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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Are those the same as Salmon Flies???
  2. haha Bet he could!!!
  3. will do, I don`t think its gonna be that big of job, but was not sure on the throttle cables..I may do this Sat. or better yet Friday after work, as it s`pose to rain Friday... K
  4. ok, so that helps explain the strange head on the motor. This bike looks like it is kept in the living room...
  5. Thanks Walt, I have rode Don`s old `99 but can`t remember about the Bars, it does look like there is enough slack on the cables, but just wanted to make sure before I tear it all apart... We may have to pop in on ya one of these days and check out that DQ...The Blizzard is on me!! Kreg
  6. this bike has been parked next to me at work for the last few days, havn`t seen who rides it, but this thing is clean, not sure of the year, so maybe one of ya`ll can add to this..
  7. Doesn`t look like any one has done this....
  8. you can try and grease the linkage that the shock is mounted too, that could be some of it, but better check for oil around your shock, it could be on the way out!! Most will start a grown sound before they crap out, but never know... let us know what you find.
  9. Dang it!! Prayers sent!! that could have been so bad!
  10. I know this has been doscussed, but I couldn`t find the post. I just got a set of TD handle bars from Phoneman and am wondering if the throtle cables will need to be relocated or is it a simple swap? I don`t want to get it tore apart and not have it ready to ride to work in the morning, so any info would be great...I might even buy ya a Blizzard!!! Thanks, Kreg
  11. that is a sharp lookin ride!! Congrats!!
  12. years ago, we had a house in S`port,LA. it was for sell, we lived in Houston. My wifes Aunt called her and said she noticed that we had sold the house finally.... What??? sure enough, we get there and there are people living there, they said they are renting it and had receipts from the person that was renting it out... just to show you how screwed up the laws are, we had to go to court and prove it was our house to get them out, it took around a month to get a court order to get them out, then my wife and some of her freinds had to moved all there stuff out to the street. I feel for ya on your deal, I know how bad it can be. The law never did catch the guy that was renting it out.. best of luck, K
  13. hahaha
  14. I can`t even imagine, bad, bad, bad...
  15. Well said Don.
  16. "I'm an innocent " Is an Oximoron.........
  17. Nice job and a great find!!
  18. Yes it should, if not it will vibrate enought to break.
  19. ya it does....watch your "6" Don !!!
  20. Not sure, but it doesn`t look right!! They wont last to long like that, they will break right at the bend of the metal brace.
  21. My vote goes to: she is evilly plotting her next move against Don at MD!
  22. Prayers sent, I was told when I first got into the EMS, that I would never forget the first DOS, they where right, I will never forget that, I know what "HubbY" is going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with him and the little Girl and her Family. Gods Pease
  23. Glad to hear you made it home!! Congrats on the new scoot! now we all just need to meet up for a nice ride and some good food!! Enjoy! Kreg
  24. cool, brad, ya got it lookin good!! Now ya`ll just ride your butts on down here.... K
  25. Thoughts and Prayers sent...
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