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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Kenny, glad to hear that all went well and Pray for a speedy and complete recovery!! Kreg & Janet
  2. Hi, and welcome to the Family!! I am not sure that the RSTC had a switch problem, but some one on here will know. I would pull every Fuse, clean, check for any lose connections and replace. sounds like something is lose as it only does that when you rev the engine. Sorry not more help, but stick around, the advise will be pouring in!! Good luck! Kreg
  3. Happy Birthday Bob!!!!!
  4. Hope you had a Great Day!!!!!
  5. Brad, I may be wrong, but I think that the drive shaft and rearend gears will still be turning when the clutch is pulled in, so not thinking it is the rear gears, but have heard of the seal and bearing going out in the rear end, just seams that the sound would always be there.... Hope it nothing to serious.. what year is your bike?? Warranty??? Later and good luck, Kreg
  6. hahaha I was going to add something like that, but you beat me to it!!!
  7. My cable loops hit the tank, but mainly on the left side while sitting on the bike, you can remove the loop and use velcro as a cable support, should be no problem. K
  8. Nice!!!
  9. we`ll be at the DQ on 2920 in Tomball Texas tonight @1800hrs if any one is close and wants to join in on the goodness!!!
  10. So..... me wearing my 45 in a shoulder holster while mowing the front yard would be a deterent to visiters?? LOL
  11. First off, you can`t see that well! But I agree, Texas is A Great State!! They let all us Northerners in!!
  12. In our Thoughts and Prayers! GodSpeed.
  13. Amen!! I have never seen a sign here like that, but it has been along time sense I left and re-entered Texas. K
  14. Very Nice!!!
  15. Dang, glad you made it through that!! Could have been real bad!!
  16. Dang.... not a clue, hope you can limp it to some members house that could maybe help you out with a fix. Ride safe and good luck. K
  17. I know nothing about a 1st gen, but there are no stupid questions, so do not hesitate to ask away. look through the site and maybe a member lives close to you, most folks on here are more then happy to get together and turn a wrench or two. Welcome to the site and we hope you will stick around. Kreg
  18. So glad your here to talk about it, take it easy and heal fast, and do what the Dr. tells you too. The scooter can be replaced... Take care and God speed!
  19. Had the same problem on new tires, might want to get with where you bought them, but after a year they are probably not going to be much help. Avon did nothing for me, but send me back to where I bought them, the tire was replaced with little to no heart ache. Good luck, K
  20. Holy Crap!!!! She has put up with you for 15yrs??? :wow:Well Big Congrats!!!!
  21. hahaah Bite it CupCake!! hahaa I know that is killin you deep inside!!!
  22. My bad, I didn`t catch that you are looking for a big one, I was thinking porta band....
  23. Dont know about those, but I only paid 325.00 for my Milwalkie deep cut.....
  24. a few pics!!
  25. Had a Great Time!! Its allways a good time when we get this bunch together!! Thanks Owen for comming up with this Idea. It was great to see everyone again, as it always is, I really enjoyed it. Pics to follow tomorrow some time.. K
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