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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. easy fix..... start riding with Hardly guys instead of wingers then you can be out front waiting on them to catch up!!!
  2. add a few scotch locks, some elect. wire, a few tywraps, elect.tape, a tire plug kit to get you to a safe location to get a new tire, a CO2 tire air-up kit.... a buddy with a trailer if all eles fails... K
  3. We spent the day in Galveston Sat. on the way home headed North on I45 ( in a cage ) I saw a white 2nd gen in LaMarqe by the Dog track .. any one from here ?? Then a little further north on I45 a black 2nd gen past me on the left the guy he was riding with was on a Hardly, the guy on the Hardly almost got a chance to see the under side on my F250 up close and personal, this guy cut in on me so close that I couldn`t see much of him, if the 2nd gen rider is on this site, you really need to have a chat with your Hardly buddy, if you intend to ride with him much longer. I do not brake for Stupid, and this was very close to his last day on this planet... I am very glad that he made it though, as I hate to fill out paper work and the such.. K
  4. Prayers are with ya`ll JT, and for god to give the Dr`s the knowledge to treat the Cancer. K
  5. Sounds like a nice trip, I am from Polson Mt. grew up there on the lake.. I havn`t been back for a few years, but want to ride up through the SD badlands, then head west, stop and see my sister in St. Ignisous (M/S) then head over to Wash. and take the old hiway south through Or. Do you have any pics??
  6. The info, ( Not Complete yet ) is listed in the VR Rallies under Texas Stampede. JB ( Lonestar Medic ) has been heading this up. If you are familiar with that area or have any info on that area, give JB a shout.. Look forward to seeing everyone there... Kreg
  7. dr bar, now I like the looks of those alot better then the bakers... how much do they run if you don`t me asking. Thanks, Kreg
  8. take it to a lock smith, they can make the keys for you and get your gas cap off and make that key also... good luck!! K
  9. ya`ll come on down, we are having a VR Rally in NE Texas the weekend of Oct 18th... great rides and a great time for all.... K
  10. Don, glad to hear you are feeling better then the other night.. don`t over do it! Our prayers and thoughts are with you always! Kreg & Janet
  11. I have been noticing that my key is getting hot, hot enough that when I put it in my pocket after a ride, it will get my attention.. Is this a sign that the switch is going bad???
  12. Way to go Dan...now you made every body start that thinking thang!! and you know how bad that can be!!! LOL
  13. Congrats Dan!! Did they get the RSV fixed ???? Ride Safe!! K
  14. Same here, our bikes have alot of surface area for the wind to push around, just stay relaxed, keep your arms loose and don`t over compemsate.... ( sorry can`t spell )
  15. sounds good for short term use, but 4 guys and 2 pipes can lift the bike and put it on a trailer........... Just a thought...
  16. Great news Don, it was good talking to ya, and I`ll be in touch.... Take it easy on that Ice Cream and Chocolate Cherry`s..... Prayers and Thoughts are with ya`ll, Kreg & Janet
  17. I have XM and just plugged it to the Lighter on the fairing, I ran the Antenia under the fairing to the dask and all works fine.. K
  18. I have seen them in J&P Cycles mag. not sure of the cost
  19. Ride Safe!!! Sounds like a good time
  20. Love that color!!! Nice ride!!
  21. Thanks, I am going to try the reg. It`s getting close to $20.00 to fill up my bike with the high Octane....
  22. What fuel does every one use?? I have been using the highest Octane I can get get, but read that some just run Regular gas???
  23. LOL BINGO!! I do not play golf, but think my swing was pretty good!!
  24. Caution !! ya`ll it is Summer or close to it, and the slithery creatures are out! This morning, while out in my " Shop" I pluged my big fan up, it blew the Ground fault breaker on the wall socket, so I go over and push the re-set, after pushing it, I see this 2ft long bundle of fun!!! I do not know how I didn`t get bit, as my hand was only about 2in from its head.. Ya`ll be careful!!
  25. Awsome!!!! Congrats!!!
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