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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. YUCK !!!! Ya`ll can keep all of that Fluffy White Stuff !!! Its gonna get cold here tonight, but not any of the fluffy stuff.....
  2. Congrats!!!!!! My Grandson turned 1yr, on the 27th
  3. way to go Lowell..... hang in there!!!
  4. I may give ya a visit, if it will let me in, normally just get a Blank white page...
  5. AMEN !!!!!!!
  6. Road Capt. Happen to be the RC for my CMA Chapter... :-)
  7. Well, I am far from being a Guru on the subject, but I would think that as long as it will burn in the heater as it is suposed too, it should be fine. Is your heater the kind that has the big oval dome type element??? Good luck and stay warm.....I have the AC blasting right now...:rotf: But is s`pose to be getting cold in a few day!!
  8. What a Great Day!!! Janet and myself had a Great time, and can`t wait to get together again!! What a Great Family we have here !! We felt as though we knew every one, yet had never met.. I will try and get the pics posted today, but may have to send them to Lonna, and have her post them.... I am kinda ( Pic Post ) handy caped.... Once again, it was great to meet every one, we made new freinds and had a great time.... thats what its all about!! Squid & Sweetnothing.... have a safe trip home, it was really nice to meet ya and even though, I didn`t have the time to get all the parts off of your scoot that I wanted, I did come away with some great Ideas!!! Kreg & Janet
  9. :rotf: Ya`ll have a Happy and Safe new year !!!!
  10. Doesn`t matter, it goes so fast that you really can`t get a good look at it any way!!
  11. A Second Gen!! :rotf: Sorry...............
  12. Awsome Nasty!!!! Thats a beast !! kinda makes my SW 29N 44mag look like a 22.... Have fun with that!! I got a XM Sat. Radio for the scoot from my son....yea!!! now just need to come up with a way to mount it... Have a Merry Christmas and eat lots of good Food!!!
  13. Awsome !!! And a Merry Christmas to you and yours !!!!!!
  14. will the rails for the Nomad fit the Venture?? I really like those, look good and protect more of the lid..
  15. Its probably the playing card you have clothes pinned to it !!!
  16. Thank You All !!!! God Bless!!
  17. Thanks !!! Think we can use a reminder at times!!!
  18. I would use a Chow Chow to fix that problem... but thats just me...
  19. That was sent to me from a freind of mine that lives in S. Bend Ind. I thought it was Awsome and felt the need to share it with ya`ll... the guy who is singing it needs a record deal when he comes home!!
  20. Well at least you didn`t get shocked!!!! :rotf: Been there done that!!!
  21. http://www.flashdemo.net/gallery/wake/index.htm
  22. Merry Christmas !! And a Happy NewYear!!!
  23. That sounds like a good time... when ever you want to get a M&E together, let me know...always ready to meet new freinds!! K
  24. :rotf: I thought it was just me.... Did that yesterday!!
  25. Very nice !! Congrats!!!! Enjoy and be Safe !!
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