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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Had to git rid of that Mrs. Howel thing......
  2. Yuppers...The little Farm Girl type.....hhhhhhmmmmmm Now lets talk Peticoat Junction!! WoooHoooooo... to be in that water tank!!!
  3. Whoa!!!!! Man thats a bad dream!!! don`t want to get that OLD!!! hahaha
  4. :wow:Happy Birthday !!
  5. may have to go to the Stealer...not really sure, what happened to the original?
  6. not sure if this was mentioned, but when you remove those plugs, a large amount of coolant is going to run out....
  7. Try tightning the head bearings like has been said, also, try letting all the air out of the front forks and see if that has any effect, almost sounds like the air pressure is not the same in both, It wont hurt to run it with no air, so give that a try. as far as the leak goes, those can really be a pain, as bad as you dont want to, it would be sitting at the dealers until they fixxed it, maybe try another dealer if there are others around you. Sorry not much help, hope this helps alittle. Kreg
  8. Looks Great!!! What bags are those?? Great Job!
  9. go for it and have a Great Time!!!
  10. Thank ya`ll very much!! I had a pretty good day at work, and came home to a home made cake and a Roast in the oven...uuuummmmmmm...... Thanks again!!
  11. I have not ever installed risers, but I think Walt hit it on the head..... New Cables will be needed.
  12. Sorry for the lack of attn. you post has received, this is a very good and freindly site. What kind of jack do you have?? If it is a cycle jack, you get a few short 1x4`s and put the jack under your bike, you will want the wood in the front, as the rear of the jack should clear everything and rest up on the frame in the front, place the wood between the frame and the jack making sure that they do not touch the bottom of the motor, It would be best if you had a way of fastening the bike with straps to keep it from sliding off of the jack, or have someone with you, I hope this helps you some. Kreg
  13. Congrats to the both of you and to the new Parents!!!
  14. Good luck, I really like the change, it really helps lessen my neck pain. Kreg
  15. Lowes duel lite Corded type, that what i have, around $15.00 is what I paid for them.
  16. ah..hahaha Ok, Thanks, never heard the term before..
  17. ok...so just what the H%$# is a FarmSaw ???
  18. Rick, are the bolts for the rear seat long enough to use if you have the type of back rest that bolts on there??
  19. Happy Birthday Jim!!!! Have a good one!!
  20. you can always look up what used parts go for on line and go by that or like was said sell the whole thing for $500.00 its really only worth what some one wants to pay for it... and thats if you want to sell it. I have a `53 8N tractor in my back yard, have been offered a few hundred for it, but not what I want for it so it can sit there, not hurting a thing where its at. Good luck!
  21. Thanks for posting this! It seams that we get so tied up in our lives that we forget the trials and tribulations that are on going, like you said every min. of every hour.. Cancer is a terrible dissease and does not discriminate. I have lost both parents and some freinds to "C". Thank you so much for everything that you do to keep St. Judes visible and up front in all of our minds, even the smallest amount of help can make a huge difference in someones life! K
  22. I hope to get to see ya`ll this year, be carefull and enjoy the drive!!!!
  23. The set I have go in between the bars, the lower set, I have only seen one set of them and they were running TD mufflers, he had about 1/8 in clearence. you can always just add a washer or two to gain what clearence that you need. post pics when you get it installed..
  24. your probably Spot On... Texans have too many Key players out, Saints are gonna be all over the Lions, Steelers are hungry, Giants/Falcons...?????
  25. David, sorry you didn`t make it, it was a Great Time as these get togeathers always are... heck post something up!! you could be the first in 2012.... like they say, Post it and they will come!!! Be safe, Kreg
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