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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Mine does it also, but it was more so when I was running a CT on the rear, this was caused by the soft side walls. Check you air pressure in your tire, are you running a CT? Your dealer is a Moron!!
  2. Cool, see ya then, If my tire makes it in on time.
  3. Hal, I can can ride over and meet ya`ll there on Friday to give ya`ll a hand with anything, let me know what time your going and I`ll hook up with you.
  4. Any up dates ...................
  5. very cool!! Does it have a Scat engine in it?? Those haul @$$... very sweet in deed, now build that strength up and get out and enjoy!!!
  6. Thanks for posting this Boomer.
  7. Dan, you and your Family are in our thoughts and Prayers. Kreg & Janet
  8. I`m in for 2. Thanks for doing this
  9. Good times for sure! So many more, and they will never be forgotten.
  10. My heart hurts so, every thing that has been spoken is so true, they don`t come any better then that, Don was one of the first that welcomed me to this huge Family. Thanks for the pics Brad, I have many, many pics of Don, but having a real tough time looking through them right now. I am truly blessed to be able to call Don Family, and as Don would not want us to live in sorrow of his passing but to celebrate his life and our time together. GodSpeed my Friend.
  11. Happy Anniversary to Brad and Lonna!!!! Ya`ll have a Great Day and many more to come!!
  12. Just changed mine, split the fairing , removed the 2 screws in the frame work and there it is...nothing to it.
  13. Thoughts and Prayers sent! You have one BIG Family riding this with you! Stay strong and never give up. GodSpeed. Kreg
  14. Yup, Walt is a Stand up kinda guy!! Kudo`s to Walt!!!
  15. extra fuel tank is not centered over the rear axle! oh ..sorry wrong thread... I really have no clue, probably a valve issue like has been said, does it have any kind of Vacum lines on it?
  16. So sorry to hear this, He and his Family will be in our thoughts and Prayers.
  17. Thats alot of Felt right there!!!
  18. Great news!!! Your the Icing on the Cupcake Big Guy!!
  19. AAA doesnt hold a candle to the folks on this site!
  20. good news, I take it Owen is back with him..
  21. He has Millers number, as we discussed that also.. I`ll post as I hear from him..
  22. In our thoughts and Prayers!! GodSpeed!!
  23. ya, I just spoke with him again, he had Squid on the other line, so hoping that was some help also, he was thinking about just making a run for it, as he said it is charging if he can keep it up around 73 or so.... but not sure of his plans right now. Thanks again for being there!!!
  24. many thanks, still trying to find some one close on the VR list, the more the merrier...
  25. Help is needed in Hope Ar. We have a member that is having major Battery discharge and is stuck in Hope..... If you are close and can help please give Dave a Call @ 832-526-5387 Many Thanks!!! Kreg
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