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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. I don`t think over heating is a problem, at least not with my `01, rode home today 40mls around 95 degrees out and drained and changed my anti-freeze about ten min. after I got home, and the water wasn`t that hot... but with out a gauge there is no teling how hot it is getting, maybe others are having problems..
  2. There are a few mwmbers in the Houston area that use that pump, works great and no problems.
  3. OMG....we`re here for how long????
  4. while in those parts, is Polson or Flathead lake in your plans ?? great ride through there and up to Whitefish Mt. Have fun and be safe
  5. I think you will love the bike, the dealers that put them together are another story all together. hope evrything comes together for you. K
  6. My little Buddy Kolton, fixxin to be 1yr old next month.
  7. Back at ya!! Be safe and remember what its all about!! K
  8. I used Goo-Gone on mine, soaked a rag in it and just kept at it, your right they do not come off easy.. Good luck K
  9. if you meen weight, I am not sure, I am just going with the stock weights and not sure what they weigh...not sure this is what you needed..
  10. I don`t think it really maters. the wheel spins on the bearings not the axel, I normally just use the sticky red greese that I use on my truck wheel bearings, I have used Litheum and had no problems either. I am sure you will get a million answers to this. K
  11. I have seen a few in mine also, as far as riding the tire, that is 100% up to you, do you feel safe and confortable riding it?? I am riding mine, but its not bad, and I do not feel it is unsafe, if I did I would change it out. Like I said, thats one of those things that you will just have to go by how you feel about it. Good luck Kreg
  12. hhhmmmmm just a little Samplin of the goods...I likey!!
  13. really not sure yet, as I have not installed the TD bars yet, waiting on bar weights to get here, I will try and take a good before and after pic, to hopefully show this. Kreg
  14. A) does the rebound adjuster 'click' or just turns... It is very hard to feel, I couldn`t hear it click but can feel it, mine is set at 10 clicks out from stop. (B) do you notice changes in your shock from cold to hot etc? and Not much help on this one, temps pretty much hot most of the time. © do you hear a fluid swish noise when you put your weight on the seat? I had a time setting mine up and probably still need to adj the sag alittle, but have never heard any groan or sound from it. Good luck and keep us posted. K
  15. Very good!! That will make ya proud!!
  16. Hope you didn`t just Jinx your self!!!
  17. this was posted on Citizen Soldiers page: Joplin Missouri High School Eagels Graduting class graduated yesterday afternoon before the tornado hit they recovered 26 of the classmates bodies in a church still in their caps and gowns Samathia Myers from Missouri 1 graduated with these classmates please pray for her and all the familys
  18. Sounds like an awsome ride Perry, not sure my butt could take it, glad you had a safe trip!!! Kreg
  19. Happy Birthday Lil` bit!!! hope you have a great Day!!!
  20. No, those are from a Venture, they have to be off of a TD, but thanks for the post. K
  21. changing my bars for a set of RSTD bars and need a set of TD bar weights, any one have a set that they no longer need, please give me a shout!! Thanks
  22. Happy Birthday JB, have a good one!!
  23. Sweet!!! and your right, this is the finest bunch of folks that there is!! enjoy your new ride and have a great trip to the states. K
  24. That worked, and that is awsome!!!
  25. Rick, the link is DOA This content is currently unavailable
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