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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Thanks Gary!! Back at ya`ll. Ya`ll be safe and have a blast!!!
  2. you can remove the cone at the rear and drill a few 1/2 holes in the end of the pipes to get the sound that you are looking for, or just add a set of HD R/K pipes and knock the baffles out of them.
  3. Got home about 30min ago, Gunboat should be home soon, we had a good ride, and the memorial was as good and respectfull as could be, the PGR did a great job also, met JT`s brothers and they both expressed there thanks to the VRO for all of the thoughts and Prayers that have been sent for JT. Kreg
  4. Very sad to hear.. prayers go out for a speedy recovery..
  5. I could see CupCake IN THIS ( If you put it on him with a Shoe Horn! ) LOL
  6. Congrats!! And a Huge Thank You !!!!
  7. I would shoot for a "Combo" Card!! Your Happy, yet Sad for him!! LOL better him eh?
  8. :wow:Congrats!!! Ya`ll have a great day!!
  9. I would still download the malwarebytes program, it is free and very good!!
  10. Happy Birthday Lonna!!! Have a Great day!!
  11. Kelly, glad to see your back home, and so hope that this fixes the problem...if not, you still have a few Organs that can be removed!! LOL If ya`ll need anything I`m just a phone call away!! Take it easy and heal fast. K
  12. Nice, I think they mount on the front of the saddle bag rails....maybe..
  13. Trying no to , Janet has the Crud now, not sure if its just a nasty cold or what...
  14. I might try and make it dave, had the Flu last year so didn`t make it. Will have to see whats going on.
  15. sounds good Perry, it is only 30% rain, so it should be good..we`ll have a plan together later this week.. Any one else wish to join us??
  16. Thanks for the call earlier Don, like we talked, I am planning on riding down also, will try and check the 7day forcast and will get back with you.
  17. Ok, here is the latest on Kelly, He is having his Gal bladder removed in the morning, it is only functioning at 23% so it needs to go. If all goes well he will be home tomorrow night... Keep those thoughts and Prayers going up. Kreg
  18. Kelly Wilson ( WilsonTAMU83 ) is in the Hospital under going tests for severe stomach pain, he went in to the ER Sat night and they are running every test that can to try and figure out what is going on, so far they havn`t found anything. please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, and send a extra up for the doctors to be able to figure this out. Thanks,
  19. Thought it was the least I could do!!
  20. Awsome!!!!!
  21. Ok, Everyone..this change will require a TEST CALL of the new number @ 0200 CST tomorrow 11/27/11
  22. I wouldn`t worry about it, when ever you get ready to get it back on the road just tell them that it been having the motor rebuilt and has been in the shop... their just trying to up there revenue.. Good luck
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