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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. I didn`t hear you say Mini Weiner dog???? must be a mistake...slip of the mind?? hhhmmmm I have a mini Weiner Dog, that thinks she has to be your lap 24/7.... she has an attitude, so I named her Cujo... good luck on your search... The SPCA does have some really needy and good dogs though.. K
  2. hhhmmmm not sure..... take it out and see if anything falls off:rotf: Just kidding..... its early.. but no I do not have a clue, could be a " Fender liner" that it is holding in place, ?????
  3. :179::179: Awsome !!!!!!
  4. Fake..... We have had it for around 4 years..... I have it mounted to a board with casters on it, and after Christmas, we cover it up with a giant plastic bag and push it back into the Christmas stuff closet.... now how is that for RedNeckism ?? hahah I meen Ho Ho Ho.....
  5. hahaha God works in Mysterious ways !!! :rotf: Merry Christmas !!!
  6. Very good Plan !!!!!
  7. Super Tech Full Synthetic 75W / 140 is as follows: Recommended where API GL-5 , API MT-1 , SAE J2360, MACK GO-J, MIL-PRF-2105E (PG-2) are Specified. Thanks for the info Leonard.. and All....
  8. Now thats discusting !!!
  9. Originally Posted by Kbay question is, has any one used Super Tech full syn. 75/140 ?? and would it be ok to use?? YES...it will be fine....it can be purchased at wally world..or most auto stores. just dont keep swapping types of oil.. Pick a type of oil and stay with it forever... I use Mobile 1 synthetic 75/90... http://www.autobarn.net/oil26101.html The Super Tech does not say Hypoid on it any where... does this matter??
  10. Cool....Thanks !!!
  11. Some one mentioned awhile back to use Amsoil Syn. Hypoid 75/140 in the rear end.... question is, has any one used Super Tech full syn. 75/140 ?? and would it be ok to use??
  12. If all else fails, you can change the date on your PC... as in go back a few weeks or to when it was not there....
  13. Congrats!!! I know the right Oppertunity will come along for you... Patients is a Vertue... Good luck !! We have you in our Prayers!! K & J
  14. Thanks, I`ll check the wheel out, I have been instructed that I MUST put the xmas lights on the house before anything else....
  15. I rode around 200 miles yesterday, and picked up a light vibration.... it is coming up the bars and just enough to make your hands tingle... any Idea on what to check out ????
  16. I tried some gloves that use the "D" cell batteries.... my hands got colder then when not using them, sent them back the next day. The set I had cost around $40.00 US so may not have been the qaulity that are talking about. Like many here, I have a drawer full of gloves, and can not find any that will keep my hands warm... I may have to spend the big bucks to get some that work... but we only have around 2 months of cold weather a year, so its hard to spend that much money...
  17. I have the " lower end " Cheaper... J&M`s nothing but problems...some times the right speaker goes out, or it may be the left.... the mic`s pick up so much wind / bike noise that you can`t hear the radio... if the wife yurns her head, I get a real loud craking noise blasting my ears.... and the sound ( Tone ) of the speakers is real bad.... I do not use them unless my wife is with me.. some one has to make a better set.... but these are the first and only set I have ever had...
  18. hhhmmmmmm I`m guessing .....200 ????
  19. Man,,,, I wish you could have set out some caution cones.... some one is going to hit that Air spill and wipe out bad !!! Glad you made it home safe !!! Have a blessed Day!!
  20. Jim, Happy Thanksgiving to you also!! May God surround you with a Hedge of protection and return you home Safe !! Thank You for what you do!! God Bless Kreg:bighug:
  21. That is Awsome !!!!
  22. sounds good, sothat was with the RK pipes????
  23. BINGO !!! I would let my Ins. Co. go after them, I would not sign anything.... If you sign that you are only getting the $750.00 and no future claims, should you have more med. issuses with your leg and your bike will not get repaired... Good luck!!
  24. Did you have to make any mods to install these?? either carbs or mounting brackets?? Those look great on a Venture...
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