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About Hoosierdrummer

  • Birthday 10/31/1970

Personal Information

  • Name
    Steve Bruns


  • Location
    Moores Hill, Indiana, United States


  • City
    Moores Hill, Indiana


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Venture Royale
  1. I don't know if they are the same or not. I thought I read somewhere that the rotor size between 1st and 2nd gen are different. Hopefully one of these guys on here can answer this question properly.
  2. I have a 1989 Venture Royale and I am looking for some highway pegs that will work for a taller guy that don't cost an arm and a leg. I am 6'2" and the floorboards i currently have mounted on my engine guards just aren't working. Any suggestions??? I am also looking for those chrome front rotor covers for it as well if anybody has an old set they are not using.
  3. I am also interested in some chrome front rotor covers to fit my 1989 Venture Royale. Thanks
  4. Does anyone have a spare cable that plugs into the cb and goes around the air cleaner and plugs into the amp. If you have one you could part with I would be happy to purchase it from you. Please let me know.
  5. Beautiful bike, looks almost identical to mine... I have a few more miles on mine though. I have 12,640 miles on mine...
  6. Wow, sorry to hear this. Prayer's to Mark for a speedy recovery.
  7. I wish I could have talked to the owner.
  8. It was a pretty easy fix over all. The hardest part was separating the green plastic away from the housing. The material came from an old t-shirt that I cut a small section from. I pulled out the radio unit from the bike, turned it over. I then removed the two retaining nuts that holds the portion that the volume controls are housed in. I took off the knobs and o-rings, slid the unit out of the radio housing exposing the screws. With the screws removed, the cover came off and I tapped the green insert out and covered the hole. I then put super glue gel around all the ports protruding out of the faceplate and reinserted the green illumination piece. I reassembled the unit and sprayed the cloth with scotch guard... I hope this post helps anyone with the same problem with their 1st gen radio...
  9. So, on my way home tonight, I happened to catch a Venture Royale out of the corner of my eye for sale. My wife and I were wanting to go out for a little ride so we rode out to where I saw the bike and took a closer look at it. It appears to be in pretty decent shape, minus a few flaws. I don't know much about it other than what you see in the pictures. Nobody came out to talk when we were there. Anyways, the bike had just under 60k on it according to the odometer. I took some pictures just in case anybody out there might be looking for a cheap bike for riding season.... It is located in Sunman, Indiana....
  10. It took me long enough, but I finally took a picture of my final repair. I know the origional one was supposed to be white or gray or something like that, but I thought this would look a little better.
  11. I really like your color choices... Can't wait to see it all put back together!
  12. After taking all the plastic off the left hand side, I unplugged the second CB connection on the amp and the sound dissipated instantly. I then removed the CB/CLASS panel and revealed that the coax from the CB was loose and upon inspection of the cable that goes from the CB to the amp I found a section in the wire about two inches long that was missing part of the outside shielding. I taped up the wire and the noise was gone. I can't wait to ride this weekend! Thanks for all the help and suggestions. After spending a few hours in the garage I was able to find the problem and wouldn't have done that much to fix it had I not got so much help from all of you... Thanks again!
  13. Frank, I tried your recommendation and there is absolutely no change to the noise. I guess I am just going to have to tear the bike apart to see if there is something that I can see that could be possibly causing the crackling noise... I will pass on my results as I find them.
  14. Frank, Thanks, I will check that out tonight. I cannot believe I am having an interference issue on this since the wiring doesn't seem to be extremely close to anything except where it runs along the frame next to the main wiring harness. I certainly do appreciate all the help offered by everyone.... I love this site!
  15. Ok, I believe the problem is definitely coming from the ignition system. As the bike increases in RPM's it the crackling sound in the headsets become more frequent. I took off the black top cover from the fairing where the radio fits in and found that the connection to the noise filter was corroded. I cleaned the contacts well with electrical contact cleaner and put some dielectric grease on the connection and the problem still exists. If anyone has anymore ideas, I would be very grateful to hear them... Pictures are a huge plus.
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