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01 Rider

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Everything posted by 01 Rider

  1. I have to agree, they are not giving you enough for your bikes. Traded in my 01 with 90k last year on a new wing and got a better deal. I love the wing, but there is a better deal out there.
  2. I got tired of waiting Yamaha to up grade a year ago and pulled the trigger on a new wing. Absolutely LOVE the wing but I miss the RSV. Didn't have enough self control to wait. With so many great bike choices out there, the decision is difficult.
  3. Sorry I have nothing, Mike ( EUSA1) took everything I had left.
  4. Looks cool, glad I could help. I found some double stick tape by 3M that works really good. It's gray and thin like the stock Yamaha stuff. It's called 3M exterior mounting tape. Says on the package it's weather proof.
  5. PayPal works the best. rpb_53@hotmail.com I'll let you know the cost tomorrow. I've got the stock mirrors, turn signal lenses, both antennas, air filter covers, crash guard reflectors, trailer hitch and stinger, I'm not sure what else off the top of my head. Later today I'll get the stuff out of the box and take a picture.
  6. I have a set but, I won't sell them to you. I will give them to you. Just cover the shipping cost and I will drop them in the mail tomorrow. Slowly all my left over RSV parts are finding a good home.
  7. Some friends that went to Star Days in Reno this year told a story of the Yamaha people being taken to the parking lot to see all the Goldwings and there were many. They suggested Yamaha was losing out by not upgrading the Venture. All they said was maybe 2014. I've been hearing maybe next year for a long time, I couldn't wait.
  8. If you are talking about these, let me know. They are yours for the cost of shipping. Not new but they are free. Sorry, but the brackets are for the same side. I have a box of stuff I took off my RSV, but I haven't gotten around to getting them sorted and pics so I could post them.
  9. Sold. Thanks I'll contact you.
  10. I have a Yamaha trunk rack bag for the RSV along with the saddle bags and inside trunk bag if your interested. Make me an offer.
  11. So sorry for your loss Jack.
  12. Nice bike, I hope you enjoy it.
  13. You are right about the leg room. The stock seat just doesn't cut it. But with a little modification and some hiway pegs it will be fine. I really do like the power, the brakes, the sound system and even though it weighs more, it feels lighter.
  14. Most of the good stuff is already gone, but I have some stock parts, mirrors, antennas, Road King pipes, things like that. I also have the Mic-Mutes I took off. I'll make a list later and post it. I really like the Wing but I'm going to have to do something with the seat.
  15. After 10 years and almost 84k, I traded in my 01 RSV for 2012 Goldwing. I've been waiting for Yamaha to build a new touring bike, but I think we all know that isn't going to happen soon, so I finally pulled the trigger on the Honda. It is a completely different bike but I like it. I've had this web site as my home page since it started, so I'm not going anywhere and I still have a few RSV parts around. Plus we have a Goldwing section.
  16. I'm 6'4" and had problems with my hips and back at first also. A Utopia back rest was the most important upgrade. Then I put the Kuryakyn offset duallay hiway pegs on and adjusted them so I could rest ankles on top of the pegs so I could stretch out if I needed to. I never had a problem with the heel toe shifter, but Yamaha has a toe shifter accessory.
  17. I have a set of Road King pipes with the brackets and clamps. Yours free, all you have to do is pick them up. Looks like I'm a couple hours up the road from you. I've tried louder pipes, but now I like the quiet. Some else got my Khromewerks cheap and these are just taking up space in my garage.
  18. I put Kuryakayn floorboard covers on mine. The model that fit the Roadstar, fit the RSV. Half the price of the Yamaha floorboards. But I did spring for the Yamaha passenger floorboards.
  19. Sounds good, just tell me when and where.
  20. I just saw this. I replaced my first two under warranty at 16k and 27k. Just replaced it a third time at my own expense at 77k.
  21. What kind of life people are getting out of the Odyssey batteries? I've had mine a little over 5 years now and I'm wondering I if I should start thinking of replacing it. It's always on a battery tender and it's given me no indication it's going to fail but you never no.
  22. I had one on my bike for about 2 years before it started leaking. I tried a new o rings but it still leaked, so I just took it off and put the stock one back on. If you haven't long, send it back and get your money back.
  23. Fishing, camping and the grandkids.
  24. I agree with Freebird. And the RKs and the Khromewerks both had the baffles in.
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