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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Miles, As of now, I am not putting any thing on all of the walls, I have one wall that is 3/4in Plywood, and have benches and crap around on the others, The peg board sounds like a good Idea for above the benches, may have to think that over, but it would give the YellowJackets a good nesting place.. thanks for the pointers, It started out as a 3 sided 48x24 carport, I just closed in the front with sliding doors, installed a French Drain and added a wood burning stove for our extra long and ever so cold winters... I`ll post pics in a few.
  2. well thats true, I`m gonna get a good fire going this weekend, warm or cold.. and I`ll take pics this weekend!! just buyin me a few days!!
  3. Ya buddy!! it will be all set up and ready to go!!
  4. Just about complete with the doors and out side of my shop, installed a French Drain and a twin Barrel Wood stove ( B-Day Gift from my Bride ) ( for our 2 weeks of winter) and an awning out back to help block the water from the rain, Still have a little bit to complete, then its re-lay out the inside and add a few more lights, and clean it out! Pics to follow, hope to take a few pics this weekend. Also, installed a Battery Tender Jr. ( Many Thanks to Hal & Val ) it only took it about 10 minutes to have her fully charged, and I havn`t started it in about 5 days.. Hope it gets really cold this weekend so I can get a Huge rip roaring fire going and just kick back and enjoy...
  5. The last set of Avons that I bought had noticable cracking, there is no doubt if yours are cracked, you will be able to see it and know what it is. I have sense started running E3`s and have no problems. Good luck, to me the peace of mind not worrying about them comming apart is well worth changing to E3`s..
  6. Those are a blast to Zip around on!! I know you miss that one.
  7. Those look close to new, you may want to swap the inner and the outer as they do not wear even..
  8. Same thing here Brad, and the whole front is open, so venting is not going to work. The foam thing mite, but thats alot of green on a mite! Hopefully some one has a better Idea.
  9. I know this wasn`t pointed at me.... no Snow here, nasty misty rain all day, pretty warm, but s`pose to rain all week and get cold again. I got sick on Christmas eve, and am still not over it, so I havn`t rode much, really need to get out. We do need to get together, maybe if this weather breaks.
  10. Love ya man!!!
  11. Poor baby looks like shes about to starve to death!
  12. Happy NewYear Ya`ll !! Please be safe and may we all have a Great Year!
  13. Gladto see you getting a bike that doesn`t need to be on a Trailer to get around!!
  14. Couldn`t have said it any better, Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas to all!!
  15. And to you and yours! Merry Christmas!
  16. Love it!! Great Show!
  17. Roller and Brush!!!
  18. all effected are in our thoughts and Prayers
  19. Sorry to hear this, but you need to do whats right for you. Stay in touch and come on up for the SE Texas maint. Day April 13th. We always need instruction and someone to keep everyone else in line. Take care and we are hoping the eye heals up well. Kreg & Janet
  20. may have to check them out Thanks!!!
  21. Dang Kenny, I just saw this post! So glad your ok, Heal fast and what ever you do don`t sneeze!
  22. Sounds like its gonna be great!! But we are not gonna be able to make it, very sorry and we are going to miss everyone. Ya`ll have a great time and eat some of those goodies for us. Kreg & Janet
  23. LOL yayaya
  24. It was great to see you and Beth, and glad to hear ya`ll made it home safe and sound!! We really enjoyed the Day!!! We`ll have to come see ya, not sure when, but we`ll make it over one of these days.. K & J
  25. :clap2:Brad & Lonna, We had a Great Time, Many Thanks for sharing your place and putting this on!! Got alot of work done, BS`d with Great Friends, had some great food!! Well done !!
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