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Everything posted by Kregerdoodle

  1. ok, I had a Y cable on it when I had my Sat. Radio on it, so I can just put that back in line, sounds easy enough..Thanks,
  2. I am wanting to do that, do you have any under the fairing pics of all of the connections?? Thanks,
  3. Had a fake present set up like that with a button under the bow, when you hand it to your buddy, you press the button, after they get thier %$# back together it is best to not be around...:-)
  4. Dan is a good guy, haven`t seen him in a while, but still have a set of his straight pipes hanging in the shop.. I remember he got in a tight a few yrs ago and sold his RSV, glad to hear he is doing better. Thanks Gary! We plan to drop in on ya this next week after things calm down around here. Kreg
  5. It will not stay primed, I loose all pressure in the clutch handle. The plates and disks and spring are all new, no problem there.
  6. My clutch slave isn`t leaking, but lost it a few weeks ago, bled the system and 2nd day I rode to work, same thing... will probably replace Slave and re-build master, where is the best place to order the Slave from?? and are they calling it the " Push Lever " only thing I could fine close. Thanks
  7. Long time John, Not gonna make it, Clutch Slave went out last week, so grounded for right now, If you get time, stop by and say Hi!
  8. *** I am not sure if someone else has picked up and ran with the Gauge mod or not, Ponch got rid of all of parts and anything motor Cycle related awhile back. I stay in pretty close contact with them and can check if he has a template for the plate laying around next time I stop by and visit, but really don`t think so. K
  9. Many Thanks to 2 great Friends for the Birthday present!! I will not post names, but just want to say thank you both!! Kreg
  10. http://s1227.photobucket.com/user/JanetW936/library/Whittig%20group%20get%20together%208-17-14/April%202015%20Maint%20Day?sort=3&page=1 This one just opened..
  11. well shoot, I don`t know what the deal is, sorry!
  12. Always a Great Time. http://s1227.photobucket.com/user/Ja...?sort=3&page=1
  13. My `01 is really loud, all the time, and not sure I want to dump 300.00+- to change the basket for fear it will not change a thing... starting to think Indian...maybe next year.
  14. sounds like loose connection on Batterie
  15. Thanks alot, thought so, just wanted to make sure..
  16. Last year, janet and myself were entering hwy 290 out by Lake Summerville and ended up in the middle of around 100 or so Banditos... just minded our own business and road on, no problems, I have 3 good friends that are members all is good, but when others start showing up, its time to say later and get out of there..
  17. Question..... Are the rectifier and regulator the same thing?? I think mine is toast, but just got a new battery today and have some more testing to do before I start dumping cash.. Thanks,
  18. cool thanks alot, mine would show a full charge but would not start my bike, charged it up and took it to NAPA for a Load test only showed 86CCA , they couldn`t tell me what it should be, ordered a new one any way, so will have it tomorrow, then can see if I still have a RR problem or if it was just the battery all this time. Thanks again.
  19. Any one know what the Cold Cranking Amps should be on a ES20LBS Battery ?? I did a search on line and came up empty..
  20. Hate to hear things like this...Prayers to the Family.
  21. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ad.php?t=81297 __________________ Jeff Borowski . . 88 Venture standard Thanks alot!! I will start checking things out tonight.. K
  22. Where to start?? I have noticed that my head light will dim when the turn signals are on, this has been going on a few days, then this morning it wouldn`t start, turned over a few times then that was it.....where do I start to hunt for the problem?? ( Battery is only 6mths old ) Thanks,
  23. Had a Great Time, Great Food and Great Friends...Thanks to you all for making these things happen!!! http://s1227.photobucket.com/user/JanetW936/library/Whittig%20group%20get%20together%208-17-14?sort=9&page=1
  24. I`ll be stopping by to see Him and Kathy this next week..I`ll be sure and tell him ya`ll said hi.and are thinking of him.
  25. remove tank so that the wires can be ran correctly, the box and fuse mount just under the front of the back seat...
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