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About tyota9

  • Birthday 08/03/1972

Personal Information

  • Name
    Brandon smith


  • Location
    herriman, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 yamaha royal star venture
  1. I agree with the previous post, assume they don't see you. Also "clear" the intersection before u get to it, if you clear it when you are at it, it may be to late to stop or use evasive maneuvers. Also don't just clear the intersections with the stop lights and stop signs, clear the little ones too, side streets, alleyways, etc. Keep your eyes moving, always scanning always watching for the person that isn't paying attention. Be safe out there oh ya, wear a helmet!!!
  2. So is that the new target? ? Hooters girls??
  3. No one said it had to be a happy clown:) ya the pictures don't do him justice, very creepy, very creepy indead. If you have ever watched the TV show ghost hunters, there was a recent episode that they were here in Utah at the "fear factory". Well that is where u can find creepy clowns:) so what is the next target??? I'm ready.....
  4. Thx looks like I will taking lights apart tonight:)
  5. So after a nice long ride today, I get off my bike and realize that the left headlight and turn signal were really loose. From the outside it doesn't look like there is any way to tighten them up. Is there a nut and bolt on the inside to tighten them up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way it is a 99 royal star venture with the three lights across the front, one side is great and the other really loose, if the wind blew on them I would be afraid of it falling off, that kind of loose. Thx
  6. K here are my clown pics, just a little late I think though, better late then never, right
  7. Bummer, I just got photos of a clown too, I will post them anyway, I'm having technical issues
  8. Keep I'm confused, so do we not need the clown now?? Where we at then, what's next??
  9. I was just about to mention the bmw k1200lt. I had a 1999, when I sold it it had over 90,000 miles on it, all I ever did in those miles was change oil, plugs filters and finally replaced clutch at 85k. Oh yeah, and a couple batteries. It was comfy, smooth as silk and powerful, great gas mileage too, always 50+. Handled on rails too. One of these days I will probably own another one along with my rsv. I would definitely look into one, good luck.
  10. It's stories like this that remind me that there are still a lot of wonderful people in this world, thanks for sharing, and happy birthday! !!!
  11. tyota9


    After he gets his harley, I think he will be wishing he still had his yamaha
  12. I'm always willing to help a fellow rider, I'm sorry to hear about his ordeal. I think if everyone who has ever received help in some way to "pay it forward" that would really help. I can send a small amount if it helps, tell me when and where
  13. That looks fantastic!! Sign me up!!!
  14. From what it sounds like, the second gen weighs more, but if I recall correctly, I rode my buddies first gen once and it felt a lot heavier then my second gen. Just my opinion also my second gen feels lighter than my goldwing
  15. Thx guys, I'll give it a shot, sounds easy enough
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