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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Alright..2 gal. huh?? so your gonna polish everyones bike for them!! man your alright!! LOL
  2. so glad to hear that ya`ll are ok.. Take care, Kreg
  3. Thanks alot Walt, we`ll have to see how things play out..
  4. I will give ya a call, there are few on here that live close, would like to get a M&E in while we are there...hopefully we will be on the bike next time we are in TN. Look forward to meeting ya`ll. Kreg
  5. all those Stppies and Wheelies will do that!!! Good luck gettin her all fixed up...
  6. to get it off your hands you just need to eat some potato chips...LOL ever notice how the stuff on your hands that will not wash off disapears when you eat chips??? Or you could just rub them all over you and let the dogs out!! haha good luck!
  7. 12 Days and counting!! ready to get on the road!!
  8. Great Pics Kenny!! Thanks for sharing!!
  9. replaced mine at around 30k.......................
  10. just may be able to pull it off, will have to see, may be going through Ark. to see a old friend , just not sure right now. Kreg
  11. great, not sure of internet access in that area, but will get your contact info before we head that way. Kreg
  12. wish we could Kenny, we have to be there Monday , gonna leave here Sat. If we hit back weather or what ever, we would have to keep going, and don`t want to chance it...we may have time to swing down and see ya`ll on our way home.. Kreg
  13. nota clue, looks like its between knoxville and Dandridge...not sure, but I`ll find it...
  14. Welcome to the Family!! hang around this place will grow on ya! Sorry I cant answer about the oil, but sure some one will chime in..again welcome!! K
  15. Ya see Brad...things move abit faster here in the South then it does up there in Yankeeland !!! LOL
  16. we`ll be headed to East TN on the 20th....probably wont see ya`ll, be safe and have a blast!!
  17. Wish we had more time, as I have never been there before and would like to check things out, really wish we could take the bike...
  18. you can try MalWare Bytes, and Spybot search and dystroy, both free, these will clean up any walware that moght be slowing it down. Do you go through a firewall?? good to do, but can really slow down your PC.. how much Free space do you have on your HD ? How many desk top Items do you have open / running??? Give those a try, they might help..
  19. We will be in the Dandridge area Aug. 22th through the 26th, we will be staying in a cabin at Big Ridge State Park... we will be availabe for Dinner or IceCream the 24th,25th if any one wants to meet up. We will be caging it as we are under a strick time line getting there. I will try and post more as time gets closer, Hope to meet up with some of ya`ll.. Kreg
  20. YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! Ya`ll try and stay out of trouble!!!! If ya`ll didn`t live clear across the State we would head over and harass ya!!
  21. was this by the dealer? if so, did you see them do it? just sayin, I don`t really trust that they do what they charge for...shocking I know..
  22. almost sounds like your splines are dry, is the hub getting hot?? you can remove the bolt/plug near the top of the hub and you should be able to touch the fluid with your little finger, but unless you have a leak it should be ok, the only other thing I can think of would be a bearing going south, lets hope it is just the splines being dry. Maybe some one else or some close by can check it out for you.. good luck Kreg
  23. Thats one of those things, that if you don`t feel comfortable with it then do as Squid mentioned and take then to a shop that you trust...oh and spoked wheels can be a booger to balance.. good luck and be safe
  24. you can do it all your self, as far a shop goes, do you really trust a 19yo kid with your life more then you trust yourself?? Just a thought.. any way, you just have to be carefull not to pinch the tube, and depending on what tires you get, make sure that you have the paint spot lined up with the valve stem. Then balance, and all should be good.
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