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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. That is a nice lookin ride!!!
  2. Is Mercury magnetic?? just a thought
  3. Grandma's boyfriend A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. Playing with his toys in her bedroom while grandma was dusting, he looked up and said, 'Grandma, how come you don't have a boyfriend now that Grandpa went to heaven?' Grandma replied, 'Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The religious programs make me feel good and the comedies make me laugh ... I'm happy with my TV as my boyfriend.' Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible. She started adjusting the knobs, trying to get the picture in focus. Frustrated, she started hitting the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem. The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so he hurried to open the door and there stood Grandma's minister. The minister said, 'Hello son, is your Grandma home?' The little boy replied, 'Yeah, she's in the bedroom bangin' her boyfriend.' The minister fainted. Now, that's funny... I don't care WHO you are
  4. Very nice!! enjoy it!!
  5. here are some pics of the one I have, hope it helps.
  6. Happy Birthday Walt!!! Have a great day!!
  7. Great news!! Thanks Ponch! We are gonna head up there when I get home.
  8. hhhmmmmm seems that there web site is for sale, they look like they have went out of bussiness.. sorry
  9. I got my flag pole and mount from Mile High Enterprizes, and you can get a flag from the PGR web site.
  10. Thoughts and Prayers for a very good Freind!
  11. That should do it, but I think that the wind comming off of the fairing is going to rip your head off, Gunboat lost his wind sheild last year and road home with out one, said the wind about took him off the bike...but good luck and let us know how it goes. K
  12. Sounds and looks like it was a great time!! Sorry I missed that one, I received my RSTD bars Friday, but was in the middle of trying to complete Janets Mothersday gift, only have one more coat of paint to go and I get to move it all to the front, try and dig 6 holes, in this concreate we call dirt, and then put it all back together... I may install the new bars next week...Dana, sorry I missed meeting ya`ll, but am sure we will cross paths one of these days. Kreg
  13. LOL That is very true, not to mention the $30.00 in gas it costs to mow....Just hopin the well dosn`t dry up...
  14. Man we need some rain....looked at the Rain gauge today and this is what I saw...
  15. Congrats!! That is so awsome!!
  16. Very good reply!! Wish I would have thought of that... Big Thumbs Up!!!
  17. put a little di-electric greese in the pins, including the connectors under the front fairing.
  18. Congrats Dave!! A long time coming!!
  19. Well a big Congrats goes out to all!! Let the spoiling begin!! Thats awsome!!
  20. Hey!! I resemble that remark!!! I'll let you know Doodle, we'll have a good ole time here in Texas!! and yes you definitely need guidance
  21. Squid, let me know when, as I may have my RSTD handle bars and will probably need guidence in changing out. We can make it a Party!!!! LOL we`ll get ya ran out of your neiborhood yet!!
  22. LOL now that is a "Gotta Have" Item!!! wonder if they come in Boxers??
  23. Thanks for the update Brenda, I knew he was gonna be at Summerville, but I have been to that rally and really didn`t care about going again.. hope they got on the road and all is well!
  24. Leave a wrench in it?? Just kidding, sorry to hear, as it sounds like a major job, best of luck!
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