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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Congrats!!!! Thats awsome!!
  2. well it is almost down to the carbs.....
  3. Thanks for the info, I have a `01 that is as bad as yours was, I will certainly look into doing that swap, the OEM "I" basket is just to pricy but this sounds like a good alt. to the problem.. K
  4. Now I like the way your thinkin!! LOL if ya want to come over friday thats cool, we could get them pretty much apart, then Mr. Ponch can start his Schoolin when he gets here and we wont waist alot of time. We can discuss the pulled pork later in the week, after we see how many folks we will have show up. I`ll give ya a call and we can hammer that out. Kreg
  5. Congrats to Mattew, very glad he decided to turn things around. K
  6. LMAO There will probably be some blood!! we`ll see what we can do.
  7. We are having a Mini Carb Float adj / Carb Clean Clinic, Instructed by VRO`s own " Ponch" June 18th @ 0900 This will be held at Kregerdoodles house. 18222 Blinka Rd. Waller Texas 77484 You will need to bring your Carb cleaner, and hand tools, I do have tools, just not sure if I have enough to go around. Please RSVP as I may through some grub on the pit.. Hope to see ya`ll here, and want to thank Ponch for his time and expertise. Kreg
  8. Kenny, that sounds good, we`ll have to see whats going on, as stands, we have some Family matters that need to be taken care of first. Thanks for the invite!! and we`ll let ya`ll know. Kreg
  9. Thanks for sharing your pics, really looks like a great time was had by all!! K
  10. Congrats!!!!
  11. Have a great Day!!
  12. Glad to hear ya`ll made it home!! I`ll give ya a shout this week, want to run something past you and Pinch... Later, K
  13. heck of a day Walt, glad you made it home safe.. K
  14. Looks like a great day!! Thanks for sharing..
  15. Very nice!!
  16. well at least you didn`t miss a gear with all those folks checkin out the bike!! LOL been there done that!
  17. at least ya got Ponches best side!
  18. I know you would never even dream of starting anything !!
  19. exactly what is "Extra Virgin" ?????
  20. Glad you were not on the side of the road some place!! That Ponch is a ok guy, but don`t tell him that!! K
  21. James Arness of 'Gunsmoke' fame dies at 88 I don`t think I have missed a single "Gun Smoke" I can remember meeting the entire cast at the Boise Stampede... when I was real young....late `60`s...
  22. Porbably, but it will take 3 guys and a keg of beer to pick it back up!!
  23. What brand is the oil you use, and what is the part number for the filter. Thanks
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