missed it. I managed to get it out and back in. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  17. I literally just got the rear cover off 5 minutes ago. It's a very tight spot but if you handle it from both sides gently, it comes out. Getting back in is going to be tricky. No, I don't have the carbs off. I've read here that it can be done without taking them off. Fingers crossed, I'll get the cover back in and the gasket seated. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  18. I've searched the site and can't find any thread that talks about this. Is there a trick to getting the rear valve cover out? I'm replacing the gaskets as they were cracked and leaking. I can't seem to find a way to get the cover the clear everything and come out. I don't have the carbs off but from what I've read, it seems to me that people have removed it with the carbs installed. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  19. That's great to hear! Glad you're back on the road! Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  20. I think you'll be pleased with the brakecrafters kit. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  21. Yes, I believe so. Even if you buy a caliper off Ebay, it may be wise to rebuild it because the seals may be old. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  22. If you find one and do a rebuild, I highly recommend Brake Crafters ( brakecrafters.com ) for rebuild kits. They are high quality and the kits come with all the seals, copper crush washers and lube for safe reassembly. Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  23. I just rebuilt my rear caliper on my 90 VR with a kit from brakecrafters.com out of Arizona and I've gotta say, it was a great experience! I'd recommend them to anyone needing to rebuild your calipers. They have master cylinder kits too and if they're anything like the caliper kits, they'll be top notch as well. If you're a novice like me, watch the videos on their site and it'll be a breeze. Just wanted to share the experience and the recommendation. Cheers! Suds Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  24. From the Yamaha parts app... Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
  25. I have an E4 on the rear and an E3 still on the front. On my trip down through PA, WV, NC, TN that E4 felt real good through the twisties. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it, other than putting it on by hand perhaps. [emoji16][emoji106] Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
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