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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Walt, ya`ll be carefull and have fun!!!
  2. Gotta love a Happy ending!!
  3. Brad we are in the same boat, my choices are dial up or Hughsnet....went with houghsnet...it hasn`t helped my spelling at all!! but better then Dial up...I have a Belken "N" wireless router in the office and works fine for what I do... K
  4. Great news!! It will sure be nice to see Lonna back on here!! LOL
  5. Best of luck to you!! Hope it all works out for ya! K
  6. Thats nasty!! Glad ya`ll made it home safe!
  7. I spoke with Ponch today, he sounds like he is doing pretty good, still having problems with his eyes, so said he doesn`t get on the site very much as it hurts to read. He asked about some of the folks on here, but has a problem remembering everyones handles, but I know he misses each and everyone of this fine Family. He is still going to OT, and seems to be doing very good with all that they have him do. Just wanted to let ya`ll know, Please continue to keep Dave and Kathy in your prayers. Thanks, Kreg
  8. Good Idea, never thought of finding a tire in a shops junk pile...but could really get ya out of a jam!!
  9. Dang it!!! Glad he is ok...
  10. Oh...that sucks... I have never done that, but did come wheeling into my garage where I park it, reved it up real good and dropped the clutch!! WTH was I thinking...just real glad I didn`t take her all the way through the back wall... Major brain fart for sure!!
  11. Never seen a templet, may have to make your own, shouldn`t be to hard to do. With any luck someone on here will be able to help you out.. good luck.. K
  12. Thay are in our Thoughts and Prayers.
  13. These little Guys were The main Gift that Janet got for Mothers day, The 2 older boys are our Grandsons form FLA. the younger boy is our Grandson that lives here in Texas. We will have the 2 older Boys for 2 months...( Prayers Needed )...
  14. Congrats!!!!
  15. So sorry to hear this Dave, As has been said, things happen for a reason, and you will be the stronger for it. ya`ll are in our thoughts and prayers. Kreg & Janet
  16. Happy Birthday Walt!! Have a great Day!! now go burn up some gas!!!
  17. Glad to hear they found what the problem was, sucks that it will take 7 days for the parts.
  18. because Squid had his pre-shipped, so that..............
  19. Thats the same slack %$$ stealership that was suposed to be at the maint day, but never showed.....good luck Hal, hope they figure it out fast. They will never get a dime of mine, glad your bike is still under warranty..
  20. Buy Grass / Weed killer instead of Gas, and before you know it, your back in the Black!!
  21. I spoke with my friend today, he is still in ICU untill he can use the rest room on his own, and they are watching him to make sure his lungs do not fill with fluid. But he sounded great, was in a lot of pain but said he could deal with it. It sure was great to be able to talk with him... Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!
  22. Sweet ride!!! Hope you got the trunk with it!! LOL
  23. Lift his leg on a 1st gen......
  24. a machine older then me that I could trust...but I .............
  25. those Chocolates,so I can
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