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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. Looks good!!!
  2. M&E are not that hard to put on... people have so much going on these days that it is hard to commit. as far as good riding goes, we really have a great time just sitting and talking and getting know each other, hard to get to know a person at 70mph... The M&E we just had was great, alot going on this past weekend, so it made it hard for some folks to make it, but we will have another in the area soon...
  3. I couldn`t find it, Squidley sent it to me, both are available at Radio Shack, sorry I couldn`t be of more help, but some one will come along... Kreg
  4. Well it took me forever to figure this out, so here are some pics... More pics to come. Hope this works. Kreg http://s277.photobucket.com/albums/kk46/kbay_album/BBQ/
  5. I have around 25 pics to post, how do I post them to the VR Photobucket???? HELP
  6. I just want to send out a Great Big Thanks to every one that made it out yesterday, besides the heat I think we all had a Great time!! We ended up with around 16 people here, and I am pretty sure no one left hungry....those that couldn`t make it, we will have another and look forward to seeing ya`ll again soon!! The VRO attendees included the following: TxVenture & Linda (Don) LSMedic ( JB ) Ponch & Kathy ( David ) Gunboat & Joyce & Sarah ( Don ) There where also several other friends and relatives that came in from S`Port, LA Thanks to all that brought goodies!! I think Gunboat thought I needed to put on a few pounds, by leaving that Ice Cream here....:-)~ I want to give a Great Thank You to JB..... my PC had a real nasty Virus, to the point that I couldn`t really use it, and he stayed Sat. Night untill close to 10:00 and worked on it for me, I think we got it cleaned up now, myself and Janet really appreciate all of you and feel that we are blessed to have Freinds like ya`ll. Pics will follow, I need to re-size them then I will post.. Thanks again! Kreg & Janet
  7. Every one in N.E. Texas ok??? just saw some pics on the news that they had some nasty storms in Texarkana area.. Hope all are ok.. K
  8. Speedy, sounds like a great time.... give me a call when you hit Katy, may be able to hook up for a cup of coffee and some Ice Cream... Number in whatchmacallit under Kbay.. Kreg
  9. :clap2: Bravo!!!! Makes one stop and think!!
  10. hhhmmmmm...no I can`t list them here.... they would get deleted....LOL J/K K
  11. Dito.....Nice pics...
  12. Now it works !!!
  13. Pics????????? I see no Pics !!!! you know the rules!!! We must have pics!!!
  14. ok, I am down loading 123Flashchat...is that the one I need???
  15. I`ll try that, I think I have adobe flash, if that matters.. Thanks,
  16. Help !!! I cannot get on Chat, never could, all I get is a blank white screen... Do I need to down load something, or does it just not like me???
  17. Looks Great!! How do you have the drink holder mounted?? I bought 2 of them but didn`t want to spend $40.00 on "P" clamps to mount them..
  18. We will be hosting a M&E on the 24th.... gonna be a Great Time... then will probably just chill out the rest of the weekend.... Ya`ll be Safe and have a Good one!!
  19. I bought the one from WingThings les then a year ago, and it is rusting pretty bad. If you get a cheap one, I would either wax it real good or shoot a coat of clear on it before you install it...
  20. Chat has never worked for me, and still a no go....
  21. ok, the map is posted on the M&E Thread.. not much of a map, but it should work..
  22. I would say its good, but not really my call, I really like that Truck!! post some more pics of that!!
  23. 25yrs next Dec. plus the 3yrs we dated before getting married..... the next 25+ are really gonna be fun!!! We have Grand kids to spoil notten now!!!
  24. Ok, Its Friday!!! The drugs have done there job, for now any way, have to go back to the Dentist this morning, but all should be good.. any way, I am going to start a thread in the M&E forums to post all of the info.. I am not sure if I can relocate this whole thread or not, so will just start a new one... Ya`ll check it out this afternoon, I should have everything posted by then.. Ride Safe!! Kreg
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